Martial Law Is Coming To The US SOONER THAN U MAY THINK!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by early90s

Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

lol @ that editorial.

US Jewry


Obama's fascist administration

fascist warlords

gimme a break.

you REALLY taking that as a newstory?

actually yes. as opposed to the controlled and manipulated, propaganda-saturated US media.
That article that you posted is clearly propaganda, complete with the loaded phrases and terms.
"Jewry" ?
lets be serious now my man

Seriously, how can you use the phrase "propaganda-saturated" to refer to the U.S. media while you take the Pakistani editorial aslegitimate?
I wonder if you even know what conditions need to be met for martial law to be declared here.
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

ppl often get the terms "jew" and "jewish" mixed up (and that is not by chance).

jewish = jew-like

jew = of the bloodline of one of the 12 tribes of Israel (of decent of one of the 12 of Christ's disciples)

but i digress as i don't want to make this thread about religion per se.

i was just wondering how ppl would react to this article..
there not from Jesus' 12 disciples cause Judas killed himself. There from Jacob's 12 sons Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtli, Gad,Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

lol @ that editorial.

US Jewry


Obama's fascist administration

fascist warlords

gimme a break.

you REALLY taking that as a newstory?

actually yes. as opposed to the controlled and manipulated, propaganda-saturated US media.
The irony is strong in this one.
just so u all know, i am not at all offended by any of these remarks. so if that is your intent...


if u are familiar with Scripture, then u realize prophesy is being fulfilled right before our very eyes.

our beloved US media doesn't cover certain things. hmmm. i wonder why that is....??

The Israeli NWO tips their hand. --
Masonic Order Designs Symbology in Israeli Supreme Court Building


This report will shock and upset some. Now is the time to write it--Knowing it could be misunderstood as anti-Semitic. God forbid that I a Jew should ever sayor do anything that would be remotely considered as such, but I must admit this report does not come easy for me. The fact still remains that an evil force hasbeen put into place in Jerusalem and has spread throughout Israel, in preparations for the end time and the seat of the anti-Christ. For if we are to believethat the anti-Christ is to have his seat on the Temple Mount, then we must come to grips with some truths not being preached today. One such truth is thefoundation for such a move by the Devil must be already underway even as we speak, Or we simply are not in "end days" of an epoch. This report willprove that such a move is underway and has been for quite some time. In this report are many pictures showing the establishment of Illuminati-established proofthat there is a plot by those we refer to as the New World Order to Show in architectural design of the New Israeli Supreme Court Building designed and paidfor by the Rothchilds, a presence of Free Masonry and the Illuminati in Israel. I [Jerry Golden] took all but one of the pictures you see here so I can assurethat what you are seeing is real and actually in place. The same families who own and control the Federal Reserve and other major financial institutions havetheir eyes set on the Temple Mount and the Holy City of Jerusalem. Just as Scriptures say, the man who will be revealed as the anti-Christ will sit therebefore the appearance of the Jewish Messiah Yeshua HaMashiach, and many will receive him as their messiah. Just actually how that will come about remains to beseen, but one thing I am convinced of is that Holy men of God will not be the ones to rebuild the Temple--it will be Illuminati. For God would not send men tothat place to perform blood sacrifices. His Son's blood was the perfect sacrifice; there is no need to shed the blood of dumb animals any longer. Yeshuadid a perfect work, and it was finished. But He will return and take control of the New Temple that I feel will be built soon enough. Anti-Christ can beaccepted by most "Christians" as savior who can bring peace and order to the world. But then you know the rest of that story. For those who may thinkthis article is anti-Semitic, I ask you to read an article on The House Of Satan, ; for there are those who call themselves Jewsbut who are of the house of Satan. And many have found their way into the Israeli Knesset and they don't even mention nor deal with the Covenant of Yahweh.Once again Yeshua will enter into that place--the Holy Mountain of God--and cleanse it. But before that happens all hell will break loose in Jerusalem and theworld. So with all that said, I will now show you what have never been published before, for the few who are aware have been afraid to speak of it. Please prayover this servant of God for protection as we go forth with these truths. These truths must be revealed in order for the Body to know how close we are the endof this age. This entire report will be built around the construction of this building ordered by the Rothchilds. A friend of mine took this picture of theIsraeli Supreme Court as he and his wife flew over the area a couple years ago. The Supreme Court building sits on a plot of land opposite the Knesset and nextto the Foreign Ministry and the Central bank of Israel. It is important to keep in mind that it sits in line with the Knesset, for we will be talking aboutLey-Lines that cross under this pyramid running to the Knesset, with other ley-lines that cross in perfect order to the center of Jerusalem and on to theRockefellow Museum. Everything about this building has been thought out to the very finest detail, and it is diabolical. The Devils plan has been put intoplace before we ever realize it. He knows his final battle will be here in Jerusalem. The Engineers who were chosen for this job by the Rothschild's werethe grandson and granddaughter of Ben-Zion Guine from Turkey who worked for Baron Rothschild, Ram Kurmi, born in Jerusalem in 1931, and Ada Karmi-Melanede bornin Tel-Aviv in 1936. For those who can make something out of the numbers. It was important to the builder to have everything done according to the correctnumbers. There were 1,000 sheets of plans, 1,200 cement posts; they worked on the building for 3 years or 750 days. 20 workers each day, for 200,000 workdays,250,000 building stones, each hand placed. The first thing you will notice is the pyramid with the all Seeing Eye just like the one you will see on theAmerican dollar bill, it sits in a circle to the left. We will elaborate on this a little later in this article.

