Mandatory Vaccinations

Has the pandemic changed your stance on mandatory vaccinations

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 13.6%
  • No

    Votes: 57 86.4%

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Which rank would you consider malpractice being a leading killer in the country alarming?

Also, if an establishment that is supposed to be saving lives has to expose itself when They weren’t able to save a life does that not speak directly to a level of incompetence? If so, at what level of incompetence are you comfortable with when it comes to the health of you and your family?
These aren’t meant to be inflammatory questions and it would be appreciated if you could speak directly to the question so I can have a better understanding of where you’re coming from.
Which rank would you consider malpractice being a leading killer in the country alarming?

Also, if an establishment that is supposed to be saving lives has to expose itself when They weren’t able to save a life does that not speak directly to a level of incompetence? If so, at what level of incompetence are you comfortable with when it comes to the health of you and your family?
These aren’t meant to be inflammatory questions and it would be appreciated if you could speak directly to the question so I can have a better understanding of where you’re coming from.

Did you even read the article? :rofl:There are levels to what we consider medical malpractice from gross negligence to adverse events. It's not that simple.

Here's a scenario, someone comes into the hospital with cardiac arrest and based on the information we had on the patient at the time the wrong medical decision was made which led to the patient who was going to die anyways to finally meet their demise. What killed the patient if they had a cocaine related myocardial infarct but the wrong drug was given which exacerbated it? Did the medical team or cocaine kill the patient?

It's not that simple, now perfectly healthy patients dying of gross negligence in hospitals is very rare. Read the article, this is more nuanced than you think.
Another scenario, a radiologist misses a small nodule on a smoker's xray that ends up becoming cancer in 15 years? What killed the patient?

1. The radiologist?
2. Cigarettes?
3. The cancer?
4. Paraneoplastic syndromes?
5. COVID related complicated post pneumonectomy to remove said cancer?
I read the article and I respect the knowledge in it. Those are the writer’s thoughts. I asked some specific questions so I could better understand what were your thoughts were. If you’re not interested in answering the questions I respect that as well.
Naturopathic medicine is great when you're not actually sick, but as soon as you develop a somewhat serious infection or condition it reveals itself to be the joke that it is.
nah fam you sheep mentality. only difference between the two is one can pump you full of pills and do major surgery. naturopathic beats it almost every time, unless you want a list of side effects that have you worse off than the original symptoms. but alas, do you.
I read the article and I respect the knowledge in it. Those are the writer’s thoughts. I asked some specific questions so I could better understand what were your thoughts were. If you’re not interested in answering the questions I respect that as well.

I share the writer's thoughts. This study is was meant to challenge the medical community to be even better about their approach to patient safety, unfortunately is got misinterpreted by the public.

The medical community ain't out there killing people on purpose, studies like this are done by the medical community to continue to raise the benchmark of excellence in healthcare. Would you rather we sweep it under the rug like the Trump administration?
Are they testing the covid vaccine exclusively on black people? Is first priority given to black people for this vaccine?

Are you really this stupid?

Black people have legitimate concerns over vaccine safety due history in America.

Politicians need to address this.
I find it interesting that many in here are acting like the scientific community and the government are in cahoots to kill them when we literally just got out of a regime that was at ODDs with scientists and the medical community at every turn. so which is it? :nerd:
Life is not so black and white.

But the whites do use blacks for scientific/ medical research. That's a fact. Not an opinion.
nah fam you sheep mentality. only difference between the two is one can pump you full of pills and do major surgery. naturopathic beats it almost every time, unless you want a list of side effects that have you worse off than the original symptoms. but alas, do you.

neuropathic medicine is not without side effects. :rofl:

If those witch doctors actually researched the compounds in their concoctions they would know this. In medical school you have to learn about common neuropathic medications used by certain cultures because they may interact with foods and other medications.

And some things are incurable without major surgery. Rubbing soot on a comminuted open tibia plafond fracture is not going magically make it unite and heal. An unstable spine fracture isn't going to heal if you drink some beet juice. :rofl:
Life is not so black and white.

But the whites do use blacks for scientific/ medical research. That's a fact. Not an opinion.

