Malcolm X thread.

Originally Posted by judeezy36

You can roll on the floor and laugh all you want-- but if you look at it from an anthropological perspective, white supremacy has been promoted and sometimes accepted in the black community as a result of a number of factors... images in the media, hierarchies in the work place, etc. (just to name some of the most prominent factors).  As a religion major in college, I actually took a class entitled "The White Christ:  A Savior for All?"  Class was mad interesting-really took a closer look at how different ethnic groups of Christians perceive Jesus.  Research overwhelmingly supported the notion that each group held different perceptions of Jesus--all of which fit a more personalized view of themselves.  In short, if Jesus was going to be seen as the Christ, a Savior.... he had better look and sound a bit like me.  For my final research paper, I synthesized experiences at three distinct worship services to confirm the prevailing research:  A hispanic Catholic Church, a Southern Baptist majority-White congregation, and a majority-Black Pentecostal church.
Your e-laughter seems to indicate that you know differently?  Feel free to drop some knowledge, homie.
Not trying to thread jack into a race thread but, but going to 3 different churches will never teach you how the average person sees Jesus. Been raised Catholic my whole life, Im 27 now and I can tell you a lot of things were discussed about Jesus and his race was something that was always conveniently avoided. At the end of the day we have an IDEA of what Jesus may have looked like due to geography, but tell me something, other than those photos of Jesus having dreads on Flatbush Ave, the most common perception of Jesus is this blond hair, blue eyed man. Now lets take this a bit deeper, since the AVERAGE Christian believes,(or should believe) that Jesus is God, wouldn't you have to assume that God himself bears a resemblance to a white man?  The most hardcore Christians living in the bible belt states, without a shadow of a doubt believe Jesus was white and that justifies their racism. Countless members of Skinheads and KKK members will quote scripture in your face about the necessity of purity, blah blah blah. And btw if society accepted Jesus as a minority,  Passion of the Christ would not have been a billion dollar flick. You can call me wrong all you want but if Jesus was any other race but a white man in American History, race relations would be COMPLETELY different as I type this response to you.

I dont know if You ever watched OZ, but basically there was a character called Schillinger who was a white supremacist, anyway I was looking for the video and couldn't find it but heres the transcript of what happened between him and Beecher.

Schillinger: One of these Muslim monkeys was trying to tell me that Jesus was a #@+*%%. He even quoted from the Bible trying to back his !+%$ up.

Beecher: Well, Jesus was from Judea so he was probably of an olive-colored skin.

Schillinger: Look at that picture there. (Shows him a Jim Cazival sp? looking Jesus)  Does that look like a #@+*%% to you?

So yea, if you think the fact that a "white" Jesus doesn't reinforce white supremacy (in America anyway) or the fact that the average white racist can justify their racism and still claim to be God fearing Christian people or the fact that NOTHING has been done to educate Christians on his proper background than I dunno what to tell ya
Originally Posted by judeezy36

You can roll on the floor and laugh all you want-- but if you look at it from an anthropological perspective, white supremacy has been promoted and sometimes accepted in the black community as a result of a number of factors... images in the media, hierarchies in the work place, etc. (just to name some of the most prominent factors).  As a religion major in college, I actually took a class entitled "The White Christ:  A Savior for All?"  Class was mad interesting-really took a closer look at how different ethnic groups of Christians perceive Jesus.  Research overwhelmingly supported the notion that each group held different perceptions of Jesus--all of which fit a more personalized view of themselves.  In short, if Jesus was going to be seen as the Christ, a Savior.... he had better look and sound a bit like me.  For my final research paper, I synthesized experiences at three distinct worship services to confirm the prevailing research:  A hispanic Catholic Church, a Southern Baptist majority-White congregation, and a majority-Black Pentecostal church.
Your e-laughter seems to indicate that you know differently?  Feel free to drop some knowledge, homie.
Not trying to thread jack into a race thread but, but going to 3 different churches will never teach you how the average person sees Jesus. Been raised Catholic my whole life, Im 27 now and I can tell you a lot of things were discussed about Jesus and his race was something that was always conveniently avoided. At the end of the day we have an IDEA of what Jesus may have looked like due to geography, but tell me something, other than those photos of Jesus having dreads on Flatbush Ave, the most common perception of Jesus is this blond hair, blue eyed man. Now lets take this a bit deeper, since the AVERAGE Christian believes,(or should believe) that Jesus is God, wouldn't you have to assume that God himself bears a resemblance to a white man?  The most hardcore Christians living in the bible belt states, without a shadow of a doubt believe Jesus was white and that justifies their racism. Countless members of Skinheads and KKK members will quote scripture in your face about the necessity of purity, blah blah blah. And btw if society accepted Jesus as a minority,  Passion of the Christ would not have been a billion dollar flick. You can call me wrong all you want but if Jesus was any other race but a white man in American History, race relations would be COMPLETELY different as I type this response to you.

