NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

I just couldn't get into Cosby...and history shows I had a good reason not too

He just seemed like one of them bougie ******...then when I got older and started hearing about his speeches I was like **** this gimp...
I ****** with the Cosby Show...
This sucks man , cause the cosby show is one of the top 3 best sitcoms of all time. No denying that.  I watch that show every time it comes on. Hell I grew up watching that show. And now this monster done ruined it for everybody. It's not fair to the other cast members that the show got pulled , but such is life.
First of all F Bill Cosby. But what is the point of this coming out? Do people feel safer knowing this? Is it just a payback? Who cares...
I don't even understand rape or rape culture at all.

Like...That isn't hot to rape a girl. That's a hella turn off to be trying to bone a female and she's screaming / crying pleading for you to stop.

How do you even get off to that. 
People get off on anything bruh, the screaming and stuff might egg them on
I mean it wasnt funny but it always had a good message.
Which is even more hypocritical that those messages were coming from a scumbag who was cheating on his wife and drugging women so he could sleep with them smh
Always thought the Cosby show was corny and extra hokey anyway, even for an 80's show. Different World >>> Cosby Show. All that money and fame yet still ain't **** but a hypocrite.

different world>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>cosby show. and its not even close.

cosby's aint get good til olivia. she was the cutest ever. cosby's had a dope brownstone tho.
My homie was throwing a party back in hs and some girl was passed out and a dude had the nerve to ask my friend if he could take her upstairs. Safe to say dude got his face beat and thrown out in the street
First of all F Bill Cosby. But what is the point of this coming out? Do people feel safer knowing this? Is it just a payback? Who cares...
The victims and their family.

The people who supported him.

Scum like him should always be exposed regardless of legal limitations.
So all those years of being mentally damaged due to Bill Cosby, is now alleviated cuz it came out officially?
If it helps the victims more power to them. But this isn't being done for the victims.
It's being done to bring down a serial rapist who has skated through life unscathed and unapologetic.

Now everyone knows and hopefully he'll find a nice cold rock to hide under until he's dead.

I'm not sure where you're trying to go with this.

Is there a reason why we shouldn't care? 
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