The larger circle you see at the bottom of the picture is an inverted-cross designed to walk on. Itis the only religious emblem designed to be trampled on under foot.

Next, at the top of the next picture is a Moslem Gravesite, and just out of view to the right is anEgyptian Obelisk.

And all through the building you will detect Hindu Altars. All of this will make more sense as we goalong, keep in mind we are talking about the establishment of a form of Government that will usher in the anti-Christ.

There is little proof on the building itself of the presence of the Rothschild's but on anoutside wall we find these two items.

Pointing to the garden that displays the Egyptian obelisk. After passing through security the firstthing you will notice on the left wall is a large picture.

Giving recognition to the Rothschilds, you will notice the Rothschilds emblem at the top. It is thesymbol for the founder of the Rothschild Dynasty and his five sons, who established central banks throughout Europe. The Rothschilds made several stipulationswith the Israeli Government before the building began, among them were. The Rothschilds would pick the plot of land to build the Supreme Court; they would usetheir own architects, and no one would ever know how much the building cost. It took them four years to build this structure with many secrets built into it.From the left you will see Teddy Kollek, then Lord Rothschild, on the right standing you will see Shimon Peres, and setting at the bottom left Yhzhak Rabin.And others who brought us the Olso death process that we are now faced with.

But this is where our journey begins as we begin to enter into the building, for this entire journeyis intended to bring one from darkness into the light, and become an Illuminated one. You first enter into an area with very dim lighting, but as you look upthe stairs you see the bright light that comes from a very large window that over looks parts of Jerusalem.

Here it is very important to count the steps; there are three sets of 10 steps, making a total of30. As you ascend these 30 steps you come from the darkness into the light. And from here you can see the world or in this case the city of Jerusalem like youhaven't seen it before. It is also worth mentioning that on the left side you will see the old Jerusalem Stone, some even believe these same stones wereused in the second Temple, but I have no way to prove that. On the other side you will see the smooth modern wall. There are 6 lamp stands going up that speaksto man in his journey to gain knowledge and become illuminated. But once again I feel it necessary to tell you that it's very important to the ones whobuilt this building that everything be perfect and in their order of things, even numerically.

As we turn to the left and begin to walk towards the Pyramid we notice a metal strip in the marble floor. The Ley-Lines cross directly under the pyramid theyrun from this place to different places in the city. It is where the Judges and others can stand to receive knowledge and power. Standing directly over a pieceof crystal with the all Seeing Eye of Lucifer the light bearer above them. For those who are not aware of the term Ley-Lines, it is lines in geographicalplaces that Witches, Warlock, and Wizards walk claiming for the Devil. If you will notice in every large city all palm readers and such are usually on the samestreet that is a ley-line. Here is a map of Jerusalem, you can see that the Supreme Court Building and the Knesset are connected with one straight line, and ata 90% angle to that line half way is a Ley-line that runs perpendicular. That line runs straight down the middle of a street known as Ben Yehuda, a place whereall the crazies meet, and at any given day you can find at least one who calls himself Elijah or Moses. Israelis call Ben Yehuda the freak show. That line runson to the Rockefeller Museum; and from the Rockefeller Museum a line runs through the Moslem Quarters to the Temple Mount. I will make this map a little largerto help you out some.

Just before entering under the pyramid there is a window you can look up at the pyramid, you willnotice the ley-line that runs to the center of the pyramid.