I dont know if You ever watched OZ, but basically there was a character called Schillinger who was a white supremacist, anyway I was looking for the video and couldn't find it but heres the transcript of what happened between him and Beecher.

Schillinger: One of these Muslim monkeys was trying to tell me that Jesus was a #@+*%%. He even quoted from the Bible trying to back his !+%$ up.

Beecher: Well, Jesus was from Judea so he was probably of an olive-colored skin.

Schillinger: Look at that picture there. (Shows him a Jim Cazival sp? looking Jesus)  Does that look like a #@+*%% to you?

So yea, if you think the fact that a "white" Jesus doesn't reinforce white supremacy (in America anyway) or the fact that the average white racist can justify their racism and still claim to be God fearing Christian people or the fact that NOTHING has been done to educate Christians on his proper background than I dunno what to tell ya
From an agnostic perspective not to sway the malcom thread, they beileve in themselves, which is a god-like belief. Religion is man-made toll to empower the powers that be. Leaders of the past like Christ, Malcom, Moses and others are only kept alive per say is sacrificing yourself to them.
From an agnostic perspective not to sway the malcom thread, they beileve in themselves, which is a god-like belief. Religion is man-made toll to empower the powers that be. Leaders of the past like Christ, Malcom, Moses and others are only kept alive per say is sacrificing yourself to them.
Read everything and I'm sorry to go off on another tangent but if Malcolm X was still alive, do you guys think he would be a Five Percenter? I don't claim to be familar with The Nation of Gods and Earth but according to Wikipedia, he was minister to Clarence 13X who would go on to found and preach the Five Percent Nation of Islam.

The term Five Percent comes from NOI doctrine that sees the world population divided into three groups: 85% of the people are blind to the knowledge of themselves and God, while 10% of the people know the truth but teach a lie for their personal gain; seen as part of this 10% are religious leaders that teach that God is an incorporeal being (hence the term "mystery God"). The 10% also includes the governments and corporations of the world that deceive and mislead the majority of the world through most of the available media outlets. The remaining 5% are the poor righteous teachers — those who do not subscribe to the teachings of the 10% as they know and teach that God is the Blackman of Asia. Black in Five-Percent doctrine includes all human beings, regardless of ethnicity, who adhere to the Black-Hearted Perspective or the Way of Love, and Asia refers to the whole planet Earth, or Pangaea.

The members of the Nation of Gods and Earths use ancient teachings that predate monotheistic religions to verify their deity status. Another defense for not adhering to modern-day religion is their claim that the teachings of all major prophets have been distorted over time, whether by translation into new languages or by intentional tampering, producing bigotry and zealotry in well-meaning believers. Thus, according to the Nation of Gods and Earths, it is better to study as many different religions and cultures as possible, to find the common truths in them, rather than focusing on the differences between them. This way, one finds his or her unique and most productive path to the Knowledge of Self.

I'm just wondering because everyone keeps saying he was always evolving and willing to admit when he was wrong/mistaken. A Five-Percenter would almost be like a hybrid of Malcolm & Martin right? Had he been a Five Percenter would the message have come across to more ears or would it have been dismissed also? 
Read everything and I'm sorry to go off on another tangent but if Malcolm X was still alive, do you guys think he would be a Five Percenter? I don't claim to be familar with The Nation of Gods and Earth but according to Wikipedia, he was minister to Clarence 13X who would go on to found and preach the Five Percent Nation of Islam.

