Mark Sanchez...Dating a High Schooler?


id be prolly be doin the same thing if i was mark tho.
just go for w/e girl i want at the time.
da life
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

This is not a story

Karl Malone has fathered a child with a 13 year old girl when he was 20

That is a story

Wait... what?
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

This is not a story

Karl Malone has fathered a child with a 13 year old girl when he was 20

That is a story

Wait... what?

But for real, nothing here is illegal, but this will get media attention because of morality issues.

Sanchez can easily get with someone of his age, and even older. I don't know full details of this report, but has he actually seen her multiple times?

But for real, nothing here is illegal, but this will get media attention because of morality issues.

Sanchez can easily get with someone of his age, and even older. I don't know full details of this report, but has he actually seen her multiple times?
Originally Posted by Im Not You

I guess I'm in the minority because I'm 24 and I have a few 18 years olds on my roster...but IMO you dudes are SERIOUSLY blowing this out of proportion. It only looks bad because she's in High School.

If she's a 17 or 18 year old college freshman...does this even make the news?

When you are a starting QB in the NFL, it matters.

Once you have reached a certain point in your life, you have to up your standards.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

I guess I'm in the minority because I'm 24 and I have a few 18 years olds on my roster...but IMO you dudes are SERIOUSLY blowing this out of proportion. It only looks bad because she's in High School.

If she's a 17 or 18 year old college freshman...does this even make the news?

When you are a starting QB in the NFL, it matters.

Once you have reached a certain point in your life, you have to up your standards.
Originally Posted by DaComeUP

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

This is not a story

Karl Malone has fathered a child with a 13 year old girl when he was 20

That is a story

Wait... what?

[h1]Karl Malone falls short, as a father    [/h1]

By Jemele Hill
Page 2
(Archive | Contact)

Updated: May 12, 2008, 4:56 PM ET

This is how Demetrius Bell, drafted a couple of weeks ago by theBuffalo Bills in the seventh round, describes his relationship with hisfather:

[+]">,height=750,scrollbars=no,noresize'); return false;">Enlarge">,height=750,scrollbars=no,noresize'); return false;">

AP Photo/Paul Sakuma

Karl Malone had an incredible NBA career -- but he hasn't been nearly as exemplary in another role.
"I treat it as if my mother went to the sperm bank. I don't hate him for [not being in my life]. It made me a better person."
Butit's pretty hard to reduce your father to a DNA dispenser when everyoneelse in the world knows him as the NBA's second-leading scorer of alltime, a two-time Olympic gold medalist, and arguably the greatest powerforward ever.

Yes, Bell's father is Karl Malone. And ifyou're wondering why you've never heard of Bell or seen these twoengaged in any father-son moments, it's because Malone apparently wantsnothing to do with him.

Malone has never publicly spokenabout Bell. Attempts were made to contact Malone through the NBAoffice, but he never responded.

It's hard to tell which ismore astonishing -- that Malone actually feels this way, or that Bellwas able to overcome the heartbreaking reality of being rejected by aparent.
What matters most is that Bell triumphed in spite ofhow his father behaved. He grew up in Summerfield, La. -- Malone'shometown -- and earned a basketball scholarship to Northwestern State,nearly 2½ hours away from Summerfield. Everyone there describes Bell asa gem. When I called the school to find out more about Bell, the sportsinformation director talked nonstop about how polite, well-liked anddetermined Bell is.Malone aside, Bell's story is unbelievable. He thought he was going tobe a big-time basketball star like you know who, and didn't startplaying football until three years ago. The football staff looked atBell's size and relative speed, and hatched the idea that Bell wouldmake an outstanding defensive end.He played that position in 2005, appearing in just one game. The nextseason he was pressed into duty as an offensive tackle three weeksbefore the season started. After 22 straight starts, Bell became anAll-American, a first-team All-Southland Conference selection, and nowa proud NFL player. Plus, Bell is expected to graduate this spring.
"I was crying," Bell said when asked what it was like to be drafted. "I was just so happy."

Bellisn't the only Malone child to fall victim to this rather heinouspick-and-roll. Bell is one of three children Malone has fatheredoutside of wedlock, although he is the only one who Malone hasapparently refused to have a relationship with. Malone's other twochildren outside his marriage are fraternal twins Daryl and CherylFord. Both of them played basketball at Louisiana Tech, like theirfather, and Cheryl is a forward for the WNBA's Detroit Shock.