For a moment lets go back to the top of the 30 steps, as we know there are 33 degrees in Free Masonry but the last three are the ones of higher learning andpreparations to enter the Illuminati. So as we move from the top of the stairs towards the Pyramid we see a great library with three tiers to those threelevels of higher learner. They three final steps in Free Masonry and after that if ones choose to go higher and have been accepted they enter the highestlevels of the Illuminati. It is also important in this building to note that the 33rd level ends at the base of the Pyramid.
This is a very large and expensive Library, but there is something else about this one that should bementioned. The first tier is "only" for Lawyers; the second tier is "only" for setting Judges. The highest and third tier is"only" for retired judges. Which also speaks of the order of things in the Illuminati, as one must be accepted and move to the higher level beforethe knowledge at that level is available to them. And directly above that third tier is the Pyramid with the all seeing eye of Luther. That begins the journeyinto the Illuminati.

Directly under the Pyramid you see 6 squares. Six being the number of man, and each square has 4sides speaking to the world. In the center directly under the point of the pyramid a crystal so that when one stand over it he of she is in direct line fromthe point of the pyramid and the crystal below.

There are five Courtrooms, each has an entrance in the shape of a Jewish Tomb, with the opening abovethe door for the spirit to have freedom to enter or leave. The wall with the courtroom entrances has a curve to it, while the outer wall is straight. There aretwo things said about his, some say it speaks to the straight line of Justice, and the curve line of Mercy, yet others say it speaks of order out of chaos. Themotto of the Illuminati. There are three Judges who set in each courtroom, and above the seats of the Judges there are smaller pyramids that shed light ontothe Judges as they sit over those who are brought up from the prisons cells below. The Judges chambers are above the courtrooms and they come down to bringlight to those who are brought up from below.

I have done a small cut away from the whole plan of the building in order to show you the design ofa Jewish Miskan brought into the plan, as all the other major religions of the world are represented in one form or another. As you walk from the pyramid youcan go either to the courtrooms or towards the Judges chambers. But this is what that part of the building looks like, making the pyramid the holy of holies inthis evil Miskan "Temple".

The bottom part of the above picture is the courtyard, and here we find finished stones brought infrom the desert near Mitzpe Ramon where we find the worlds largest natural crater. A narrow channel of water that runs continually divides the stones. Thearchitects claim to have been inspired from the Scriptures in Psalms 85:11 Truth shall spring up from the earth; and righteousness shall look down from heaven.For the Judges sit above this courtyard looking down.

When you leave the center Courtroom or main courtroom directly across the opening you find the stairsgoing downstairs, at the base of the stairs you will find the fertility symbol always present in any illuminati structure, often hidden but always there. Muchcan be said about this symbol and the symbol of the masons with the compass and square with the "G" in the middle, but I will leave that for anothertime or for someone else.

In Conclusion

We have just lightly touched on the significance of this building for there are literally hundreds of details that point to the Illuminati and their plans formankind. But more important to this report it establishes a base for the seat of the one that will be accepted by most as the messiah, before Yeshua returns toset up his reign and rule over the earth. I have no doubt that many will come against this report, and that the messenger rather than the message will beattacked. But I have tried to lay it out with proof and facts much more could be said and I am sure this will provoke others to say them, and possibly that isthe intent of this article.
^ wut?

So you posted some architecture in hopes of swaying us that the world is coming to an end?
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Lock and Load!

I havent been playing COD 4 for nothing


Yeah. Like that will really help you in real situation.
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

I have done a small cut away from the whole plan of the building in order to show you the design of a Jewish Miskan brought into the plan, as all the other major religions of the world are represented in one form or another. As you walk from the pyramid you can go either to the courtrooms or towards the Judges chambers. But this is what that part of the building looks like, making the pyramid the holy of holies in this evil Miskan "Temple".

The bottom part of the above picture is the courtyard, and here we find finished stones brought in from the desert near Mitzpe Ramon where we find the worlds largest natural crater. A narrow channel of water that runs continually divides the stones. The architects claim to have been inspired from the Scriptures in Psalms 85:11 Truth shall spring up from the earth; and righteousness shall look down from heaven. For the Judges sit above this courtyard looking down.

When you leave the center Courtroom or main courtroom directly across the opening you find the stairs going downstairs, at the base of the stairs you will find the fertility symbol always present in any illuminati structure, often hidden but always there. Much can be said about this symbol and the symbol of the masons with the compass and square with the "G" in the middle, but I will leave that for another time or for someone else.