The term Five Percent comes from NOI doctrine that sees the world population divided into three groups: 85% of the people are blind to the knowledge of themselves and God, while 10% of the people know the truth but teach a lie for their personal gain; seen as part of this 10% are religious leaders that teach that God is an incorporeal being (hence the term "mystery God"). The 10% also includes the governments and corporations of the world that deceive and mislead the majority of the world through most of the available media outlets. The remaining 5% are the poor righteous teachers — those who do not subscribe to the teachings of the 10% as they know and teach that God is the Blackman of Asia. Black in Five-Percent doctrine includes all human beings, regardless of ethnicity, who adhere to the Black-Hearted Perspective or the Way of Love, and Asia refers to the whole planet Earth, or Pangaea.

The members of the Nation of Gods and Earths use ancient teachings that predate monotheistic religions to verify their deity status. Another defense for not adhering to modern-day religion is their claim that the teachings of all major prophets have been distorted over time, whether by translation into new languages or by intentional tampering, producing bigotry and zealotry in well-meaning believers. Thus, according to the Nation of Gods and Earths, it is better to study as many different religions and cultures as possible, to find the common truths in them, rather than focusing on the differences between them. This way, one finds his or her unique and most productive path to the Knowledge of Self.

I'm just wondering because everyone keeps saying he was always evolving and willing to admit when he was wrong/mistaken. A Five-Percenter would almost be like a hybrid of Malcolm & Martin right? Had he been a Five Percenter would the message have come across to more ears or would it have been dismissed also? 
Originally Posted by ShoxBb433

Some main points that stuck from reading his autobiography was how he proclaimed christianity was the slave master's religion and blacks have no business practicing Christianity which I agree with.
I was like 12 years old when the Black Israelites told that to me and my older brother when we were in the city. It really hit me cuz as I've always been skeptical about religion especially one that's been the most dominant in my immediate environment that never came to mind as for the reasons why I rejected it. Looking back on history it's a profound point. Mexicans getting hoodwinked too.

Interestingly enough my older brother is a Muslim now.

Malcolm is appreciated
He wasn't always right but more importantly he was proactive. Doing is what gets it done. He didn't settle and wait idly for change for the black community or equality to socially and legally progress. He proposed new ideas, reinforced prominent old ones, made others think, made the complacent squirm, and was dedicated more so than others in his goals and faith.


I see you p0tat0 5alad
It's true Malcolm might've leaned toward to the 5% nation since it has quite a logical/sensible approach in the process of belief. Find the common ground in religions since things like the holy trinity are copied in many religions among other things, acknowledging human fault or manipulation, and pool together the core ideals. I mean that is if Malcolm would still believe in believing had he lived after his falling out with the Nation Of Islam.


Wow @ this thread becoming a versus thread. Typical NT.

I mean it's clear what Martin was selling was a dream. All that ties in to what America would like to think of themselves, the image they and individuals portray; world peace. And yeah sure it worked but it took more decades for things to get better and to this day there are many trapped in this mental slavery by eternal forces whether that's here with black ppl or over in India. It's a nice dream, admirable but if you want something done just look at history.

Malcolm dealt more with the reality of things imo. By Any Means Necessary is America's policy just like it is with other powerful countries. The American Revolution wasn't achieved through civil disobedience and if you want to compare yall know which option has the better track record.
Originally Posted by ShoxBb433

Some main points that stuck from reading his autobiography was how he proclaimed christianity was the slave master's religion and blacks have no business practicing Christianity which I agree with.
I was like 12 years old when the Black Israelites told that to me and my older brother when we were in the city. It really hit me cuz as I've always been skeptical about religion especially one that's been the most dominant in my immediate environment that never came to mind as for the reasons why I rejected it. Looking back on history it's a profound point. Mexicans getting hoodwinked too.

Interestingly enough my older brother is a Muslim now.

Malcolm is appreciated
He wasn't always right but more importantly he was proactive. Doing is what gets it done. He didn't settle and wait idly for change for the black community or equality to socially and legally progress. He proposed new ideas, reinforced prominent old ones, made others think, made the complacent squirm, and was dedicated more so than others in his goals and faith.


I see you p0tat0 5alad
It's true Malcolm might've leaned toward to the 5% nation since it has quite a logical/sensible approach in the process of belief. Find the common ground in religions since things like the holy trinity are copied in many religions among other things, acknowledging human fault or manipulation, and pool together the core ideals. I mean that is if Malcolm would still believe in believing had he lived after his falling out with the Nation Of Islam.


Wow @ this thread becoming a versus thread. Typical NT.