[+]">,height=750,scrollbars=no,noresize'); return false;">Enlarge">,height=750,scrollbars=no,noresize'); return false;">

AP Photo/Michael Conroy

Bell overcame the absence of his father to become an NFL player.
Infact, you may have seen the Louisiana tourism commercial featuringCheryl Ford and her famous father, who finally appeared in his twinchildren's lives when they were 17. Bell lost out in the fatherlottery. According to Bell, Malone told him it was too late for him tobe his father, and he'd have to make it on his own.
Nice to meet you too, Dad.

"Igrew up around good people," Bell said. "I never turned to a fatherfigure. I was lucky. I didn't need one. I'm happy. I don't needanything else."

If Al Sharpton is itching to picketsomething, he should organize a protest outside Malone's house, sincethe National Fatherhood Initiative says two out of threeAfrican-American children grow up without their father in the home.

RogerClemens' alleged seedy indiscretions -- including a possible sexualrelationship with a 15-year-old -- are nothing compared to what Malonehas done. Malone reportedly impregnated Bell's mother when she was 13and he was a sophomore at Louisiana Tech. Malone is lucky Chris Hansenwasn't around and he didn't have to answer to the authorities.

Itwould be one thing if Malone was unable to financially provide for hisson, but he made more than $100 million during his NBA career. The SaltLake (Utah) Tribune reported that when Bell's grandparents initiallytook Malone to court for paternity in 1986, his second year with theJazz, they requested Malone pay $200 a week. Malone didn't respond tothe suit, but a Louisiana judge ruled he was Bell's father -- after apaternity test showed that was indeed accurate -- and ordered Malone topay $125 a week, plus past and future medical expenses. Malone claimedthat was too much and later reached a confidential out-of-courtsettlement with Bell's family between 1988 and 1989.
Worseis that Bell has developed a good relationship with Cheryl and Daryl,who also grew up in Summerfield. The three have gone fishing together,and Bell describes them as a tight-knit group. Though one can't helpbut wonder, if Cheryl hadn't starred at her father's alma mater andgone on to play professionally, would Malone have felt so inclined toreappear in her life? If the media hadn't done so many stories abouthow Cheryl was following in her dad's footsteps, would we ever haveseen Malone in the stands when his daughter won a WNBA championship in2003?
"Ijust can't fathom how someone can't acknowledge their own child," saidESPN NBA analyst Jalen Rose, who had a nearly nonexistent relationshipwith his father, Jimmy Walker, a basketball legend at Providence andthe No. 1 pick in the 1967 NBA draft.

Rose spoke to hisfather for the first time nine years ago, but he was fortunate in thesense that when his father played, the NBA wasn't as popular as it isnow, and Walker didn't have the same distinguished career as Malone.

The first time Rose and Walker "met" was at Walker's funeral last year.

"Iknow about kerosene heaters, sugar milk and syrup sandwiches," Rosesaid. "Those are the days when it was bitter and personal. But I wentto college, became an All-American and had a NBA career. I had torealize that was God's plan for me. I was healthy and happy, and itwasn't like I was living under some freeway."

[+]">,height=750,scrollbars=no,noresize'); return false;">Enlarge">,height=750,scrollbars=no,noresize'); return false;">

Jesse D. Garrabrant/Getty Images

Malone has, after many years, acknowledged and embraced his daughter Cheryl.
ButRose admitted that when he was growing up, his father's abandonmentdrove him to be both a great player and a good student. He wanted toshow his father what a huge mistake he'd made by not being a part ofhis life. It's the reason Rose chose No. 42 when he was at SouthwesternHigh School in Detroit. He knew his father wore 24.
"I wanted sorely to let him know my name and rub it in his face and let him know what he was missing," Rose said.

Bellsays he has nothing to prove to Malone, although no one could blame himif he secretly wanted to show up his old man. I asked Bell what hewould do if his father called him up one day, ready to be what he'snever been.

"It's something I haven't thought about and I'm not really ready to talk about it," Bell said. "I just don't know right now."

Absenteefather certainly isn't the image most have of Malone -- especially inSummerfield and Salt Lake City, where he's revered. In fact, in 2003Utah governor Mike Leavitt presented Malone and his wife, Kay, with aspecial declaration to "commend and thank Kay and Karl Malone for theirincredible service, friendship, and generosity to the state of Utah."In the press release, Malone's frequent visits to sick children werepraised, as well as his Karl Malone Foundation for Kids, which aidschildren and families in need. It makes his apparent reluctance to be afather to Bell that much more astounding, especially when you considerthat Malone also grew up fatherless. Malone's father committed suicidewhen he was 3.

