MONEY Can't Buy Happiness Vol. The millionaires perspective

Sounds to me like someone that hates his job, used the salary as an excuse to stay at said job ... Now he finds himself an empty vacuum, shell of a man and decides to blame greed/money as his downfall/scapegoat .. His whole "coming from a poor family" nonsense has been used time and time again as an excuse for laziness .. It's his fault that his life is out of wack/ lacks perspective and not the "monies"
Carrying on the whole Nicolas Cage example, if there was anything to blame him for i would venture that it would be him leaving his children destitute[which I've read nothing of in any articles about him]. I see no problem in him spending every single penny he has earned, after leaving his children and immediate family in good standing. At the end of the day that money does not leave with him
Originally Posted by F A Y B A N

Sounds like Siddharta, but at the end he realized a life of ascetism and renunciated worldy pleasures is as pointless as a life consumed with acquiring and building wealth. Their has to be some middle ground, normal people don't live by extremes.

He realized that they continued to thirst, the asectic can be considered even worse because now your thirsting not to thirst. Hypocrisy. Now finding middle ground is the hardest part.
i dont know all about that. My happiness bar would go up by a thousand if i had a mil right now
X as big as the sun.
So much ignorance in this thread. Most people saying "money can buy happiness" don't know what happiness is. Happiness is "a state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment, love, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy". If you need money to find those things, you have serious issues.

I think the reason a lot of people are unhappy is not because they don't have money or are living from paycheck to paycheck, but it's because they don't have time to do the things that will bring them contentment, love, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy. If you are working 8-12hrs on a daily basis, I don't blame you for being unhappy
Happiness is an internal thing, and no amount of material things can truly affect that. Investment bankers are a prime example of this. They make a ton of money, but also a ton of hours to earn that money. At the end of the day, they don't have the time to do things that make them happy, or discover things that make them happy.

That said, I think this guy went about it the wrong way. I wouldn't have given it all away, but I would've just spent my time looking for things that made me happy. And by things I mean experiences like traveling, art, etc and not an Alpine Retreat and a fancy car.
Originally Posted by renkxedik

Sounds to me like someone that hates his job, used the salary as an excuse to stay at said job ... Now he finds himself an empty vacuum, shell of a man and decides to blame greed/money as his downfall/scapegoat ..
Sounds about right.
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