Michigan House passes bill blocking NDAA detention

No I don't agree. A first step in what? Like I said, if you are entertaining the fact that a covert plan is in place for some kind of mass round up and extermination, why would you think local politics, whether in MI or in every state on the map is going to disrupt that plan? Fodder for fanatics is all it is.
Now if you were in some ivory tower somewhere and you wanted to utilize all these so-called camps and coffins, would you want public servants that live in the very same communities to facilitate your plan? Or would you rather fly in particular personnel, foreign to the area, whom are under military oath?

Because, if some type of bill or measure passes that can spread any type of awareness goes through (like it did) and other states follow, then people MIGHT see the truth. Don't be a ****, DEATH CAMPS! are "Fodder for fanatics"? Death camps are what Hitler & Mao used to kill millions of people. If they exist in America, do you really mean what you are saying? I showed you pictures of the coffins.

They do facilitate the public. What do you think the airport security is? All the recent stories about cops? Tanks in St Louis? C'mon
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Really? A conspiracy theory, other explanations? By all means, explain the photos of the
COFFINS in the fema camps I posted and thousands of others pictures online. Tell us
what those were bought for. Produce evidence? Of what? The 800 fema camps on the
map I posted? Are you kidding me?

those aren't "coffins". stop being so dramatic. but please, stop dodging the demand for evidence. i'm asking you to present concrete evidence that states what you are claiming. you're never really good at this and you usually stop talking to me around now. i can do a quick google search to find disagreement with your claims. so please, state your case! can you post anything that isn't from infowars? you clearly aren't capable of posting scientific evidence when i've asked for that in the past.
The tides are turning on the media perception of FEMA.

New Report: Zombies Partly to Blame for Government Waste
Can't imbedd video but it's on the link.

View media item 161307http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politic...zombies-partly-to-blame-for-government-waste/
ABC News Jonathan Karl and Gregory Simmons report:
When it comes to the dilemma of government spending, a zombie apocalypse hasn’t been a part of the discussion – until now.
In his latest report on government waste, “Safety at Any Price,” Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., argued that Homeland Security funds allocated after 9/11 to shore up the U.S. anti-terrorism defense are being misused. He pointed to a five-day counter-terrorism summit that included a “zombie apocalypse” demonstration.
According to Coburn’s report, the HALO 2012 Counterterrorism Summit was attended by law enforcement officials from around the country who were allowed to use DHS-awarded grant funds to pay the $1,000 entry fee.
Organizers of the conference at Paradise Point Resort & Spa outside San Diego said say the skit was solely to add levity to an otherwise serious meeting on protecting the homeland. Proponents within the federal government have touted the “zombie apocalypse” campaign as an attention-grabbing way to get people to focus on being prepared for real-world disasters.
Coburn on the other hand, said it is just one more example of an estimated $7 billion in questionable homeland spending every year.
“That is $7 billion that your kids and my kids are going to pay back is something that we got no increased security for,” Coburn said. ”I don’t care if you use zombie apocalypse, what is the metric that said this was an effective use of the money.”
Coburn’s report is the result of a year-long probe by his office into one of the largest terror-prevention grant programs at the DHS – the Urban Area Security Initiative. While the program’s original intention was to make U.S. cities less vulnerable to terrorist attacks, Coburn cites example after example of what he said are questionable uses of federal tax dollars.
There’s the $30,000 underwater robot that was purchased by the city of Columbus, Ohio, for bridge and train overpass inspection as well as search and rescue; the $69,000 hovercraft for Indianapolis; and the $2,700 teleprompter purchased by officials in Ascension Parish, La., to meet “the national priority to expand regional collaboration.”
No matter the price tag, the report questions whether federal funds intended to deter terrorism are being put to optimum use.
The sleepy town of Keene, N.H., for example, obtained a military grade BearCat armored vehicle early this year with DHS grant funds, citing the need to secure its annual pumpkin festival. Price tag: $285,933. The town has had only two murders in the past 15 years.
And while Fargo, N.D., also boasts one of the lowest crime rates in the country, it received more than $8 million in Homeland Security grants and used $256,643 of them to buy its own armored truck.
Small towns across America – like Keene, Fargo, Syracuse, Manchester and Clovis – are now prime targets for the manufacturer of the BearCat, Lenco, which now includes an eight-page guide on grant writing on its website.
The Department of Homeland Security declined an interview with ABC News, but wrote in a statement that it “fundamentally disagrees with the report’s position on the value of homeland security grants” that “make our communities safer places to live.”
But Coburn said there’s too much waste. He says it’s “all over the government, everywhere you look – waste, incompetence, and stupidity.”
But then again, can you ever be too prepared for the zombie apocalypse?
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those aren't "coffins". stop being so dramatic. but please, stop dodging the demand for evidence. i'm asking you to present concrete evidence that states what you are claiming. you're never really good at this and you usually stop talking to me around now. i can do a quick google search to find disagreement with your claims. so please, state your case! can you post anything that isn't from infowars? you clearly aren't capable of posting scientific evidence when i've asked for that in the past.


The PICTURES of the COFFINS above are not from infowars.

Please, tell me what they are for. In Korean if you want.
yo piglove can u school me on the whole fema situation regarding the coffins and stuff?

im unaware :nerd:

The PICTURES of the COFFINS above are not from infowars.

Please, tell me what they are for. In Korean if you want.

they aren't coffins. nice little jab by the way. it definitely takes attention away from your inability to construct a coherent argument.
they aren't coffins. nice little jab by the way. it definitely takes attention away from your inability to construct a coherent argument.

Where's your evidence that they aren't coffins? If you're going to demand evidence from someone else shouldn't you be held to a similar standard?