A decade ago, Malone and his wife -- withwhom he has fathered four children -- spoke at a conference on familiesand talked openly about the children Malone has fathered outside oftheir marriage.

Of course, the Malones were talking about Daryl and Cheryl, not Demetrius.

Malonetold the audience: "Everything I've been through, everything I'm aboutto go through in my career and my life, if my family wasn't with me anddidn't support me, it would be really tough."
Originally Posted by DaComeUP

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

This is not a story

Karl Malone has fathered a child with a 13 year old girl when he was 20

That is a story

Wait... what?

[h1]Karl Malone falls short, as a father    [/h1]

By Jemele Hill
Page 2
(Archive | Contact)

Updated: May 12, 2008, 4:56 PM ET

This is how Demetrius Bell, drafted a couple of weeks ago by theBuffalo Bills in the seventh round, describes his relationship with hisfather:

[+]">,height=750,scrollbars=no,noresize'); return false;">Enlarge">,height=750,scrollbars=no,noresize'); return false;">

AP Photo/Paul Sakuma

Karl Malone had an incredible NBA career -- but he hasn't been nearly as exemplary in another role.
"I treat it as if my mother went to the sperm bank. I don't hate him for [not being in my life]. It made me a better person."
Butit's pretty hard to reduce your father to a DNA dispenser when everyoneelse in the world knows him as the NBA's second-leading scorer of alltime, a two-time Olympic gold medalist, and arguably the greatest powerforward ever.

Yes, Bell's father is Karl Malone. And ifyou're wondering why you've never heard of Bell or seen these twoengaged in any father-son moments, it's because Malone apparently wantsnothing to do with him.

Malone has never publicly spokenabout Bell. Attempts were made to contact Malone through the NBAoffice, but he never responded.

It's hard to tell which ismore astonishing -- that Malone actually feels this way, or that Bellwas able to overcome the heartbreaking reality of being rejected by aparent.
What matters most is that Bell triumphed in spite ofhow his father behaved. He grew up in Summerfield, La. -- Malone'shometown -- and earned a basketball scholarship to Northwestern State,nearly 2½ hours away from Summerfield. Everyone there describes Bell asa gem. When I called the school to find out more about Bell, the sportsinformation director talked nonstop about how polite, well-liked anddetermined Bell is.Malone aside, Bell's story is unbelievable. He thought he was going tobe a big-time basketball star like you know who, and didn't startplaying football until three years ago. The football staff looked atBell's size and relative speed, and hatched the idea that Bell wouldmake an outstanding defensive end.He played that position in 2005, appearing in just one game. The nextseason he was pressed into duty as an offensive tackle three weeksbefore the season started. After 22 straight starts, Bell became anAll-American, a first-team All-Southland Conference selection, and nowa proud NFL player. Plus, Bell is expected to graduate this spring.
"I was crying," Bell said when asked what it was like to be drafted. "I was just so happy."

Bellisn't the only Malone child to fall victim to this rather heinouspick-and-roll. Bell is one of three children Malone has fatheredoutside of wedlock, although he is the only one who Malone hasapparently refused to have a relationship with. Malone's other twochildren outside his marriage are fraternal twins Daryl and CherylFord. Both of them played basketball at Louisiana Tech, like theirfather, and Cheryl is a forward for the WNBA's Detroit Shock.

[+]">,height=750,scrollbars=no,noresize'); return false;">Enlarge">,height=750,scrollbars=no,noresize'); return false;">

AP Photo/Michael Conroy

Bell overcame the absence of his father to become an NFL player.
Infact, you may have seen the Louisiana tourism commercial featuringCheryl Ford and her famous father, who finally appeared in his twinchildren's lives when they were 17. Bell lost out in the fatherlottery. According to Bell, Malone told him it was too late for him tobe his father, and he'd have to make it on his own.
Nice to meet you too, Dad.

"Igrew up around good people," Bell said. "I never turned to a fatherfigure. I was lucky. I didn't need one. I'm happy. I don't needanything else."

If Al Sharpton is itching to picketsomething, he should organize a protest outside Malone's house, sincethe National Fatherhood Initiative says two out of threeAfrican-American children grow up without their father in the home.

