Marijuana has just been decriminalized in California.

Originally Posted by Eranoitckik

Supremacy clause

federal law> state law
Same thing I was thinking but it's great step forward for the cause.

Now even if it gets shut down at least recognition was created and the paves the way for the future 10 steps forward 8 steps back..... forward wins

November is when we try to go ALL the way

Not sure if prop 19 is gonna win but cause of all the mixed feelings about this. Im sure dispensaries and other groups are against this because that means less money for them. More people are going to be able to get  a chunk of the pie. Theres also those that don't know about marijuana and think it's as bad as crack.

Whatever happens will be something to remember

I <3 CA

wrong. they run as a non profit, so if it's legalized they would LOVE it because they'd be able to make money.
Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by Eranoitckik

Supremacy clause

federal law> state law
Same thing I was thinking but it's great step forward for the cause.

Now even if it gets shut down at least recognition was created and the paves the way for the future 10 steps forward 8 steps back..... forward wins

November is when we try to go ALL the way

Not sure if prop 19 is gonna win but cause of all the mixed feelings about this. Im sure dispensaries and other groups are against this because that means less money for them. More people are going to be able to get  a chunk of the pie. Theres also those that don't know about marijuana and think it's as bad as crack.

Whatever happens will be something to remember

I <3 CA
wrong. they run as a non profit, so if it's legalized they would LOVE it because they'd be able to make money.

you're the wrong one. read up on it. many dispensaries are opposed to prop 19 because it gives the cities the right to stick it to them hard tax-wise. and you really think they dont make a ton of money now even though they are "non profit"?
Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by Eranoitckik

Supremacy clause

federal law> state law
Same thing I was thinking but it's great step forward for the cause.

Now even if it gets shut down at least recognition was created and the paves the way for the future 10 steps forward 8 steps back..... forward wins

November is when we try to go ALL the way

Not sure if prop 19 is gonna win but cause of all the mixed feelings about this. Im sure dispensaries and other groups are against this because that means less money for them. More people are going to be able to get  a chunk of the pie. Theres also those that don't know about marijuana and think it's as bad as crack.

Whatever happens will be something to remember

I <3 CA
wrong. they run as a non profit, so if it's legalized they would LOVE it because they'd be able to make money.

But the competition could get fierce....

with higher competition comes lower prices. Some dispensaries don't have the ammunition to tackle open demand. Right now the prices at dispensaries are pretty stable across the board and those that are good get the big bucks keeping prices at $40 and 8th for top shelf..... but if more players enter the game and more stores pop up that have the same quality then the prices need to come down. Over 2 years of buying at dispensaries Ive noticed the prices dropping slowly, so Id imagine it would be crazy if 600 more stores open up or something It's awsome for us the consumers but bad for them.

Also taxes and other charges they might get from the state. They will lose some money except for the real players, those will pretty much take over like McDonald or something

just saying, not an expert
^on point as always, Rex.
and the people in California, please READ Prop 19 before you actually vote. 

Legalization?  FAR FROM IT. if this passes, were just taking 10 steps back.  
Originally Posted by akaValentino

^on point as always, Rex.
and the people in California, please READ Prop 19 before you actually vote. 

Legalization?  FAR FROM IT. if this passes, were just taking 10 steps back.  

How so?

please explain.....

just gonna throw this out here

People voting no fall under 4 categories:
1) Vested interest in marijuana being illegal(cash,big profit)
2) Those that want and wish to be in 1)
3) The selfish, related to 1) but without a profit motive. The "i've got mine, f you" people.
Originally Posted by Nash

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by thejrob

Originally Posted by GrizztheBoss

NY>CA, they doing you the favor, so that you can be baked when them earthquakes finish you.


Let's be honest though. If Cali legalizes on November 2nd then this argument is over. Cali will reign supreme
naw...ya car sanctions suck making trees legal will make ya just slightly below NY
enjoy your snow brah


Originally Posted by Eranoitckik

Originally Posted by akaValentino

^on point as always, Rex.
and the people in California, please READ Prop 19 before you actually vote. 

Legalization?  FAR FROM IT. if this passes, were just taking 10 steps back.  

How so?

please explain.....

just gonna throw this out here

People voting no fall under 4 categories:
1) Vested interest in marijuana being illegal(cash,big profit)
2) Those that want and wish to be in 1)
3) The selfish, related to 1) but without a profit motive. The "i've got mine, f you" people.
4) The ignorant, the uninformed, and the misinformed
You can't really call them ignorant if you haven't heard their opinion...
Originally Posted by Andrew630

Originally Posted by Eranoitckik

Originally Posted by akaValentino

^on point as always, Rex.
and the people in California, please READ Prop 19 before you actually vote. 

