Mad Men Season Six Thread - Episode Thirteen - Season Finale - "In Care Of"

Alison Brie should go and have a 3 some with the two guys at the beginning of the show just to spite Pete 
My god, Hamm's acting in that restaurant scene with the mistress was so top notch. So on point.

For a minute I forgot I was watching a television show. Superb job, by the actress as well in that scene. Such passionate lines being delivered with such genuine emotion.

Allison Brie killed that scene with Pete as well. I didn't know she had those kinda acting chops in her. :wow:

Very pleased with this last episode, it's back on track now. :pimp:
Man, i've always had my eye on Trudy. That scene just made me more interested. I hope she brings that out more throughout the season.

I thought for sure she would come into the bedroom and confront Pete right away about the neighbor situation. 
Great episode. The restaurant scene was really on point.
I agree about the comments about Pete. When he was giving the ladies his card, you know he was gonna smash at least one of them. But in the apartment, it looked weird. Like she was somewhat hesitant about it for whatever reasons. It screamed that he's like Don.
I do love Allison Brie.
It's gonna be interesting what happens with Jaguar, well more so one person. When Joan was going at him :pimp: :lol:
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i'm confused about the scene in the ***** house. i know his real mom was a prostitute and died at childbirth. He was then given to his father who was already married to that religious chick. If the pregnant lady he was with at the ***** house is his step mother, how is she letting dude slide up in that? What happened to all the bible stuff she was talking about in the flashbacks. Also I thought the father was alive when his other son was born? From that ***** house scene it seems like he wasn't even in the picture at the time.
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Roger's smirk when he realized what Don was doing

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i'm confused about the scene in the ***** house. i know his real mom was a prostitute and died at childbirth. He was then given to his father who was already married to that religious chick. If the pregnant lady he was with at the ***** house is his step mother, how is she letting dude slide up in that? What happened to all the bible stuff she was talking about in the flashbacks. Also I thought the father was alive when his other son was born? From that ***** house scene it seems like he wasn't even in the picture at the time.

Yea I was a bit confused as well.
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Just got around to watching it and what a great ep. Glad Pete is getting ******* on right now and thought it was :wow: when Don told the Dr. he was going to get his cigarettes and then hit a floor below when he left the elevator. :pimp:

Overall ep was :pimp:, can't wait for the rest of the season.
I dont know how they will top this last episode but they will find a way as usual.

Love how Don gets mad when his wife is kissing another guy in this scene she is in but turns around and does the same thing. Also love how he hands his mistress the penny after calling his wife a prostitute :lol:

Peggy went in on that Heinz account. Did you catch dude flick em off in the background? :lol:
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I think the writers are connecting dots to Don's reasoning. Betty has issues but she was once like Megan, Joan hinted that either last season or earlier this season.

Don breaks women because his mom became a prostitute and he couldn't save her. He tries to save broken women and when he can't he gets destructive. He flat out said it tonight, "you kiss people for money, you know who else does that?"

Which is why it's okay if he's not a play but a simp, that's what makes the show so great...since season one everyone looks up to Don and covets his life, when in reality from jump he has always been a weak little man...and not the most powerful guy on Madison Ave...that's also what makes him a great ad exec.
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^I understand what you are getting at but I disagree.

His job is to psychologically trick people into buying a product. Out there in the streets he psychologically tricks women into getting into bed with him. You see the business and practical aspect of his skillset.

In the office he must have things his way whether he is right or wrong, same in the streets. When he doesnt, he flips out.

He is so good at what he does because he is psychologically ****** up from his childhood. Him failing in the office or at an affair reminds him of his childhood, which is a no no
Another great ep as per usual. :pimp:

That whole convo at the dinner table was lightweight cringeworthy. :x :lol:
^I understand what you are getting at but I disagree.

His job is to psychologically trick people into buying a product. Out there in the streets he psychologically tricks women into getting into bed with him. You see the business and practical aspect of his skillset.

In the office he must have things his way whether he is right or wrong, same in the streets. When he doesnt, he flips out.

