MTV Challenge: Rivals III - Premiers May 4th

Easy win for Wes.

Synopsis on the guide said 2 teams went home I was still waiting for who that would be toward the end until I realized they're counting Cory.

Dario the coward, Vinny just talking ****.

:lol: @ Wes and Sarah.
Man Nany is so Gorgeous but she is so, Damn, naggy, Lord!

Always with the mouth and complaining and mad and hurt and crying and yelling and more yelling and upset at someone and beefing and just drama.

You can keep that p girl, just go away and shut up.

If had to listen to that mouth Ef it, I'm gonna be a piece behind, it never stops, ever.
I think nany's complaining and camilla's were way different tho. personality wise id still rather have nany. personally.

My man Zack dumped Jenna over the phone while she was in another country :rofl: :rofl:
i thought they broke up before that.?
My man Zack dumped Jenna over the phone while she was in another country :rofl: :rofl:

Awesome. He's really is the man.

Hindsight 20/20, but nobody beating beta boy and thirstina in that elimination. Smaller team, smaller limbs. If Dario made the smart play, backpack or vinny pig would of gone home.

Man if Wes somehow survives the stacked odds and win this. He's the second all time behind Landon.

Dying at Wes shutting down Sarah trying to cut a promo on him. That's like two weeks in a row, Sarah fumbled her words and looked like a moron.
Wes on some lebron **** if he ends up pulling it out and winning with the odds stacked against him.
I think nany's complaining and camilla's were way different tho. personality wise id still rather have nany. personally.
My man Zack dumped Jenna over the phone while she was in another country
i thought they broke up before that.?
yah i thought so too. In the previews, he said something about it being Brooke. Now I'm interested in who this Brooke is 
I'll be disappointed if Bananas/Vince/Wes all make the top 3. I want to see at least one of them go home empty handed.
Definitely pulling for Wes. Vince is such a monstrous douchebag. :lol: Dario is weak as hell too...Shocked Cory lost...Guess he's an "only arms" guy in the gym. Weak.
Wes was completely right about sarah. if johnny hated her he would be the only one still having her back.

I've always been Team wes tho.

i need wess for bananas in that final. this is practically kobe vs lebron.
Definitely pulling for Wes. Vince is such a monstrous douchebag.
Dario is weak as hell too...Shocked Cory lost...Guess he's an "only arms" guy in the gym. Weak.
That Challenge wasn't built for bigger competitors. 

Nate and Christina would have beat Johnny and Sarah by a land slide as well.

Vince in a final? Last place for sure.

Endurance will have him on the sidelines throwing up.
Vince sucks...has not done anything last or this challenge, he's just riding Bananas coattails. He'll fail if he makes it to finals, Jenna a better competitor than him
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