I actually wasn't trying to be funny. They look actually closed not just small. It looks like the eyes were photoshopped closed also imo. To maybe counter optical recognition of some sort?

Just a bad caught him with his eyes closed
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Why are his eyes closed on all the pics...
Maybe it was shot down by a north korean missile or some chinese terrorists, then the plane almost vaporized or blew up into a million pieces? That would explain it just vanishing. 
Maybe it was shot down by a north korean missile or some chinese terrorists, then the plane almost vaporized or blew up into a million pieces? That would explain it just vanishing. 
But that wouldn't explain the communications being shut off manually or the plane veering way off course and flying for another 4+ hours. There are a million ways this story could go.

I wonder if there is more to WHO was on board. 
AP reporting US officials say that it's plauseable the plane landed somewhere and that they are examining piracy as the cause of disappearance.
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Plane probably experienced a major mechanical error, instruments where probably acting up...pilot triedswitching a bunch of stuff off to fly manualy.
Plane probably experienced a major mechanical error, instruments where probably acting up...pilot triedswitching a bunch of stuff off to fly manualy.

From reading on other boards, a plane gives off a signal when it's about to crash on land or water. They didn't specify if a 777 has that, though.
CNN saying that with the fuel the planes carries + the speed, it can travel up to 3,000 miles.
Plane probably experienced a major mechanical error, instruments where probably acting up...pilot triedswitching a bunch of stuff off to fly manualy.
If a plane was having mechanical errors before a pilot switched off the transponder then that info would've been sent to the air station.  There was no indication that there were any problems of the sort.
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There are 572 islands in the Andaman Sea, only 37 inhabited. India is searching all of them.

CIA is also telling Malaysian officials that they want all info on passangers and crew.
I'm not saying the pilot is to blame...all I was saying is that it could be a possibility. Right now we have all of these questions and no answers. At this point you really can't rule out anything until the plane is found and the black box is recovered.

Right now none of us know what happened and we all have our theories. I don't see the problem with people looking at every possible scenario until the truth is out.
***It wasnt suicide. You think the other pilot going to let the pilot crash the joint into the ground

**It was mechnical failure either because the pilots could had reported the failure or radio it in. They also have backup generators and the 777 is one of the best sound planes,nothing goings wrong with it really and if it does they have backups

Hijacked??? Why would 249 passengers let somebody hijack a plane??
From reading on other boards, a plane gives off a signal when it's about to crash on land or water. They didn't specify if a 777 has that, though.
of course it hait but everything was turned off

What is strange it flew by the coast after this happen so you would think people would had made calls ,facebook,instagam anything to let their  people know what is going on

only thing that could had happen would:



Gov shot it down by mistake or on purpose because it veered ofcourse and lost communication
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