It is a fact, but you can't apply that to every medical advancement made from here on. LOL black people are not the only ones who think they are being used for scientific research, poorly educated whites do as well. #deepstate.

If you provide me with actual evidence of the covid vaccine targeting black people that isn't "look what they did in Tuskegee" I will be all ears.
Modern medicine is designed around what is good for the average white male. Women and other races are far down from secondary consideration.
It is a fact, but you can't apply that to every medical advancement made from here on. LOL black people Arne't the only ones who think they are being used for scientific research, poorly educated whites do as well. #deepstate.
Nah fam..
When you experimenting on slaves and wearing they damn teeth it's not the same.
It is a fact, but you can't apply that to every medical advancement made from here on. LOL black people are not the only ones who think they are being used for scientific research, poorly educated whites do as well. #deepstate.

If you provide me with actual evidence of the covid vaccine targeting black people that isn't "look what they did in Tuskegee" I will be all ears.
They on tv everyday saying black people need to get it first. Testing vaccines on poor africans and black people ain't a conspiracy theory. It's a fact. You are being willfully ignorant of that at this point.

Henrietta Lacks and the immortal gene line?
If you taking modern medicine it's based off of experimenting with a black woman's cells.

Tuskegee is a recognizable even because the government actually apologized for what they did. It was intentional.
Black people have legitimate concerns over vaccine safety due history in America.

Politicians need to address this.

hmm, how are we going to do this when black people aren't volunteering for clinical trials? :/

Increasing the scientific literacy in this country is a start. Not just in the black community.
They on tv everyday saying black people need to get it first. Testing vaccines on poor africans and black people ain't a conspiracy theory. It's a fact. You are being willfully ignorant of that at this point.

Henrietta Lacks and the immortal gene line?
If you taking modern medicine it's based off of experimenting with a black woman's cells.

Tuskegee is a recognizable even because the government actually apologized for what they did. It was intentional.

lol I watch TV I haven't gotten this impression. Healthcare workers are getting it first which includes physicians. Most physicians in this country are white and "rich". So apparently they are sacrificing white physicians just to harm 10 percent of the population:rofl:

AnRNA vaccine or mRNA (messenger RNA) vaccine is a new type of vaccine that transfects molecules of synthetic RNA into human cells. Once inside the cells, the RNA functions as mRNA, reprogramming the cells to make the foreign protein that would normally be produced by the pathogen (e.g. a virus), or by cancer cells. These protein molecules then stimulate an adaptive immune response that teaches the body to destroy any pathogen, or cancer cells, with the protein.[1] The mRNA molecule is coated with a drug delivery vehicle, usually PEGylated lipid nanoparticles,[2] to protect the fragile mRNA strands, and aid their absorption into the human cells.[3][4]

An illustration of the mechanism of action of the RNA vaccine
The advantages of RNA vaccines over traditional protein vaccines are design and production speed, low cost of production,[5][6] and the induction of cellular immunity as well as humoral immunity.[7][8] Given the novel nature of the mechanism of action of RNA vaccines, and their drug delivery vehicles,[2] little is known about the medium and longer-term side effects,[8] however, autoimmunity, and reactogenicity (mainly from the lipid nanoparticles), have been highlighted.[6][9][10]

The fragility of the mRNA molecule requires cold chain distribution and storage, which may impair effective efficacy due to inadequate dosage (i.e molecule degrades before injection).[1][5][6]

Up until December 2020, no mRNA vaccine, drug, or technology platform, had ever been approved for use in humans, and before 2020, mRNA was only considered a theoretical or experimental candidate for use in humans.[1][7][10] As of December 2020, there were two novel mRNA vaccines awaiting emergency use authorization as COVID-19 vaccines (having completed the required eight-week period post final human trials) – MRNA-1273 from Moderna, and BNT162b2 from a BioNTech/Pfizer partnership.[1][10] Global regulators had to balance a lack of medium to longer-term data on potential side-effects from the novel mechanism of the new mRNA COVID-19 vaccines,[11][9] with the need to address the global coronavirus pandemic,[10][12] for which the faster production capability of mRNA vaccines is valuable.[13][14][9]

