My Professor just emailed me about my paper.

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by funkyfreshfelix

Doesn't matter if you missed a sentence. What you should be worrying about is helping out your so called professor with grammar.

SMH at all those uneccessary unnecessary commas. I'm only a high school senior and i'd son him. Terrible.
No, you "sonned" yourself. Those "unnecessary" commas equal correct grammar.

Nicely played JRS!
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

It was always a great moment when we'd get giant term papers back in class and the prof would announce as he was handing them back that one or two people failed due to plagiarism.
haha that happened in HS and i felt like S!!! cause it was a group project....turns out i wasnt one of the ones who got caught
i dont plagarize tho, or anymore should i say.

to the OP, if you aint knowingly copy anything, all you can be is honest so, i think you should be good.

Edit: what yall think about turning in one of your old papers from another class?
it's been a week since I turned in my 23pg senior thesis paper, i am still crossing my fingers hoping i don't get an email like that for oneunintentional slip up
depending on your school, it could be a number of consequences if you are in fact guilty... probation, suspension, expulsion. youre lucky in that a teachercontacted you before going to the dean. Many friends of mine freshman year, who all roomed together, got into some trouble on a short paper that wasplagarized. Few lines here or there, uncited. most likely intentionally done because they were lazy but the point is, the professor went straight to the dean.Paper was due a week before finals. so when finals come and go, and its the last day of classes before leaving home, they check their mailboxes at the studentresidence commons, and they get a letter from the dean. That professor straight up didnt say anything during the final and went straight for the kill.

Its a cruel world out there. take solace in the fact that this teacher wasnt that cruel and just may be worried about your wellbeing. god knows she or he couldmake it a huge hassle with you having to schedule an appt. with the dean to discuss this.
Just tell him you forgot to cite it.


But if he has been catching this type of stuff from you all semester, RIP.

Fact of the matter is you should try your best to turn in your own work. Sure, it's cool to pull a few helpful quotes, but still then you should paraphraseso you don't get put in the situation you are in now.

You'll be okay. Don't worry.
davidisgodly wrote:


Why don't you email your prof that exact sentence?
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

He is serious. UPDATE.

Dear David,

If you are free to meet tomorrow at 4, that would be fine. Please bring with you any notes or drafts you used to put together your paper, and hopefully we can figure things out.


Prof. Rice

Wow. Looks like I did actually take a sentence. It was the first sentence for my conclusion and I have no idea why I did it. He was pissed that I did it,saying another teacher would have gave me an F. He had the whole website opened and my paper... It was bad.

So he said he is taking 10 points off and said I have to be much more careful. I am so upset at myself.
Edit: what yall think about turning in one of your old papers from another class?

i did that about 5 different times my first semester of college
got A's on all the papers/speeches too
It was weird, he was choking up when he was trying to talk to me, must have been on his mind for a couple of days.

To say the least, I am at an all time low.
Originally Posted by davidisgodly


Wow. Looks like I did actually take a sentence. It was the first sentence for my conclusion and I have no idea why I did it. He was pissed that I did it, saying another teacher would have gave me an F. He had the whole website opened and my paper... It was bad.

So he said he is taking 10 points off and said I have to be much more careful. I am so upset at myself.
It'll be ok baby.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

son its one sentence, jus tell him that you forgot to cite it.
stop acting like its the end of the world
Exactly. It's not THAT bad. I'm pretty sure you tell him you forgot (and if you have the site, give it to him) and he'll probably befine with it. If you don't remember just tell him you forgot to jot down the info of the site and didn't realize you didn't cite it.
had some similar stuff happen to me. what school do you go to. my professors last name was rice too.
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