RogerClemens' alleged seedy indiscretions -- including a possible sexualrelationship with a 15-year-old -- are nothing compared to what Malonehas done. Malone reportedly impregnated Bell's mother when she was 13and he was a sophomore at Louisiana Tech. Malone is lucky Chris Hansenwasn't around and he didn't have to answer to the authorities.

Itwould be one thing if Malone was unable to financially provide for hisson, but he made more than $100 million during his NBA career. The SaltLake (Utah) Tribune reported that when Bell's grandparents initiallytook Malone to court for paternity in 1986, his second year with theJazz, they requested Malone pay $200 a week. Malone didn't respond tothe suit, but a Louisiana judge ruled he was Bell's father -- after apaternity test showed that was indeed accurate -- and ordered Malone topay $125 a week, plus past and future medical expenses. Malone claimedthat was too much and later reached a confidential out-of-courtsettlement with Bell's family between 1988 and 1989.
Worseis that Bell has developed a good relationship with Cheryl and Daryl,who also grew up in Summerfield. The three have gone fishing together,and Bell describes them as a tight-knit group. Though one can't helpbut wonder, if Cheryl hadn't starred at her father's alma mater andgone on to play professionally, would Malone have felt so inclined toreappear in her life? If the media hadn't done so many stories abouthow Cheryl was following in her dad's footsteps, would we ever haveseen Malone in the stands when his daughter won a WNBA championship in2003?
"Ijust can't fathom how someone can't acknowledge their own child," saidESPN NBA analyst Jalen Rose, who had a nearly nonexistent relationshipwith his father, Jimmy Walker, a basketball legend at Providence andthe No. 1 pick in the 1967 NBA draft.

Rose spoke to hisfather for the first time nine years ago, but he was fortunate in thesense that when his father played, the NBA wasn't as popular as it isnow, and Walker didn't have the same distinguished career as Malone.

The first time Rose and Walker "met" was at Walker's funeral last year.

"Iknow about kerosene heaters, sugar milk and syrup sandwiches," Rosesaid. "Those are the days when it was bitter and personal. But I wentto college, became an All-American and had a NBA career. I had torealize that was God's plan for me. I was healthy and happy, and itwasn't like I was living under some freeway."

[+]">,height=750,scrollbars=no,noresize'); return false;">Enlarge">,height=750,scrollbars=no,noresize'); return false;">

Jesse D. Garrabrant/Getty Images

Malone has, after many years, acknowledged and embraced his daughter Cheryl.
ButRose admitted that when he was growing up, his father's abandonmentdrove him to be both a great player and a good student. He wanted toshow his father what a huge mistake he'd made by not being a part ofhis life. It's the reason Rose chose No. 42 when he was at SouthwesternHigh School in Detroit. He knew his father wore 24.
"I wanted sorely to let him know my name and rub it in his face and let him know what he was missing," Rose said.

Bellsays he has nothing to prove to Malone, although no one could blame himif he secretly wanted to show up his old man. I asked Bell what hewould do if his father called him up one day, ready to be what he'snever been.

"It's something I haven't thought about and I'm not really ready to talk about it," Bell said. "I just don't know right now."

Absenteefather certainly isn't the image most have of Malone -- especially inSummerfield and Salt Lake City, where he's revered. In fact, in 2003Utah governor Mike Leavitt presented Malone and his wife, Kay, with aspecial declaration to "commend and thank Kay and Karl Malone for theirincredible service, friendship, and generosity to the state of Utah."In the press release, Malone's frequent visits to sick children werepraised, as well as his Karl Malone Foundation for Kids, which aidschildren and families in need. It makes his apparent reluctance to be afather to Bell that much more astounding, especially when you considerthat Malone also grew up fatherless. Malone's father committed suicidewhen he was 3.

A decade ago, Malone and his wife -- withwhom he has fathered four children -- spoke at a conference on familiesand talked openly about the children Malone has fathered outside oftheir marriage.

Of course, the Malones were talking about Daryl and Cheryl, not Demetrius.

Malonetold the audience: "Everything I've been through, everything I'm aboutto go through in my career and my life, if my family wasn't with me anddidn't support me, it would be really tough."
Originally Posted by cmoneymontana

Originally Posted by Im Not You

I guess I'm in the minority because I'm 24 and I have a few 18 years olds on my roster...but IMO you dudes are SERIOUSLY blowing this out of proportion. It only looks bad because she's in High School.

