Lock Thread

Respect to the coach who called that play. Im hard on Allen but if he called that i give him props. Great execution by line and Taiwan.
Have to hope the defense can continue to stop and get at least one turnover. Flynn is not throwing another TD today.

Is it wrong for me to think the Raiders would have won this game if TP was in the game?
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Had flash backs to my boy Andrew Walter...lol smh. You cant blame it on lack of run game, Jennings actually ran pretty well. Not having McFadden didn't help though...smh.

McGloin should start over him though...D played really well and thats the most frustrating part...
Got kicked out in the 4th for fighting a Skins fan that was popping off too hard :smh: First time I've been bounced in almost 50 games. Dude got warned 3 times by security to shut up too :stoneface: Team did a good job for having Flynn start.
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Got kicked out in the 4th for fighting a Skins fan that was popping off too hard :smh: First time I've been bounced in almost 50 games. Dude got warned 3 times by security to shut up too :stoneface: Team did a good job for having Flynn start.

Where were you sitting man? That sucks to hear.
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I'll be at Next Weeks Game. I think it's at 830 because of A's Game

“@VicTafur: Matt Flynn's seven sacks were the most for a #Raiders QB since Andrew Walter's 9 in 2006 at Seattle.”
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