Marbury's Days In New York Numbered? Update: Leaves the team?

Just heard a WFAN update....

Marbury got into an argument with Thomas over his role on the team. Thomas told him that he would not start tonight.

Sounds to me like this was a rash decision ordered by Dolan because he was not happy with Marbury's TV appearances over the summer. I think Marbury wouldhave been fine with the role if the decision was a fair one (which it is not) and this did not leak into the media before he was confronted with the"issue".

^Yeah Gunna I agree with you....that was my point. However, that was the rationale used in Frank Isola's article today about why they would reduce hisrole or buy him out.
Jesus Christ.

Just when I think things are heading in the right direction.

I'm upset with Marbury for jumping off the deep end only because he was told he'd come off the bench.

All in all, though... I can't help but agree with the people who call this organization a joke. That's exactly what it is, right now.
When I say we're stuck

I mean it as in...

We're nothin better than possibly the 6th seed in the East

That's it.

There is a cieling with this team and how it continue's to be constructed
^HTTB come on man you think Marbury left just because of that?! No man...put yourself in shoes....he had to hear about this all morning through the grapevinebefore the team even told him. And secondly he is being benched due to his TV appearances yet Isiah Thomas is still coaching after being found guilty by ajury!! Thats BS and I would be mad too!
I just don't see what he has done for me to defend him

I'm not sayin its right, but he can leave and will win 35 games without him

To quote Branch Rickey

"We finished last with you, we can finish last without you."
Personally I think the Knicks have handled this situation horribly and Marbury has every right to be upset.

Couldnt agree more
ifthis is true.

If this is because of defense than i dont know what the +%** isiah is talking about. To quote me from the other thread, we lost 75-73, that is like losing afootball game 3-0 and than blaming the D for the loss. Watching the game i saw Stephon work his##@+ off and D and fight hard to get around screens and contestshots, and etc. If Isiah was mad about Stephons play than he should have benched him to send a message but Stephon was only rested because he was tired andplayed the entire 4th quater.
at Isiah for trying to blame Marbury for theloss. Just to state we were without probably our best player and lost our starting SF. Once we get Zach back we are much better. I like the way we are rightnow, and if Zeke doesnt overreact over 1 game, im sure we will get back on track and be where we were when we beat the Nuggets. @@!+ were 2-3 relax. If we getsalty after every loss we are in for a long season, we just need to keep doing what we were doing from the start and Steph sure as hell is included in thoseplans at starting PG. There is no chance we will beat teams out west this week without Stephon at the point especially because we are gonna b without Q aswell.

If this is true and we are benching Marbury, than he has every right to be upset after he did all he could to try and get us a W despite a poor offensive teameffort, especailly if Zeke is going to blame his D as the cause. We need Marbury in there and Isiah better wise up, because just like we were last week, we area great basketball team, and although i am just as pissed about that loss as anyone else, maybe more, we cant overreact like this 5 games into the season, andif we did bench !%%@##% Curry or someone who sucked like crazy last game and most of the games this season. He not Steph plays no D and he not Steph turned theball over late in the game when we needed a score. And who would we start at the point? As much as i love Nate, we cant beat Phx with him running the pointespecially on a hurt groin, and Mardy Collins? Last game was the first time he got any PT all season, and if Zeke wants to start him hes crazy, and why rewardhim for missing 2 FTs that would have put the game on lock for us. If Marbury is benched, he should be upset and
at Zeke.

And this SHOULD be under the season thread, so all the outside haters who dont know $%%% dont come in solely to bash the Knicks and Marbury.