In Conclusion

We have just lightly touched on the significance of this building for there are literally hundreds of details that point to the Illuminati and their plans for mankind. But more important to this report it establishes a base for the seat of the one that will be accepted by most as the messiah, before Yeshua returns to set up his reign and rule over the earth. I have no doubt that many will come against this report, and that the messenger rather than the message will be attacked. But I have tried to lay it out with proof and facts much more could be said and I am sure this will provoke others to say them, and possibly that is the intent of this article.

yea, even with pics no one is still going to read all that. but good try though.
I hear you man this is a real issue, but let the ones with the
knowledge go on and let those who do not seek it remain seditary.
We both know about the 5% nation right? The time will come
just wait and prepare.
God, I truly do hate people like you. The irony is you're the uneducated one. Your only sources of information are from underground websites that have nobasis in legitimate press. Yet you take whatever they write to you as fact. Seriously, go to college, get a job, do something with your life instead of wastingit chasing your apocalyptic wet dreams. I can't wait until winter break ends so kids like you can go back to school and have your minds occupied instead ofwasting it doing "research." But hey, I guess you will have the last laugh when the anti-Christ comes and we're all slaves to the man.
Originally Posted by DL2352

^ wut?

So you posted some architecture in hopes of swaying us that the world is coming to an end?

that's where u got it wrong homie, i ain't tryna "sway" nobody. i'm simply puttin inormation out there.

wow, man yall are in attack mode in here.

but believe me, i understand many of your mentality. ppl are just programmed and that is not directed towards everyone (just alot, tho)
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

God, I truly do hate people like you. The irony is you're the uneducated one. Your only sources of information are from underground websites that have no
basis in legitimate press. Yet you take whatever they write to you as fact. Seriously, go to college, get a job, do something with your life instead of wasting
it chasing your apocalyptic wet dreams. I can't wait until winter break ends so kids like you can go back to school and have your minds occupied instead of
wasting it doing "research." But hey, I guess you will have the last laugh when the anti-Christ comes and we're all slaves to the man.

is it really that serious to "hate ppl like me/" that's what's wrong with the world now.
i can see you're one of the programmed onesso responses like yours are already anticipated. and
@ "legitimate press" what is legitimate press?? let me guess.. fox news

just for your information, i'm very well educated. graduated from morgan state university, class of '02 with a bs in marketing, but that's neitherhere nor there. oh, & i also have a very well paying job, but's not the issue here is it??

i'm a grown man with a wife & kids that i take care of. what about u??
no the problem is you are the type who actually believe Illuminati is that powerful to control everything, and you call people zionists and puppets when youare just as much of a puppet but a puppet for the other spectrum.
is it really that serious to "hate ppl like me/" that's what's wrong with the world now. i can see you're one of the programmed ones so responses like yours are already anticipated. and @ "legitimate press" what is legitimate press?? let me guess.. fox news

just for your information, i'm very well educated. graduated from morgan state university, class of '02 with a bs in marketing, but that's neither here nor there. oh, & i also have a very well paying job, but's not the issue here is it??

i'm a grown man with a wife & kids that i take care of. what about u??

For a college educated person, you are an idiot. Who said anything about FOX news? If anything, FOX news fits more along your lines of thinking. You citesources that no one considers legitimate, except tools like yourself who believe what they say, thereby making it legitimate in your own eyes. Jesus man, didyou even READ the article? Are you an anti-Semite? For a so called "grown man," you talk and have the mindset of a 16 year old Dungeons & Dragonsmaster. I just hope you don't rub off your ignorance and paranoia onto your kids.

Again, you will be the one with the last laugh right? When @+*% hits the fan, at least you can be happy knowing we, the true ignorant ones who didn'tlisten to your soap box preaching, are the ones doomed.
who's afraid of who tk??

and please point out where i called someone a zionist...
i have to admit, i am a little amazed at all the negative responses, tho i know i shouldn't be.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

is it really that serious to "hate ppl like me/" that's what's wrong with the world now. i can see you're one of the programmed ones so
responses like yours are already anticipated. and @ "legitimate press" what is legitimate press?? let me guess.. fox news

just for your information, i'm very well educated. graduated from morgan state university, class of '02 with a bs in marketing, but that's
neither here nor there. oh, & i also have a very well paying job, but's not the issue here is it??

i'm a grown man with a wife & kids that i take care of. what about u??

For a college educated person, you are an idiot. Who said anything about FOX news? If anything, FOX news fits more along your lines of thinking. You cite
sources that no one considers legitimate, except tools like yourself who believe what they say, thereby making it legitimate in your own eyes. Jesus man, did
you even READ the article? Are you an anti-Semite? For a so called "grown man," you talk and have the mindset of a 16 year old Dungeons & Dragons
master. I just hope you don't rub off your ignorance and paranoia onto your kids.

