MONEY Can't Buy Happiness Vol. The millionaires perspective

i believe that true happiness can only be obtained if a person is capable of enjoying spending time by themselves. if you can appreciate silence and being with just your thoughts, you are
If I had millions of dollars I would be happy as a #!@+. I would buy a GT-R and an apartment in Midtown Manhattan and Im good

But to be happy, your mind has to be right. No matter how much money you have, if youre a miserable person, you will be a miserable person no matter what. IMO money cant buy happiness, only rent it for a certain amount of time.
Happiness is being true to yourself. Just do what you want to do and everything will fall into place.
This is what I try to explain to people all the time...

A lot people always wonder why celebrities (or anybody with a lot of money) tend to not be normal people and do weird things, and this is why... of low to middle class people seem to think that once you get a Charger and a decent place to live, you can sit back and that's all there is to life, and these are the type of people who will probably never know what life is about until they get every material posession they ever want and have to ask themselves "Whats next?" That question could possibly drive a lot of people to do things out of the ordinary like drugs, trying to find a higher ground after they have reached what they thought was the height there is to life. Sometimes, it's a sad situation.

If you know what life means to you before you're able to obtain physical posessions like that, you'll probably be ok. It's the ones who are forced to find out what their life means to them after what they gain material wealth that end up disappointed.
Musta seen fight club recently.

Would one be happy if they did everything they wanted and achieved everything they always wanted to do. Lets say you did do everything on your list, wouldn't a new list takes it's place?

I believe happiness comes from just everyday stuff, and many people do not realize what they have until its gone and do not realize what they want to they have it.
Man if I had a million, I'd be happy as hell. Just living life to the fullest, open like a shop like I've always wanted. Being able to spend more time with my family.
As cool as this guy is, it's about how you live life once you have the wealth. If you became wealthy so you can have nice cars, houses, and broads then in the long run you'll probably be unhappy. I'm doing it so my family can live comfortably and be financially free, then I want to help others while living in a place where I can relax and a car that runs well and I don't have to worry about financial issues.

but hey, I'm not quite there yet so maybe it's just an illusion, who noes. to each his own.
Originally Posted by eeibaby

Man if I had a million, I'd be happy as hell. Just living life to the fullest, open like a shop like I've always wanted. Being able to spend more time with my family.

you don't gotta be rich to spend time with your family now.
So many of us slave away at jobs in pursuit of material possessions.I'm not saying I'm not guilty of this either, but how much joy can aFerrari, an 8,000 square foot house, and a dime for a wife bring you?There is a line you draw between practicality and luxury. If you don'thave a need for a 24 bedroom, 32 bathroom house, why own it? Justbecause? If I ever came across millions, I would be sensible with mymoney. Live in a comfortable, but not excessive home. Own/drive acomfortable and reasonable, not excessive and flashy vehicle. Plan myfinances so that I can live comfortably for the rest of my life,travel, and truly be at peace. Look at Nicholas Cage. He squandered hismoney on 9 Rolls Royces and a bunch of properties that he didn't need.And now he's losing a great deal of what he worked towards, and in theend he has nothing to show for all that wasted money. I could stretchmy income and buy a Lexus or a BMW, but for what? So I can bepretentious and act like my car is an extension of my personality, orthat I am better than others because I drive a luxury car? I drive a1999 Nissan Altima that I don't care about. When I was backing out ofmy parking spot today, I accidentally tapped a light post. I didn'tcare. I didn't rush to the dealership to get the bumper painted so itlooks perfect. My car gets me from point A to point B, just the same asany other car.

Sure money can satisfy the pursuit of material possessions, butmaterial possessions should not be the key to your happiness. If I hada Ferrari, I would be too damn concerned about people ruining it that Icouldn't enjoy it. It's a good feeling to not give a +#!# about the caryou drive, and not get your panties in a bunch when someone opens theirdoor and hits your car.
I disagree with your statements.  I say that because most of us slave so we don't have to "be on the corner with the why lie I need a beer sign"  Of course we buy material things also but thats not what most people are slaving for imo.  Everybody wants the good life and whatever that means to each individual person.  If its balling outta control or living in a hut like boy its still somebody's version of the good life.  I don't know anybody that don't want whatever their version of the good life is.  Point is just because people don't want your version of the good life doesn't mean it's not the good life.  Just isn't your version of it.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Money can't solve psychological/emotional problems.
Agreed. I can attest to this.