What a joke of an organization
See what i mean? These dudes no nothing about what is going on. This is all after last week when we were boasting about our team. Stopoverreacting its 1 loss we're 2-3. If we have stuck with Steph this far we sure as hell cant bail now when everything WAS going right. Just to reiterate wewere without Randolph, we lost Q, and it was just 1 loss. Marbury is the least guy who should be blamed and Zeke has lost major credibility points for me if heblames a guy like Marbury for the loss over a guy like Curry. But either way we should not be overreacting, we are a very good te am but we need to stay ontrack and not let these media haters $*#* with our heads like we are doing now.

llen3xis....say what you want about Marbury but you know and I know from watching the team the past 2 seasons that the man has changed his game. Now for this to come out in the media that they are talking about reducing his role and potentially buying him out without going to him first?! If I was Marbury I would be mad too. I know the Knicks were not happy with his off the court actions this summer...but they did not discipline him then!! You reduce someone role due to their PLAY ON THE COURT!! Marbury has unselfishly changed his game for the team and has played well thus far. Also five games into the season is not the time for this. If you are Dolan how can you even discuss reducing Marbury's role or buying him out as punishment and not do anything to Isiah for his actions which he was found guilty of in court. As a lifelong Knick fan I am embarrassed

Couldnt agree more with any of that. We are in the right direction, we cant be doing this right now, it could $*#* up our whole season.
And it all goes back to James$%#%%@*' Dolan.

I'm sick of the weekly soap opera.

Are we sure that it has to do with hit TV appearances this summer? I mean, why would him acting crazy on TV have any holding on how effective he can be on thecourt?

This is just a big mess.

I'll still be in front of my TV tonight for the game, though.


"I wish I knew how to quit you!"
im embarrased to be a knicks fan but at the same time it was dumb to play marbury like that...
True blue speakin,

I'm so annoyed and frustrated at this its not even funny. How is it that Isiah says he won't start tonights game? What has he done so bad that hedeserves to be benched?
Woah, I'm hearing that Curry may not start either.

I guess this is just an attempt to send a message. I just hope it's the right decision.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Woah, I'm hearing that Curry may not start either.

I guess this is just an attempt to send a message. I just hope it's the right decision.

Now we're talking. Benching Curry will give us D and we wont lose much offense. But benching Marbury is just sad and pathetic. I got no clue what Isiah istrying to do right now. Dont know what the !@$* is up with these people being embarassed to be a Knicks fan. We have been through way worse than this. And weare getting back on track. We are where we need to be now, and we cannot let 1 loss end what we have going on right now. Isiah needs to stop being a $%!*%right now because he is %@%$+#+ up our season, start Marbury now.
^Chalk it up as a [blow out]. I want to hear the reasoning behind this badly. I wanna see Dolan/Thomas with a straight face say this was a legitimate reasonfor wanting to bench Marbury.
Damn, I was hoping Eddie Winslow was going to be back.

RIP to his Grandma though.
At least they're not treating his game check ala Minnesota Vikings.
Damn it! my fantasy team! Why would Isiah take him out of the starting lineup? He was playing good.
let's just bench the entire team. let's start fred, mardy, malik, randolph, and wilson.

we are going to get our faces kicked in tonight.

how many dunks for amare and shawn tonight? 15?
at Knicks fans who were talking about the old 'Stabury' coming back. He needs to go to the Cavs because the knicks and marbury are not a goodmatch, period.
^^Coming from a swamprat, that deserves no credibility whatsoever. The old "Starbury" was talented but selfish. We have the new and improvedStarbury, who we lost a little talent froom, although he is still very talented and a giffted scorer when he looks to score, but he does not have the "oldStarbury" ways. He is a leader for us, and only looks to get his teamates involved. He is a great match for us, and the amount of hate on this post isridiculous. Y'alls acting like we are a done trash team. But i cant completely blame all of you, because Zeke is ocverrreacting over nothing right now.
yo HTTB when did you put that avy up i think it was recent? either you jinxed us or you know the future lol. so tell me what team is kobe going to?
isaiah should go. he's shown himself to be a lackey for the dolans.

no one named dolan should have anything to do with the kicks organization.

no one named dolan should have anything to do with high-priced cable in my neck of the woods either.

sick of it.
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