On 2 December 2020, seven days after its eight-week post trial period, the UK's Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), became the first medicines regulator in history to approve an mRNA vaccine, granting "emergency authorization" for BioNTech/Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine for "widespread use";[15][16] stating: "the benefits outweigh any risk" (Phase III trials conclude in 2023[17]).[18][19]
I wonder how Jewish folks in
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Copy that. I acknowledge you share the views of the writer.
Would you mind answering the original 2 questions I posed?

what other question? be clear because im not going through this "you didn't answer the question" loop you guys tend to troll with. be clear.
If you provide me with actual evidence of the covid vaccine targeting black people that isn't "look what they did in Tuskegee" I will be all ears.

Nothing conclusive, but historically speaking would this not be convenient?

what other question? be clear because im not going through this "you didn't answer the question" loop you guys tend to troll with. be clear.

No worries. I appreciate your enthusiasm for your beliefs.

Which rank would you consider malpractice being a leading killer in the country alarming?

Also, if an establishment that is supposed to be saving lives has to expose itself when They weren’t able to save a life does that not speak directly to a level of incompetence? If so, at what level of incompetence are you comfortable with when it comes to the health of you and your family?

AnRNA vaccine or mRNA (messenger RNA) vaccine is a new type of vaccine that transfects molecules of synthetic RNA into human cells. Once inside the cells, the RNA functions as mRNA, reprogramming the cells to make the foreign protein that would normally be produced by the pathogen (e.g. a virus), or by cancer cells. These protein molecules then stimulate an adaptive immune response that teaches the body to destroy any pathogen, or cancer cells, with the protein.[1] The mRNA molecule is coated with a drug delivery vehicle, usually PEGylated lipid nanoparticles,[2] to protect the fragile mRNA strands, and aid their absorption into the human cells.[3][4]

An illustration of the mechanism of action of the RNA vaccine
The advantages of RNA vaccines over traditional protein vaccines are design and production speed, low cost of production,[5][6] and the induction of cellular immunity as well as humoral immunity.[7][8] Given the novel nature of the mechanism of action of RNA vaccines, and their drug delivery vehicles,[2] little is known about the medium and longer-term side effects,[8] however, autoimmunity, and reactogenicity (mainly from the lipid nanoparticles), have been highlighted.[6][9][10]

The fragility of the mRNA molecule requires cold chain distribution and storage, which may impair effective efficacy due to inadequate dosage (i.e molecule degrades before injection).[1][5][6]

Up until December 2020, no mRNA vaccine, drug, or technology platform, had ever been approved for use in humans, and before 2020, mRNA was only considered a theoretical or experimental candidate for use in humans.[1][7][10] As of December 2020, there were two novel mRNA vaccines awaiting emergency use authorization as COVID-19 vaccines (having completed the required eight-week period post final human trials) – MRNA-1273 from Moderna, and BNT162b2 from a BioNTech/Pfizer partnership.[1][10] Global regulators had to balance a lack of medium to longer-term data on potential side-effects from the novel mechanism of the new mRNA COVID-19 vaccines,[11][9] with the need to address the global coronavirus pandemic,[10][12] for which the faster production capability of mRNA vaccines is valuable.[13][14][9]

On 2 December 2020, seven days after its eight-week post trial period, the UK's Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), became the first medicines regulator in history to approve an mRNA vaccine, granting "emergency authorization" for BioNTech/Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine for "widespread use";[15][16] stating: "the benefits outweigh any risk" (Phase III trials conclude in 2023[17]).[18][19]

RNA vaccines are relatively new but similar vaccines have already been in trial for many viruses. So it isn't as "novel" as people are making it out to be. It is also ideal for emergency vaccines because of its more favorable clinical profile to protein-based vaccines.
Nothing conclusive, but historically speaking would this not be convenient?

No worries. I appreciate your enthusiasm for your beliefs.

I asked you to provide evidence that the covid 19 vaccine is purposefully made to kill black people not whether black people were most affected by covid. :lol:
I asked you to provide evidence that the covid 19 vaccine is purposefully made to kill black people not whether black people were most affected by covid. :lol:
If they were the most affected wouldn’t they be the ones who need the vaccine the most?
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