Again, you will be the one with the last laugh right? When @+*% hits the fan, at least you can be happy knowing we, the true ignorant ones who didn't
listen to your soap box preaching, are the ones doomed.


i know your type very well. u don't have the mental capacity or ammunition to have a civilized debate or conversation like an adult so what do u do?? u tryto insult ppl, and call them names. often times this tactic of yours is successful. your aim is to make me get upset and get in a shouting and cursing matchwith u, but i'm above that holmes. that's elementary. it's too easy to outclass ppl like u. when you're ready to conversate and present yourpoints like the educated adult u wish u were, come back & holla at me scrappy. i'll take the time out to sit u down & "school" u on a fewthings (pun intended
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

A Military Dictatorship Coming To America


January 07, 2009
"Pakistan Daily" -- -THE WORSENING ECONOMIC CRISIS has prompted the US Army War College to issue a report urging the use of military troops to contain possible civil unrest throughout America.

Entitled, Strategic Shocks in Defense Strategy Development, issued on November 4, 2008, the report argues that the US military must prepare for a "violent domestic dislocation provoked by an economic collapse."

The report was authored by Nathan Freier, an Army lieutenant-colonel and professor at the US War College in Carlyle PA - the Army's main training institute for prospective senior officers. Freier consigns dissenting Americans to the category of "hostile groups:"

"Civil unrest would force the defense establishment to maintain domestic order. Under certain circumstances this would include use of military force against hostile groups inside the United States." View Entire Report Here.

Zionist Jews who control America's banks also have a stake in a militarist usurping of America's civilian realm. On November 22, 2008, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, former CEO of the Jewish investment bank, Goldman Sachs, threatened Congress of martial law if they did not pass a bailout bill. Because Jews fear an "Anti-Semitic" backlash during an economic downturn, an imposition of martial law would be welcomed by US Jewry.

Preparing to implement martial law, on December 1, 2008, the Pentagon announced its plans to deploy 20,000 uniformed troops inside the United States by 2011 to help state and local officials respond to emergencies.

And General Tommy Franks, a former US Commander in Iraq, said in a recent interview, that if another terrorist attack occurs in America, the Constitution would be discarded in favor of a military form of government. This "military form of government" is now being set up by the newly-formed Obama administration.


PUPPET-PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA has appointed 3 four star military officers to his cabinet since his election on November 4, 2008. With Obama's choice of Admiral Dennis Blair as Director of National Intelligence, Robert Gates at Defense, & General James Jones at National Security, the launching of a military dictatorship is now in place in Obama's fascist administration.

The leading warlord in Obama's cabinet is Defense Secretary, Robert Gates. Gates answers to the powerful Trilateralists, David Rockefeller and his 80 year old protege, Zbigniew Brzezinski. The Trilateralist global agenda is presented in Brzezinski's book, The Grand Chessboard. In Brzezinski's call to escalate US military power, democracy is a hindrance to his militaristic goals:

"Democracy limits the use of America's power - especially its capacity for military intimidation. Pursuit of military power is not a goal that commands popular passion except in conditions of a sudden threat to domestic well-being. Democracy is inimical to military mobilization." View Entire Story Here & Here.

Obama is fully subservient to his masters of "military mobilization" - Brzezinski, Rockefeller, Gates, Blair & Jones. Spelling out his subservience to the Pentagon, on December 1, 2008, Obama declared, "To ensure prosperity here at home, we must maintain the strongest military on the planet." To this end, Obama has pledged to increase the size of US ground forces by 100,000 soldiers.

Portending a full militaristic culture in America, Obama's Chief of Staff, the Zionist Jew, Rahm Emanuel, has called for compulsory service for Americans ages 18 to 25. Service would include three months of basic training & civil defense preparation. Emanuel has also said he sees no reason why ALL Americans should not do national public service.

If the Zionists succeed in their plan for forced national service, Obama's fascist warlords will have hundreds of thousands of SS Brown Shirts to enforce a military dictatorship right down to the neighborhood level. And this military dictatorship is…

- Coming To A "Theatre" In Your Neighborhood Soon

you see the bold it may be someone else's words but you're cosigning therefore you are saying it
man i read in the pakistan daily that the government puts tracking devices in every single person BY PUTTING THEM IN THEIR TEETH FILLINGS!
and i read that the zionists control all of america because JEWS RUN BANKS!
and jay z's in on it and trying TO WARN US!
Originally Posted by Ghenges


Ha! Now that is funny! In all seriousness though the underpinnings for a military takeover have been brewing for some time. Globally, we are set to really comeinto a new era within the next few years, beginning with the collapse of the US economy and the ushering-in of the "Amero" as well as National IDcards and the like. It's only a matter of time people. Obama may be a well spoken, eloquent and caring person, but he alone cannot stop what has alreadybeen put into motion.
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