I mean it's clear what Martin was selling was a dream. All that ties in to what America would like to think of themselves, the image they and individuals portray; world peace. And yeah sure it worked but it took more decades for things to get better and to this day there are many trapped in this mental slavery by eternal forces whether that's here with black ppl or over in India. It's a nice dream, admirable but if you want something done just look at history.

Malcolm dealt more with the reality of things imo. By Any Means Necessary is America's policy just like it is with other powerful countries. The American Revolution wasn't achieved through civil disobedience and if you want to compare yall know which option has the better track record.
Great thread.

The Autobiography of Malcolm X was a great read (and im no reader.)

Both appreciated .
Great thread.

The Autobiography of Malcolm X was a great read (and im no reader.)

Both appreciated .
I think Malcolm X's vision was more of a dream than MLK's. At least MLK made some headway...

Straight up, how did MX make life better for African-Americans? I mean he might have if he lived longer but he didn't... MLK's work helped pass landmark legislation. You can smirk at and say its all about the system and whatever but what did Malcolm X do in reality and not in rhetoric?
I think Malcolm X's vision was more of a dream than MLK's. At least MLK made some headway...

Straight up, how did MX make life better for African-Americans? I mean he might have if he lived longer but he didn't... MLK's work helped pass landmark legislation. You can smirk at and say its all about the system and whatever but what did Malcolm X do in reality and not in rhetoric?
Originally Posted by bijald0331

I think Malcolm X's vision was more of a dream than MLK's. At least MLK made some headway...

Straight up, how did MX make life better for African-Americans? I mean he might have if he lived longer but he didn't... MLK's work helped pass landmark legislation. You can smirk at and say its all about the system and whatever but what did Malcolm X do in reality and not in rhetoric?

A lot of his goals for the Black man would take long periods of time such as the unification between Blacks in America and Blacks in Africa, the organization of Black owned businesses in Black communities to keep money within our community (like Jews). It's hard to say what what would be different had his life not been cut short, but I can understand your point he was a dreamer.
I know he changed a lot of lives/mentalities on a personal level which is what I appreciate him for.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

I think Malcolm X's vision was more of a dream than MLK's. At least MLK made some headway...

Straight up, how did MX make life better for African-Americans? I mean he might have if he lived longer but he didn't... MLK's work helped pass landmark legislation. You can smirk at and say its all about the system and whatever but what did Malcolm X do in reality and not in rhetoric?

A lot of his goals for the Black man would take long periods of time such as the unification between Blacks in America and Blacks in Africa, the organization of Black owned businesses in Black communities to keep money within our community (like Jews). It's hard to say what what would be different had his life not been cut short, but I can understand your point he was a dreamer.
I know he changed a lot of lives/mentalities on a personal level which is what I appreciate him for.
I'm not trying to downplay this man's impact because as someone else said, he definitely promoted being well-read and thinking for oneself. I'm just trying temper comparisons to MLK. It's a little disheartening when people wonder why MX doesn't have a holiday when there is a clear divergence in his life and work and MLK's.
I'm not trying to downplay this man's impact because as someone else said, he definitely promoted being well-read and thinking for oneself. I'm just trying temper comparisons to MLK. It's a little disheartening when people wonder why MX doesn't have a holiday when there is a clear divergence in his life and work and MLK's.
Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Why houldn't black people practice islam?
They can practice whatever the hell they want, my point is Islam isn't an inherently African/Black religion like some people like to insinuate. Islam was brought to Africa.

Islam was enslaving blacks on the African continent  before christianity came and did likewise. Both 2 in the same for blacks.

Islam isn't an inherently Black religion but the Nation of Islam is.  Perhaps you guys are confusing the two?  The Nation of Islam was started like 70 years ago. 

The Nation of Islam is a religious organization founded in Detroit, Michigan, by Wallace D. Fard Muhammad in July 1930. He set out with the goal of resurrecting the spiritual, mental, social, and economic condition of the African American men and women of America.
Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Why houldn't black people practice islam?
They can practice whatever the hell they want, my point is Islam isn't an inherently African/Black religion like some people like to insinuate. Islam was brought to Africa.

Islam was enslaving blacks on the African continent  before christianity came and did likewise. Both 2 in the same for blacks.

Islam isn't an inherently Black religion but the Nation of Islam is.  Perhaps you guys are confusing the two?  The Nation of Islam was started like 70 years ago. 