Above all, helping others, experiencing things, surrounding yourself with trust and character... these are things that bring happiness.
Originally Posted by Peteweezy

So many of us slave away at jobs in pursuit of material possessions.I'm not saying I'm not guilty of this either, but how much joy can aFerrari, an 8,000 square foot house, and a dime for a wife bring you?There is a line you draw between practicality and luxury. If you don'thave a need for a 24 bedroom, 32 bathroom house, why own it? Justbecause? If I ever came across millions, I would be sensible with mymoney. Live in a comfortable, but not excessive home. Own/drive acomfortable and reasonable, not excessive and flashy vehicle. Plan myfinances so that I can live comfortably for the rest of my life,travel, and truly be at peace. Look at Nicholas Cage. He squandered hismoney on 9 Rolls Royces and a bunch of properties that he didn't need.And now he's losing a great deal of what he worked towards, and in theend he has nothing to show for all that wasted money. I could stretchmy income and buy a Lexus or a BMW, but for what? So I can bepretentious and act like my car is an extension of my personality, orthat I am better than others because I drive a luxury car? I drive a1999 Nissan Altima that I don't care about. When I was backing out ofmy parking spot today, I accidentally tapped a light post. I didn'tcare. I didn't rush to the dealership to get the bumper painted so itlooks perfect. My car gets me from point A to point B, just the same asany other car.

Sure money can satisfy the pursuit of material possessions, butmaterial possessions should not be the key to your happiness. If I hada Ferrari, I would be too damn concerned about people ruining it that Icouldn't enjoy it. It's a good feeling to not give a +#!# about the caryou drive, and not get your panties in a bunch when someone opens theirdoor and hits your car.
I disagree with your statements.  I say that because most of us slave so we don't have to "be on the corner with the why lie I need a beer sign"  Of course we buy material things also but thats not what most people are slaving for imo.  Everybody wants the good life and whatever that means to each individual person.  If its balling outta control or living in a hut like boy its still somebody's version of the good life.  I don't know anybody that don't want whatever their version of the good life is.  Point is just because people don't want your version of the good life doesn't mean it's not the good life.  Just isn't your version of it.

I can agree with that, it's just that sometimes an individual's version of the "good life" can get absolutely out of control.  Granted, it may not be my version, but when you see people living in a 30 bedroom home with a wife and 2 kids, it just begs the question, "Why?"  To prove to the world that they've made it and have a lot of money?
Originally Posted by eaalto

Originally Posted by Peteweezy

So many of us slave away at jobs in pursuit of material possessions.I'm not saying I'm not guilty of this either, but how much joy can aFerrari, an 8,000 square foot house, and a dime for a wife bring you?There is a line you draw between practicality and luxury. If you don'thave a need for a 24 bedroom, 32 bathroom house, why own it? Justbecause? If I ever came across millions, I would be sensible with mymoney. Live in a comfortable, but not excessive home. Own/drive acomfortable and reasonable, not excessive and flashy vehicle. Plan myfinances so that I can live comfortably for the rest of my life,travel, and truly be at peace. Look at Nicholas Cage. He squandered hismoney on 9 Rolls Royces and a bunch of properties that he didn't need.And now he's losing a great deal of what he worked towards, and in theend he has nothing to show for all that wasted money. I could stretchmy income and buy a Lexus or a BMW, but for what? So I can bepretentious and act like my car is an extension of my personality, orthat I am better than others because I drive a luxury car? I drive a1999 Nissan Altima that I don't care about. When I was backing out ofmy parking spot today, I accidentally tapped a light post. I didn'tcare. I didn't rush to the dealership to get the bumper painted so itlooks perfect. My car gets me from point A to point B, just the same asany other car.

