MONEY Can't Buy Happiness Vol. The millionaires perspective

so many flawed logic
Im like him i care not for money.

But i do need it because instead of buying materials, im into buying experiences.

I used to be very materialistic, and then one day i lost all of my stuff i claimed dear to me. I learned how to live without, and now that im in the position to get those things back id rather not. I just buy basic things i need. Im trying to live a less wasteful life, not only dealing with items but time also.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Yo i need to show this to my dad. every other thing outta his mouth is about money
Update: Showed him..... long story short he got pissed and tried to lecture me on how stupid the guy is.....
Maybe it wouldnt be like that if you pulled your weight and payed some bills. Rich and unhappy is a whole lot better than poor and homeless.
Sounds like Siddharta, but at the end he realized a life of ascetism and renunciated worldy pleasures is as pointless as a life consumed with acquiring and building wealth. Their has to be some middle ground, normal people don't live by extremes.
If living in a wooden hut makes you happy then do it.
I think it's cool that he gave all his money to charity
money doesn't buy happiness it buys us things that make us feel good for a certain amount of time.
Originally Posted by daemacho

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Yo i need to show this to my dad. every other thing outta his mouth is about money
Update: Showed him..... long story short he got pissed and tried to lecture me on how stupid the guy is.....
Maybe it wouldnt be like that if you pulled your weight and payed some bills. Rich and unhappy is a whole lot better than poor and homeless.
I don't live at home
Originally Posted by HigherGround

Originally Posted by F A Y B A N


get out of my thread you herb.
I told you to hit up Google for something and now I'm persona non-grata, and I don't even know you. And now everytime I post you trying to go hard at me?  Grow up, it's a community.
you guys sound salty like you just got cut out of the will
it's not your money

anyways, people just want what they cant have, thats the bottom line
this fool gave away 3 million.
%!!*+ if you want a little happiness buy a damn dog.
if he really wanted happiness, he could have found himself a nice woman to build a family with and given himself something to love and be happy with.

sure, money cant buy happiness, but this %!!*+ was doing it wrong.
Originally Posted by Clevereddie

didn't read the article or thread, but

If money doesn't make you happy (from the perspective of a millionaire)
then why doesn't he donate/let go of all his money?
That's exactly what he did.
Originally Posted by F A Y B A N

Originally Posted by Clevereddie

didn't read the article or thread, but

If money doesn't make you happy (from the perspective of a millionaire)
then why doesn't he donate/let go of all his money?
That's exactly what he did.
thats what happens when you dont read boys and girls
Originally Posted by hella handsome

this fool gave away 3 million.
%!!*+ if you want a little happiness buy a damn dog.
if he really wanted happiness, he could have found himself a nice woman to build a family with and given himself something to love and be happy with.

sure, money cant buy happiness, but this %!!*+ was doing it wrong.
You seem mad.
Originally Posted by F A Y B A N

Originally Posted by Clevereddie

didn't read the article or thread, but

If money doesn't make you happy (from the perspective of a millionaire)
then why doesn't he donate/let go of all his money?
That's exactly what he did.
then I believe him
I agree with him. But does a lack of money achieve happiness? or is money a non-factor to achieve happiness. I would have kept the money.
I can respect his sentiments. The things you own end up owning you. It is only after you have lost everything that you are free to do anything.

So many of us slave away at jobs in pursuit of material possessions. I'm not saying I'm not guilty of this either, but how much joy can a Ferrari, an 8,000 square foot house, and a dime for a wife bring you? There is a line you draw between practicality and luxury. If you don't have a need for a 24 bedroom, 32 bathroom house, why own it? Just because? If I ever came across millions, I would be sensible with my money. Live in a comfortable, but not excessive home. Own/drive a comfortable and reasonable, not excessive and flashy vehicle. Plan my finances so that I can live comfortably for the rest of my life, travel, and truly be at peace. Look at Nicholas Cage. He squandered his money on 9 Rolls Royces and a bunch of properties that he didn't need. And now he's losing a great deal of what he worked towards, and in the end he has nothing to show for all that wasted money. I could stretch my income and buy a Lexus or a BMW, but for what? So I can be pretentious and act like my car is an extension of my personality, or that I am better than others because I drive a luxury car? I drive a 1999 Nissan Altima that I don't care about. When I was backing out of my parking spot today, I accidentally tapped a light post. I didn't care. I didn't rush to the dealership to get the bumper painted so it looks perfect. My car gets me from point A to point B, just the same as any other car.

Sure money can satisfy the pursuit of material possessions, but material possessions should not be the key to your happiness. If I had a Ferrari, I would be too damn concerned about people ruining it that I couldn't enjoy it. It's a good feeling to not give a +#!# about the car you drive, and not get your panties in a bunch when someone opens their door and hits your car.
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by hella handsome

this fool gave away 3 million.
%!!*+ if you want a little happiness buy a damn dog.
if he really wanted happiness, he could have found himself a nice woman to build a family with and given himself something to love and be happy with.

sure, money cant buy happiness, but this %!!*+ was doing it wrong.
You seem mad.
hell yeah. son had 3 million and tried to pull the "i was happier when i was broke" line. best believe, if i have 3 mil, ima be singin' "cant tell me nothin" everyday in the car.
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