Martial Law Is Coming To The US SOONER THAN U MAY THINK!!!!!!!!

when you're ready to conversate and present your points like the educated adult u wish u were

Anyway, this is obviously anti-semitic propaganda meant to stir up rabble rousers around town... Nothing more.

As with any conspiracy, there is some truth, albeit very little, so that it makes you go "hmmm...". But that's about it.
Originally Posted by I am Furby

Ghenges wrote:


Ha! Now that is funny! In all seriousness though the underpinnings for a military takeover have been brewing for some time. Globally, we are set to really come
into a new era within the next few years, beginning with the collapse of the US economy and the ushering-in of the "Amero" as well as National ID
cards and the like. It's only a matter of time people. Obama may be a well spoken, eloquent and caring person, but he alone cannot stop what has already
been put into motion.

i see there are at least a couple of ppl who know what's up.
the signs are all around us, right in our faces literally. it's a normal defense mechanism of the body to be in denial. it is def. a dire situation at handand it is only going to get worse and in a hurry. we aren't even feeling the effects of the economic situation yet. this is the calm before the horriblestorm. ppl are sleepwalking right now. ppl are caught in the hyp and hope of obama. they conveniently drastically reduced the gas prices FOR NOW. great timiingor coincidence. my favorite tho is when ppl try to dismiss me as a mere "conspriacy theorist."
that one kills me everytime.

it's about to hit the fan ppl. denial doesn't change the reality of the situation. & it really doesn't have much to do with this articleiposted. i just threw that out there to get your attention. i knew i would get flamed, but that isn't significant. the signs are blantant and they'reEVERYWHERE u look. wake up ppl. many of us are still living The Great Lie. We are truly living in the matrix, but this ain't no movie, i promise u that!
def doesn't feel that far fetched but as someone stated earlier that article doesn't have much credibility
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

i'm a grown man with a wife & kids that i take care of. what about u??
And your alias on an internet message board is "CharmCityKid"?

You either:

A) Are associated with the baltimore charity.

B) Have some personality issues.

C) Made that up.

P.S. I am a programmed response.
Your only sources of information are from underground websites that have no basis in legitimate press.
Kids these days. I'm not saying that I agree with anything in this post but the same can be said about MASS MEDIA and/or any new coverage thatyou follow. If anything the internet was a blessing to retrieve information and gain knowledge.

Supposedly Martial Law will lead to concentration camps and so, which isn't too far-fetched because obviously it has happened before. But I couldn'timagine people just sitting around and taking it. I would hope that a revolution would be sparked and a new day and age would begin.
I lol then i really lol then i stopped then lol again then i stopped and prayed for you cause you have to really back this up by government officials they aretoying with you so called "conpiracy theorist" mind.
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