Legalization?  FAR FROM IT. if this passes, were just taking 10 steps back.  

How so?

please explain.....

just gonna throw this out here

People voting no fall under 4 categories:
1) Vested interest in marijuana being illegal(cash,big profit)
2) Those that want and wish to be in 1)
3) The selfish, related to 1) but without a profit motive. The "i've got mine, f you" people.
4) The ignorant, the uninformed, and the misinformed
You can't really call them ignorant if you haven't heard their opinion...
Yeah I agree.... my bad
Originally Posted by akaValentino

^on point as always, Rex.
and the people in California, please READ Prop 19 before you actually vote. 

Legalization?  FAR FROM IT. if this passes, were just taking 10 steps back.  
Can you explain it bro cuz I'm a big
and i'm rooting for this to pass...
As a non-californian I'm surprised the state hasn't come to this sooner. It is unfortunate that it takes bankruptcy of a state to realize what is becoming an inevitable reality.

What makes me mad is that I may be in my 50's by the time California and some states finally legalize marijuana. However, do not doubt for a second that something lie this may make businessmen out of drug lords or benefit bigger firms like Philip Morris who can probably produce the product very quickly.
Good thread
Closely related, Oregon has Measure 74 on the ballot to start allowing for dispensaries across the state for medical users
The measure, if approved, would establish a state licensing system for marijuana producers and dispensaries, allow the sale of marijuana from the dispensaries to medical marijuana patients, provide low income assistance for those patients, and set up a research program to evaluate the effects of the new law.

And simple possession has been decriminalized here since 1973 though. 

If you're caught with an ounce or less, $500-$1000 fine. 
Well, I'm glad prop 19 wasn't passed while I was in high school.

A couple of my boys are going to be broke if it does.
Originally Posted by nbirn2103 outlines some information on why 19 should not be passed.

I'd suggest checking it out.
I must be the only one BUT

 • Do you rent your home? Prop 19 will only allow you to grow cannabis if you have permission from your landlord. Due to the risks involved, many (if not most) California landlords do not allow it. How is this legalization?

This is already the case. It was NEVER ok to grow weed in your landlords property unless he would give you permission. I don't see how prop19 takes AWAY anything in this regard. In my opinion prop19 is beneficial in this regard because it is now OK to at least ask your landlord. I mean it is his or her property and currently it is illegal to grow weed if you are not a medical patient. I also hear arguments coming from the medical marijuana community saying that with prop19 they will HAVE to ask their landlord for permission. As a former club member I would never find it ok to grow weed in my landlords property because it is his property and even with a doctors rec..... I don't it's cool to grow and think it's perfectly normal since your a medical cannabis patient (not saying I haven't done this). Prop 19 makes it 'normal' to grow some weed in your place'.

Do you grow cannabis with a doctor recommendation? Prop 19 will likely be interpreted by law enforcement and judges to limit your grow space to 5′x5′

-The law states that medical cannabis patients are not affected by Prop 19. Just like today, cops won't go extra hard in trying to prove you are not a patient.

Do you live in the same "space" and a minor? (Space could mean anything from the same house to an entire apartment complex.) You will not be allowed to consume cannabis.

Isn't this the case already? I would never blow some smoke into my sons face..... does this mean it's OK to do so if your a medical cannabis patient? NO.... Im pretty sure you can get in trouble for smoking infront or with a minor if you are a medical cannabis patient. But lets remember that Prop19 does not affect medical cannabis users, just in case one thinks your allowed to do so with a doctors rec

Are you age 18-20? You will not be allowed to consume cannabis legally under Prop 19. Currently, all you need is a medical recommendation to do so.

Again not affecting medical cannabis users. As soon as I turned 18 I got my rec. and smoked away, but I went through the trouble of driving less than a mile to get my rec. So those that are 18-20 could do the same cause prop19 does not affect patients.

Well most of the points made by this website are really ignoring the current condition medical marijuana and illegal use of marijuana is in the state. Prop19 is the way to go because it's a step forward.... I just hate how some people say it's not truly 'legal' because you have to smoke far away from children or ask you landlord for permission. Even with a medical card I never asked my landlord if it was ok to grow some trees...... cause it's openly illegal.... but now it will be LEGAL. So Im sure your landlord won't trip if your grow room is odor proof. Dudes want to grow trees and stink up apartments and stuff amh not everyone smoked tress so they should be considered instead of complaining that you have to ask permission

I just want what I think is best. Ive read through both sides of the issue and the points made against prop19 don;t really hold up too well.....

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