He is so good at what he does because he is psychologically ****** up from his childhood. Him failing in the office or at an affair reminds him of his childhood, which is a no no
I think we're saying the same thing just from a different perspective. Don can sell the sham so well because lets not forget he's still **** Whitman underneath, the guy who stole someone's identity in a coward attempt to change his life and escape war. He learned to prey on people like Roger, privileged RICH people of that era that DID actually serve so they feel Don has a "gift" to relate. Don's only real gift is that he's a weak and common man underneath the sham, that's wants to live "the life".
Don a simp, never sir
Don is in fact a simp ...his motives aren't cold calculated alpha motives, there's feeling involved when he cheats. It's cool I like Don's character and his flaw humanizes him, that's why feminist love the show because Don is the prototype for the common man (conflicted, wounded and confused). 

Don loves these ****...
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Awesome episode, Joan's performance was exceptional. Despite what Harry said, Joan earned her spot as a partner not by laying on her back but doing what it takes to keep the agency going. She is out there keeping the staff in line so they won't steal from the agency, she slept with herb to keep the company afloat, she was instrumental in their mass exodus from their prior agency
^I understand what you are getting at but I disagree.

His job is to psychologically trick people into buying a product. Out there in the streets he psychologically tricks women into getting into bed with him. You see the business and practical aspect of his skillset.

In the office he must have things his way whether he is right or wrong, same in the streets. When he doesnt, he flips out.

He is so good at what he does because he is psychologically ****** up from his childhood. Him failing in the office or at an affair reminds him of his childhood, which is a no no
I think we're saying the same thing just from a different perspective. Don can sell the sham so well because lets not forget he's still **** Whitman underneath, the guy who stole someone's identity in a coward attempt to change his life and escape war. He learned to prey on people like Roger, privileged RICH people of that era that DID actually serve so they feel Don has a "gift" to relate. Don's only real gift is that he's a weak and common man underneath the sham, that's wants to live "the life".

Don a simp, never sir

Don is in fact a simp ...his motives aren't cold calculated alpha motives, there's feeling involved when he cheats. It's cool I like Don's character and his flaw humanizes him, that's why feminist love the show because Don is the prototype for the common man (conflicted, wounded and confused). 


Don loves these ****...

Don don't love them ****, he leaves and goes as he pleases. Dude just loves sex. Don not out there buying random biddies gifts, cooking dinner for them, or taking them out or anything. Don tells them broads exactly what they want to hear, gets his, and dips. I just don't get how he would qualify as a simp. My mans ain't care when Betty left, didn't care when Midge fell in love with that one dude. He just doesn't care about them, he only wants the yambs.
Don don't love them ****, he leaves and goes as he pleases. Dude just loves sex. Don not out there buying random biddies gifts, cooking dinner for them, or taking them out or anything. Don tells them broads exactly what they want to hear, gets his, and dips. I just don't get how he would qualify as a simp. My mans ain't care when Betty left, didn't care when Midge fell in love with that one dude. He just doesn't care about them, he only wants the yambs.
He DOES buy them gifts and HAS ... He simped for ALL his love interests EVERY season.

Betty, he ruined her model career, she was unhappy and resented him, HE cheated.
Midge, he DID FALL IN LOVE with her and when he hit her with the "lets make this real" ...she bounced. (textbook simp protocol)

Jimmy's wife Bobbie, caught feelings and punched Jimmy over Bobbie
Bethany ...he put up with her annoyance 

Faye ...curved Don then he toys with her for revenge the curves her.

Megan ...stupid secretary, so he saves her, pays for everything while she cries, pouts and gets drunk cause she doesn't wan't to admit she's a horrible actress.

Don cheats after she admits she's broken.

...Don is the simp master ... ROGER has the true COLD HAND on these ****, got Joan lying to her husband about HIS kid, got his ex-wfe hooking up meetings, AND broke it off with his NEW ex-wife after doing LSD....Roger is really that dude, he's a true ALPHA...he gives NO DAMBS at all, about NOTHING.
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I gotta say, I really appreciate Roger's trolliness this season. He's still bogus for that Blackface performance though.
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