Mad Men Season Six Thread - Episode Thirteen - Season Finale - "In Care Of"

The second he came in the bar I felt the merger coming.

Couldn't help but laugh thinking of Peggy working for Don again after the way she left and after Joane's little fit it'll be interesting to see ppl adapt.
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I agree, I want to see more of Peggy just in the workplace running shh and dominating rather than her fantasizing about her boss.

Joan giving Don the ether was a great change, everyone's too easy on him and for someone to finally call him on his 'ME' attitude was a nice change.

Megan lookin :pimp: tonight.

Interesting to see where this Chevy lead will go..

I feel for Pete man, I know the consensus of everyone here hates him and his smug attitude, but he just loses so much that I feel for 'em lol.
I think he has good business people skills, but personal wise he's a wreck.
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What happened with Petes father in law did he snitch or did he want Peter to tell Trudy himself.
No he just pulled his business from the agency cuz to him his daughter is a princess and deserves better so he decided to hurt Pete in some way. So Pete was basically screwed left with getting back at him and tell her what his father did or do nothing.

He glossed over what he did, exposed her father and now he's getting a divorce cuz of it.

I love how in there own twisted way Pete's life is mirroring Don's a bit.
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I lost it when Pete fell down the stairs. :rofl:

A lot happened in this ep., need a recap to help digest it all... That dinner made me cringe. I felt bad for Joan. Megan. :pimp:

I wonder what the new firm name will be.
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I dvr'd this episode. Set up record for it last week because I knew I would to drunk on Cinco de Mayo to watch it or record it .... I was correct.
The second he came in the bar I felt the merger coming.

Couldn't help but laugh thinking of Peggy working for Don again after the way she left and after Joane's little fit it'll be interesting to see ppl adapt.

I actually thought merger after that guy told Peggy's boss that he had cancer and that the other partners had to buy him out or something. That plus scdp trying to go public in the beginning set off signs for me.

I feel bad for Peggy though. Don offered to double her pay and she still left. Now she has to work with him again

I wonder who is getting the axe. In every merger there are always redundant departments
The second he came in the bar I felt the merger coming.

Couldn't help but laugh thinking of Peggy working for Don again after the way she left and after Joane's little fit it'll be interesting to see ppl adapt.

I actually thought merger after that guy told Peggy's boss that he had cancer and that the other partners had to buy him out or something. That plus scdp trying to go public in the beginning set off signs for me.

I feel bad for Peggy though. Don offered to double her pay and she still left. Now she has to work with him again

I wonder who is getting the axe. In every merger there are always redundant departments
Yeah, in hindsight, there's more signs in the pointing to it.

I remember Peggy talking about the guy that's basically their version of Roger (the dude they met before the pitch). I feel there'll be conflict with those 2 but Roger will definitely win out. I worry for Pete, he may be screwed but in a funny way will stick around. We don't know a lot about all the ppl running that agency given we've only seen a few of them so far, so I know a lot of the main cast will stay but there can be surprises.
I figured a merger was happening after they both lost out on the Heinz account and it was executed really well. It was a little too easy, but hey.. it's TV and that's OK sometimes. Plus Mad Men can leave things stewing for awhile so it's nice when things happen quick.

Roger was tonight's MVP, despite Don coming up with the merger idea. Getting the flight attendant back in bed with the guilt trip, really clever plan by striking up small talk in the airport, his line to Pete "I close, Pete. I close things" :lol: :pimp:

From the AV Club

There’s no such thing as fate, Don says. You make your own opportunities. And that’s maybe true for someone like Don, a man gifted with prodigious talent and even better luck, a brain in a jar that every corporation in America would love to patent. He can swing from vine to vine without a worry or care, because he has the looks and the charm and the money to do so. Don has the luxury of being able to take chances, but once you’re in a position of such power and privilege, it’s all too easy to forget that not everybody else has that luxury like you do. There are men who make their own destinies, like Don, and there are men who wish to make their own destinies but keep losing hold of the vines, like Pete.
And then there’s everybody else, forced to live in the same world as these men and watch as they continually shake up the board and rewrite the rules to their own advantage. The more men like Don shake that board, the more those around him question why he gets to hold the board in the first place. Welcome to 1968.