Sure money can satisfy the pursuit of material possessions, butmaterial possessions should not be the key to your happiness. If I hada Ferrari, I would be too damn concerned about people ruining it that Icouldn't enjoy it. It's a good feeling to not give a +#!# about the caryou drive, and not get your panties in a bunch when someone opens theirdoor and hits your car.
I disagree with your statements.  I say that because most of us slave so we don't have to "be on the corner with the why lie I need a beer sign"  Of course we buy material things also but thats not what most people are slaving for imo.  Everybody wants the good life and whatever that means to each individual person.  If its balling outta control or living in a hut like boy its still somebody's version of the good life.  I don't know anybody that don't want whatever their version of the good life is.  Point is just because people don't want your version of the good life doesn't mean it's not the good life.  Just isn't your version of it.
I can agree with that, it's just that sometimes an individual's version of the "good life" can get absolutely out of control.  Granted, it may not be my version, but when you see people living in a 30 bedroom home with a wife and 2 kids, it just begs the question, "Why?"  To prove to the world that they've made it and have a lot of money?

shut yo fake #%@ up.
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Originally Posted by eaalto

Originally Posted by Peteweezy

So many of us slave away at jobs in pursuit of material possessions.I'm not saying I'm not guilty of this either, but how much joy can aFerrari, an 8,000 square foot house, and a dime for a wife bring you?There is a line you draw between practicality and luxury. If you don'thave a need for a 24 bedroom, 32 bathroom house, why own it? Justbecause? If I ever came across millions, I would be sensible with mymoney. Live in a comfortable, but not excessive home. Own/drive acomfortable and reasonable, not excessive and flashy vehicle. Plan myfinances so that I can live comfortably for the rest of my life,travel, and truly be at peace. Look at Nicholas Cage. He squandered hismoney on 9 Rolls Royces and a bunch of properties that he didn't need.And now he's losing a great deal of what he worked towards, and in theend he has nothing to show for all that wasted money. I could stretchmy income and buy a Lexus or a BMW, but for what? So I can bepretentious and act like my car is an extension of my personality, orthat I am better than others because I drive a luxury car? I drive a1999 Nissan Altima that I don't care about. When I was backing out ofmy parking spot today, I accidentally tapped a light post. I didn'tcare. I didn't rush to the dealership to get the bumper painted so itlooks perfect. My car gets me from point A to point B, just the same asany other car.

Sure money can satisfy the pursuit of material possessions, butmaterial possessions should not be the key to your happiness. If I hada Ferrari, I would be too damn concerned about people ruining it that Icouldn't enjoy it. It's a good feeling to not give a +#!# about the caryou drive, and not get your panties in a bunch when someone opens theirdoor and hits your car.
I disagree with your statements.  I say that because most of us slave so we don't have to "be on the corner with the why lie I need a beer sign"  Of course we buy material things also but thats not what most people are slaving for imo.  Everybody wants the good life and whatever that means to each individual person.  If its balling outta control or living in a hut like boy its still somebody's version of the good life.  I don't know anybody that don't want whatever their version of the good life is.  Point is just because people don't want your version of the good life doesn't mean it's not the good life.  Just isn't your version of it.
I can agree with that, it's just that sometimes an individual's version of the "good life" can get absolutely out of control.  Granted, it may not be my version, but when you see people living in a 30 bedroom home with a wife and 2 kids, it just begs the question, "Why?"  To prove to the world that they've made it and have a lot of money?

shut yo fake #%@ up.

And then stupid people like you come along and contribute nothing.
Originally Posted by philly5fan

....I mean if you can be happy poor you can be happy rich
Only people who think they're never gonna get rich believe otherwise. I mean I'm content with my life not so much my achievements as of yet but my living circumstances and situation. But if I were to add 3 Million pounds to my assets trust me I'd be more than happy for a while. The thing with money is Yes- Cash Rules Everything Around Me however that doesn't mean it needs to rule Me......
Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

Originally Posted by HipHopDoc09

to each his own i guess, but if you worked hard to get what you have you should be proud of it
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Couldn't agree more.[/color]
money helps attains THINGS, nothing more, nothing less...
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Quote me on this: "Money is a good down payment on happiness, but it will never in fact, guarantee happiness...."

(Think about that statement for a while).


Glad "Karl Rabeder" realized this, regardless of however many years it took him.



"Money dont buy happiness, but it damn good down payment"-Fabolous

I always think of that when i fantasize bout winning the Powerball/Megamillions
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