Pig Love is a prick but given that we can all see with our eyes what clearly appear to be coffins, I think the burden of proof is on you to prove that they're something other than what they appear.

If they aren't coffins what are they?
you dont have nothing to worry about if youre not a terrorist.

i hate OP. racist *** clown always trying to throw dirt on President Obama's name..go to hell you loser
Because, if some type of bill or measure passes that can spread any type of awareness goes through (like it did) and other states follow, then people MIGHT see the truth. Don't be a ****, DEATH CAMPS! are "Fodder for fanatics"? Death camps are what Hitler & Mao used to kill millions of people. If they exist in America, do you really mean what you are saying? I showed you pictures of the coffins.
They do facilitate the public. What do you think the airport security is? All the recent stories about cops? Tanks in St Louis? C'mon

It's like you are responding to an entirely different post. What are you talking about? I don't even know what you are trying to say. Although my questions were some what rhetorical, it would seem like you aren't even on the same topic in your response.

Until someone actually dies in these death camps, all this is speculation.
they're called burial vaults. their intended use is not the same as a coffin's.

Some lame semantics right here man. :lol:

You're not really serious are you?

we're not arguing semantics. you should re-read what i just said. the intended use of a burial vault is not the same as the intended use of a coffin. while a burial vault could house a body, that's not what it was designed for.
we're not arguing semantics. you should re-read what i just said. the intended use of a burial vault is not the same as the intended use of a coffin. while a burial vault could house a body, that's not what it was designed for.

Son you can't be serious. The intended use of a burial vault is use as a grave.
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we're not arguing semantics. you should re-read what i just said. the intended use of a burial vault is not the same as the intended use of a coffin. while a burial vault could house a body, that's not what it was designed for.

Son you can't be serious. The intended use of a burial vault is use as a grave.

you should look up why a burial vault is used and come back after that.

here i'll help: A burial vault is a container that houses a casket when it is buried. The burial vault is placed in the grave, the casket is lowered into the vault and a top (lid) is placed onto the vault before the grave is covered. The purpose of the burial vault is to protect the casket from the weight of the earth and the equipment used in the maintenance of the cemetery property. Burial vaults also maintain the beauty of the cemetery by eliminating soil settlement. Burial vaults are most commonly made from concrete, but are also made from steel and plastic.

to say that it's a coffin is misleading. it's used to protect the coffin. unless OP has reason to believe that these burial vaults are used for anything other than their intended purpose, it's pure speculation for the sake of furthering OP's agenda.
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you should look up why a burial vault is used and come back after that.
here i'll help: A burial vault is a container that houses a casket when it is buried. The burial vault is placed in the grave, the casket is lowered into the vault and a top (lid) is placed onto the vault before the grave is covered. The purpose of the burial vault is to protect the casket from the weight of the earth and the equipment used in the maintenance of the cemetery property. Burial vaults also maintain the beauty of the cemetery by eliminating soil settlement. Burial vaults are most commonly made from concrete, but are also made from steel and plastic.
to say that it's a coffin is misleading. it's used to protect the coffin. unless OP has reason to believe that these burial vaults are used for anything other than their intended purpose, it's pure speculation for the sake of furthering OP's agenda.

**** you for wasting a few minutes of my time.

In the case of a mass burial, you really think bammas are gonna get vaults AND caskets?

Any idiot with half a brain knows exactly what Pig Love meant, of course it's speculation, we're talking about a damn death camp conspiracy THEORY.

Pointing out the use of the word coffin in place of burial vault is petty.

These mini-sillyputty's are annoying as hell.
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lol cause hurricane katrina didnt happen and people whos homes were destroyed didnt have to live in the super dome
It annoys me how people think the government has their best interest in mind.  Wake up already.  The government doesn't care about you or me, "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws."  - Mayer Amschel Rothschild.  Truer words have never been spoken.  It annoys me how oblivious people are and even when they become aware, they're unmotivated to do anything.  It would be beautiful to see a revolution in this country, but the government is gonna have us on lock down before anything happens
But I am saying tho if illuminati or the builder Berggroup is so secretive and powerful how we know about them? Y don't they remove videos from YouTube? Really control what we see
**** you for wasting a few minutes of my time.

In the case of a mass burial, you really think bammas are gonna get vaults AND caskets?

Any idiot with half a brain knows exactly what Pig Love meant, of course it's speculation, we're talking about a damn death camp conspiracy THEORY.

Pointing out the use of the word coffin in place of burial vault is petty.

These mini-sillyputty's are annoying as hell.

man, look at how mad you are because this fear mongering pseudo intelligent garbage isn't being tolerated. you missed my point so bad and you have the audacity to place the blame on me. in case of mass burial, do you really think they're going to use bulky, non-biodegradable burial vaults?

no, i don't think any idiot knows what pig love meant because you can't even seem to figure out what pig love meant and you're siding with him. pig love called it a coffin instead of what it actually is because he believes that calling it a coffin further supports his belief that these are death camps that will be used to enslave and kill americans.

i find it hilarious that trying to use the english language correctly is "petty". hey, let's try not to make sense because we don't want to sound petty to HAM CITY over here. you seriously have nothing better to add, do you?
Broham, what do you want? Mumbo Jumbo? Check this out, there are coffins, (pictures above)
lying in over 800 random fields in the United States, (picture above) waiting for you. Why would
you want to talk **** to me for giving you this information?
Talk ish?? Calm down fam (broham???) I was serious on not knowing WTF yall nerds talking about and coming from MI i was interested. Being a d*** wont help me understand 
 I read through, didnt comprehend so thought Id ask for a dummied down version since it went over my head Hate being geniune just for some dumbass to get all huffy puffy for no reason.. I was being honest on not knowing wtf you guys are discussing. Reading now I see/read about some coffins.... Take a breather fam
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