The other characters did a good job of showing the negative aspects of Don in the episode. Sure, when he's pitching and making moves, he looks like a genius.. but he's also very impulsive and willing to "take a stand" when he feels like it... except he rarely, if ever, considers how it'll affect others. And that's an issue of power. He doesn't have to think about it because if he takes a chance and fails.. he'll be alright. He's always been like this, but now he's just got more to risk and more to gain.

Really looking forward to Don and Ted working together and how Peggy will adjust to being under Don again (phrasing)
Never watched this show just noticed the preview with a female with big breasts and it got me intrigued. Is it worth me tryna get into the show???
Yes, it's very worth it. If you have patience and don't need a lot of action every episode, it's incredibly rewarding and well made.

It's on Netflix Instant if you wanted to give it a shot.
watch an episode. if you become invested in the characters yeah. i have friends who dislike it for weird reasons. personally it's one of my favorite shows and so well written.
Give it your undivided attention and watch a few episodes. If you're not sold on it, come back to the thread and let us know what your issues are with it and we might be able to help or explain.
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I don't know who you're referring to, but no.. it's on AMC so they don't have full nudity.
Kind of feel sad for peggy because when she was quitting Don offered to double her pay and she was like, nah i just dont want to work here and now they're back under the same roof 

Time to move from madison ave to park ave
Joan's performance was the highlight of the episode for me. Joan is the Chris Bosh of the firm. She may not be an uber talented like Don (LeBron) or flashy like Roger (Wade) but she's a great people manager and she is a vital component of the team. She slept with Herb to keep the firm going and I was thrilled when she let Don know that she didn't degrade herself for nothing.
Joan's performance was the highlight of the episode for me. Joan is the Chris Bosh of the firm. She may not be an uber talented like Don (LeBron) or flashy like Roger (Wade) but she's a great people manager and she is a vital component of the team. She slept with Herb to keep the firm going and I was thrilled when she let Don know that she didn't degrade herself for nothing.

That is a great reference. Cooper is like the Juwan Howard, everyone is like "why are you still here?" Great episode. Don is my man but it was good to see everyone pile up on him about his decisions. I love that he takes his stands but he has to realize when to take his stands and his impact on others. I still don't think he wanted the merge because it was best for everyone, he just wanted chevy and was willing to do whatever to get it.
When Peggy found about the merger you could literally feel her disappointment through the tv screen. Peggy really doesn't like working for Don not just because he has consistently tried to "put her in her place" (think about when Don went off when she requested a pay raise), but because deep down inside she knows she will never reach her full potential with Don around. Don hates ideas that are better than his and he will either veto her brilliant ideas or he'll sabotage the business deal when he gets in one of his moods.
No he just pulled his business from the agency cuz to him his daughter is a princess and deserves better so he decided to hurt Pete in some way. So Pete was basically screwed left with getting back at him and tell her what his father did or do nothing.

He glossed over what he did, exposed her father and now he's getting a divorce cuz of it.

I love how in there own twisted way Pete's life is mirroring Don's a bit.

Joan said in a far earlier episode that every guy in this business is the same (more or less)

Joan's performance was the highlight of the episode for me. Joan is the Chris Bosh of the firm. She may not be an uber talented like Don (LeBron) or flashy like Roger (Wade) but she's a great people manager and she is a vital component of the team. She slept with Herb to keep the firm going and I was thrilled when she let Don know that she didn't degrade herself for nothing.

Agreed. But in Don's defense don didn't want her to degrade herself. All the other guys did.

When Peggy found about the merger you could literally feel her disappointment through the tv screen. Peggy really doesn't like working for Don not just because he has consistently tried to "put her in her place" (think about when Don went off when she requested a pay raise), but because deep down inside she knows she will never reach her full potential with Don around. Don hates ideas that are better than his and he will either veto her brilliant ideas or he'll sabotage the business deal when he gets in one of his moods.
Didn't even think of that.
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