The Nation of Islam is a religious organization founded in Detroit, Michigan, by Wallace D. Fard Muhammad in July 1930. He set out with the goal of resurrecting the spiritual, mental, social, and economic condition of the African American men and women of America.
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Read everything and I'm sorry to go off on another tangent but if Malcolm X was still alive, do you guys think he would be a Five Percenter? I don't claim to be familar with The Nation of Gods and Earth but according to Wikipedia, he was minister to Clarence 13X who would go on to found and preach the Five Percent Nation of Islam.

The term Five Percent comes from NOI doctrine that sees the world population divided into three groups: 85% of the people are blind to the knowledge of themselves and God, while 10% of the people know the truth but teach a lie for their personal gain; seen as part of this 10% are religious leaders that teach that God is an incorporeal being (hence the term "mystery God"). The 10% also includes the governments and corporations of the world that deceive and mislead the majority of the world through most of the available media outlets. The remaining 5% are the poor righteous teachers — those who do not subscribe to the teachings of the 10% as they know and teach that God is the Blackman of Asia. Black in Five-Percent doctrine includes all human beings, regardless of ethnicity, who adhere to the Black-Hearted Perspective or the Way of Love, and Asia refers to the whole planet Earth, or Pangaea.

The members of the Nation of Gods and Earths use ancient teachings that predate monotheistic religions to verify their deity status. Another defense for not adhering to modern-day religion is their claim that the teachings of all major prophets have been distorted over time, whether by translation into new languages or by intentional tampering, producing bigotry and zealotry in well-meaning believers. Thus, according to the Nation of Gods and Earths, it is better to study as many different religions and cultures as possible, to find the common truths in them, rather than focusing on the differences between them. This way, one finds his or her unique and most productive path to the Knowledge of Self.

I'm just wondering because everyone keeps saying he was always evolving and willing to admit when he was wrong/mistaken. A Five-Percenter would almost be like a hybrid of Malcolm & Martin right? Had he been a Five Percenter would the message have come across to more ears or would it have been dismissed also? 

can't really call it cause 5%ers are radicals similar to how the NOI was. their overarching point is they believe that the BLACK MAN is God and the White Man is the Devil which is a bit extremist imo.

i didn't know that malcolm x was his minister though
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Read everything and I'm sorry to go off on another tangent but if Malcolm X was still alive, do you guys think he would be a Five Percenter? I don't claim to be familar with The Nation of Gods and Earth but according to Wikipedia, he was minister to Clarence 13X who would go on to found and preach the Five Percent Nation of Islam.

The term Five Percent comes from NOI doctrine that sees the world population divided into three groups: 85% of the people are blind to the knowledge of themselves and God, while 10% of the people know the truth but teach a lie for their personal gain; seen as part of this 10% are religious leaders that teach that God is an incorporeal being (hence the term "mystery God"). The 10% also includes the governments and corporations of the world that deceive and mislead the majority of the world through most of the available media outlets. The remaining 5% are the poor righteous teachers — those who do not subscribe to the teachings of the 10% as they know and teach that God is the Blackman of Asia. Black in Five-Percent doctrine includes all human beings, regardless of ethnicity, who adhere to the Black-Hearted Perspective or the Way of Love, and Asia refers to the whole planet Earth, or Pangaea.

The members of the Nation of Gods and Earths use ancient teachings that predate monotheistic religions to verify their deity status. Another defense for not adhering to modern-day religion is their claim that the teachings of all major prophets have been distorted over time, whether by translation into new languages or by intentional tampering, producing bigotry and zealotry in well-meaning believers. Thus, according to the Nation of Gods and Earths, it is better to study as many different religions and cultures as possible, to find the common truths in them, rather than focusing on the differences between them. This way, one finds his or her unique and most productive path to the Knowledge of Self.

I'm just wondering because everyone keeps saying he was always evolving and willing to admit when he was wrong/mistaken. A Five-Percenter would almost be like a hybrid of Malcolm & Martin right? Had he been a Five Percenter would the message have come across to more ears or would it have been dismissed also? 

can't really call it cause 5%ers are radicals similar to how the NOI was. their overarching point is they believe that the BLACK MAN is God and the White Man is the Devil which is a bit extremist imo.

i didn't know that malcolm x was his minister though
I read up on Nation of Islam, it's essentially the Black American equivalent of Mormonism....interesting stuff. It's bulls%% but interesting nonetheless.
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