NAACP Leader Exposed as White Woman in Blackface

This story was very interesting at first but now it's just another celebrity grab....can't say I blame her, but this would stop being a story if she would just come out and say "I'm white, but I identify as black" and she knows it. Didn't rustle me at first, but now she can go **** herself

im saying tho.... this chick is going down in history for wildin
My Grandmothers, mom, and auntie's went through too much in the south as black women for this white lady to get on TV and think its cool for her to be black all of a sudden. It's beyond disrespectful in my eyes bruh. If she had any real respect for our people she would lend a helping hand in her own skin. Instead she lies and tries to come up off of it, mane FDB!
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blackface though?

lmao, can you guys think for yourselves or just repeat buzzwords?
blackface became a buzzword AFTER the black community accused her of it first...

lol... you think we are copying mainstream media? **** outta here
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This story was very interesting at first but now it's just another celebrity grab....can't say I blame her, but this would stop being a story if she would just come out and say "I'm white, but I identify as black" and she knows it. Didn't rustle me at first, but now she can go **** herself[/size ]

The more I read... The more I'm just :smh: at her
anyone have an article to what she's actually done to advance progress and change in the black community? Lol all i've seen her doing is criticizing blacks for not being black enough. 

are people mad that she lied this whole time? 

or are people mad at the lie AND her saying she identifies as a black woman... 

are people mad that she lied this whole time? 

or are people mad at the lie AND her saying she identifies as a black woman... 

1. being able to choose if you want to be black is the pinnacle of white priveledge 

2. She profited off portraying herself as black both financially and politically...

3. She criticized other black people's "blackness" and spoke on her "struggle" as a black woman.... 

4. She didn't really want to be a normal black person.... she wanted attention and prestige by using the black culture as a platform to advance herself... She wasn't trying to live as a regular black woman working a normal job in obscurity....
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This is a disgrace.

Despite being dragged by black media outlets, mainstream media is at worst just asking her "Why?" and at best praising her "transformation" and "transracial" identity. I think this is what many white people have dreamed of. They were waiting for that one person daring (or daft) enough to go undercover as black face and not get caught. Now that it has happened, racists young and old will feel no qualms about dressing in black face because "she  did it and there wasn't a problem so why can't I?" The NAACP really shot itself in the foot with this one. They really shot us in the foot with this one.

And the worst part of it is I see black men on the internet -- I know you shouldn't take social media too seriously but my jimmies are nonetheless still rustled -- caping for her when they would never cape for a black woman of any complexion in the same manner. It's truly disheartening.


1. being able to choose if you want to be black is the pinnacle of white priveledge 

2. She profited off portraying herself as black both financially and politically...

3. She criticized other black people's "blackness" and spoke on her "struggle" as a black woman.... 

4. She didn't really want to be a normal black person.... she wanted attention and prestige by using the black culture as a platform to advance herself... She wasn't trying to live as a regular black woman working a normal job in obscurity....

I see people being upset with the lies.... she's a fraud in that respect 

but given the acceptance of transgenders, I really don't see the difference ... again, minus the lies

so it's like, had she taken the proper steps to be "trans-racial" what would the reaction be? 

my guess is she'd be a joke and would have never got to where she is ..... 

while on the other hand Jenner is getting praise and a courage award 

each day I wake up more confused about American society
But... you can't be Transracial. I don't get what people don't understand about this.

What are the proper steps to becoming this ? Just curious
just like a man can't be a woman but people still do it.....

AND.... it's accepted 

"proper steps" is me being sarcastic..... because apparently there are steps people can take to changes genders ...which is as absurd as changing races, yet one is accepted and practiced regularly while the other isn't 

makes no sense... 

it's one thing to alter your appearance.... but America now says you're now another gender and get all that comes with that gender .... 
AND.... it's accepted 

"proper steps" is me being sarcastic..... because apparently there are steps people can take to changes genders ...which is as absurd as changing races, yet one is accepted and practiced regularly while the other isn't 

makes no sense... 

it's one thing to alter your appearance.... but America now says you're now another gender and get all that comes with that gender .... 
what are you talking about?

altering her appearance is no big deal....

gaining positions of power and furthering her career by disguising herself as black while criticizing black people's "blackness",  fabricating her struggle by sending herself hatemail and speaking on her experiences "growing up black" ....that's the issue..

do you really think this would be a story if a random white woman tanned and made her hair curly?

you are deflecting from the real issue by focusing on "trans" issues....that isn't what this is about...
1. being able to choose if you want to be black is the pinnacle of white priveledge 

2. She profited off portraying herself as black both financially and politically...

3. She criticized other black people's "blackness" and spoke on her "struggle" as a black woman.... 

4. She didn't really want to be a normal black person.... she wanted attention and prestige by using the black culture as a platform to advance herself... She wasn't trying to live as a regular black woman working a normal job in obscurity....
i notice that you didn't address any of these 4 reasons I gave you as to why this is a big deal...

you already had the "well they accept transgenders" argument in your head before you even posed a question..

you were just waiting to use that as a way to deflect from the issue...

try to address what people are talking about, rather than what YOU think this is about..
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what are you talking about?

altering her appearance is no big deal....

gaining positions of power and furthering her career by disguising herself as black while criticizing black people's "blackness",  fabricating her struggle by sending herself hatemail and speaking on her experiences "growing up black" ....that's the issue..

do you really think this would be a story if a random white woman tanned and made her hair curly?

you are deflecting from the real issue by focusing on "trans" issues....that isn't what this is about...

I see people being upset with the lies.... she's a fraud in that respect 

but given the acceptance of transgenders, I really don't see the difference ... again, minus the lies

so it's like, had she taken the proper steps to be "trans-racial" what would the reaction be? 

my guess is she'd be a joke and would have never got to where she is ..... 

while on the other hand Jenner is getting praise and a courage award 

each day I wake up more confused about American society
if you read what I wrote, we wouldn't be going over this right now.... 

I asked what people were mad about ..... and was told both the lies and her saying she felt black 

again, I get people upset with the lies.... 

what I don't get is people upset with her saying she feels black 

secondly, the post you chose to quote was a direct reply to a specific question....

so it turning to another issue was based on the question i was asked 
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Wen she went to howard she sued them for discrimination because she was white.

I legit think shes crazy or a sociopath dead srs
 I asked what people were mad about ..... and was told both the lies and her saying she felt black 

again, I get people upset with the lies.... 

what I don't get is people upset with her saying she feels black 

secondly, the post you chose to quote was a direct reply to a specific question....

so it turning to another issue was based on the question i was asked 
all you addressed was lies....

nobody would care if a random white woman lied about being black....

what are you talking about...???

can you address white priviledge, the deception for financial and political gain, the chastising of blacks, and the fabrication of struggle by faking her experiences and sending herself hatemail, the marginalization of actual struggle by claiming you can choose to experience it....

to simplify all this to "just lies" is disingenuous...

you addressed not one point made...and I know why
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