If she's a 17 or 18 year old college freshman...does this even make the news?

When you are a starting QB in the NFL, it matters.

Once you have reached a certain point in your life, you have to up your standards.
What standards should a starting QB in the NFL have?
I feel like there is some rulebook or something out there that you dudes have access to that I haven't seen about how to live life as a professional athlete.
Originally Posted by cmoneymontana

Originally Posted by Im Not You

I guess I'm in the minority because I'm 24 and I have a few 18 years olds on my roster...but IMO you dudes are SERIOUSLY blowing this out of proportion. It only looks bad because she's in High School.

If she's a 17 or 18 year old college freshman...does this even make the news?

When you are a starting QB in the NFL, it matters.

Once you have reached a certain point in your life, you have to up your standards.
What standards should a starting QB in the NFL have?
I feel like there is some rulebook or something out there that you dudes have access to that I haven't seen about how to live life as a professional athlete.
In other Mark Sanchez news, he plans on working out with Brunell and Drew Brees this off-season. The kid is all about improving his game, and I'm proud to call him my QB.

Spoiler [+]
Maybe he's working out with Brunell to get to his daughter?
In other Mark Sanchez news, he plans on working out with Brunell and Drew Brees this off-season. The kid is all about improving his game, and I'm proud to call him my QB.

Spoiler [+]
Maybe he's working out with Brunell to get to his daughter?
wooww, had a few classes with Karl Malone's son while in college.  He never said anything of it.  Happy to see hes doing okay though
wooww, had a few classes with Karl Malone's son while in college.  He never said anything of it.  Happy to see hes doing okay though
Originally Posted by swendro88

Originally Posted by Im Not You

I guess I'm in the minority because I'm 24 and I have a few 18 years olds on my roster...but IMO you dudes are SERIOUSLY blowing this out of proportion. It only looks bad because she's in High School.

If she's a 17 or 18 year old college freshman...does this even make the news?

What part of " Starting quarterback for the New York Jets" don't you understand?

Exactly.  Not to mention he's from USC..........a goldmine as far as young women are concerned.  He's taking some major steps backwards messing with this high school chick, and he's in NYC which makes it 10x worse. 
Originally Posted by swendro88

Originally Posted by Im Not You

I guess I'm in the minority because I'm 24 and I have a few 18 years olds on my roster...but IMO you dudes are SERIOUSLY blowing this out of proportion. It only looks bad because she's in High School.

If she's a 17 or 18 year old college freshman...does this even make the news?

What part of " Starting quarterback for the New York Jets" don't you understand?

Exactly.  Not to mention he's from USC..........a goldmine as far as young women are concerned.  He's taking some major steps backwards messing with this high school chick, and he's in NYC which makes it 10x worse. 
I get it now. You dudes are bringing your personal logic to the table.

I tend to stay within the lines of legalities when it comes to topics like these. I don't believe in applying your own personal logic to everything.

Mark Sanchez *+#@*%% a 13 year old = What the hell is wrong w/ you bro

Mark Sanchez *+#@*%% a 17 year old = I really don't care
EDIT - I also find it interesting how we apply different logic to different people even the circumstances are similar at the base.

For example. We'd applaud Hugh Hefner for a barely legal playmate.

We find something wrong with 24 year old Mark Sanchez doing it. 

Why is that?

Just because something is legal doesn't mean we can't make fun of the situation...

I don't believe I said anything about poking fun at it. I'm talking about the dudes who find something morally wrong with it.
I get it now. You dudes are bringing your personal logic to the table.

I tend to stay within the lines of legalities when it comes to topics like these. I don't believe in applying your own personal logic to everything.

Mark Sanchez *+#@*%% a 13 year old = What the hell is wrong w/ you bro

Mark Sanchez *+#@*%% a 17 year old = I really don't care
EDIT - I also find it interesting how we apply different logic to different people even the circumstances are similar at the base.

For example. We'd applaud Hugh Hefner for a barely legal playmate.

We find something wrong with 24 year old Mark Sanchez doing it. 

Why is that?

Just because something is legal doesn't mean we can't make fun of the situation...

I don't believe I said anything about poking fun at it. I'm talking about the dudes who find something morally wrong with it.
Just because something is legal doesn't mean we can't make fun of the situation...
Just because something is legal doesn't mean we can't make fun of the situation...
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