I understand the concerns you have....I really do.  I just think that this would easily be the best team Melo has ever been on, and I dont think he would be a volume chucker on a team that is already established like we are.  That is why I used the Olympic example.  I am not saying he would defer to players like Steve Blake or bench players.  But I think given the fact that we have a solid team already, he would be willing to play a role on a good team. 

And your question about why dump a huge contract for another huge contract makes any sense......it makes sense for this reason:  UPGRADE DAVID LEE.  While yes, you are correct, we would still have holes to fill....if we dont trade Lee, we still had those holes to fill anyway.  So if you arent going to be able to fill those holes to begin with, why not upgrade at PF?
All this talk about acquiring love could be a smokescreen for another player.. Word to all the Dwight speculation and then us Getting Iggy instead
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I kinda get where @dland24 is coming from.

I think Melo is a great player. Very well rounded offensively and underrated defensively. The problem with his defense I think is that he needs to commit to playing defense consistently. I question how well he would be able to change/adapt his game to fit in with us though.

The big problem that I have like I said earlier is what we would probably have to give up to make a play for him. I think the Warriors are going to have to include Klay in any deal that would allow us to move David Lee. I feel that giving up Klay to get Melo wouldn't be nearly as worth it as doing it for Kevin Love. We would be dealing with ~4.5 year age difference between Love and Melo which is a big deal to me when we would be giving up our young talent. Not to mention I think Kevin Love would be a seamless fit for us.

Either way

If the Warriors want to take the next step, they are going to need an upgrade at the 4 position and a star player to pair with Steph. Ideally that star player would be the player we bring in to replace Lee.

Whether it is Love or Melo, I don't think there is any debate that they are superior players to David Lee.
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He has a early termination option or whatever it's called.

you mean to tell me this cat can get out of an 8 figure contract but I get penalized up the backside trynna get out of my ****** $200 Sprint contract? the world aint fair
Now we don't have to hesitate dealing Klay if brings the Warriors LeBron, needless to say :lol:

I think Melo, surrounded with the right pieces around him, would be a great fitI here, better than David Lee (but that's not saying too much). I think he would accept a different role on the Warriors; if he does, it would work out really well in my opinion.
If Melo gets hot in the 4th quarter, during crunch time, and you need to double him down low, it will be very difficult to defend the Warriors with Klay (if he's not part of the trade) and of course Steph. Melo's stock taken a hit over the past year or so, so it's possible the W's can work out a reasonable trade for him...
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Not sure if any of you frequent the warriorsworld forums, but I stumbled upon these stats that a member researched.

Obviously these numbers don't represent the whole picture, but they are interesting nonetheless.

RAPM Stats:

Kevin Love 1.7
Blake Griffin 1.7
Pau Gasol 1.4
Positive Range 1.3
David Lee .1 (lol)

Syngergy Stats:

Kevin Love gives up .72 points per possession in post up situations on 39% shooting (which is top tier).
He commits fouls on 2.1% of those post possessions and forces Turnovers 12.5% of the time.

David Lee (lol) surrenders .88 PPP in post ups on 42% shooting, commits a foul 10% (lol) of those possessions and forces Turnovers 7.2%

For Ref:
Dwight (.74 PPP)
Duncan (.8 PPP)
Marc Gasol (.79 PPP)

Kevin Love is not as good defensively as the great post defenders in the NBA, but please do not compare him to the worst defender in the league. The difference with Kevin Love will be huge on both ends.
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It's gonna be tough to get Love with contending offers, but if they want someone I trust the front office to get it done. They usually get the guy they want.. It just might have to include major pieces from our core. But its Kevin freaking Love... He's the perfect guy for us right now.

This reminds me of the trade deadline when I thought we were gonna get CP3... got me giddy every time i see Love and Warriors in the same sentence
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love would be wise to sign with a team who has strong point guard play -curry, rondo,dragic/bledsoe- and other pieces in place. but I can't think of another team who is deeper and could absorb a contract like love's other than the warriors. I wonder if the suns would make a run at him, but I don't see them as a legitimate contender
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FO being aggressive :D. Trade Lee Movement :smokin
Dump Lee's contract for Afflalo or pick. Then use that w/ Klay. aannnnd possibly throw in Barnes or Green.

David Lee & Klay Thompson and Draymond or Barnes will no longer be in a Warrior uniform next year.

Since FO wants to get rid of Lee's contract, and the best available piece to offer is Klay.. Best case scenario is our lineup is:
CURRY , ________, IGGY, LOVE, BOGUT.

(insert blank with Afflalo, Draymond, or Barnes)

And if somehow Minnesota doesn't like our offer...

We'll go for Melo.
what's the national media's take on dlee? I mean as gsw fans we obviously have seen his flaws, but if I didn't follow the warriors, how would I know he is a complete dud on defense??
I feel that the national take on David Lee is that he is overrated/overpaid.

You can see it in these trade rumors.

Lots of the national people are talking about David Lee more as a salary ballast than an actual asset.
Interesting convo on WarriorsTwitter

If you could get Melo without giving up a lot (Klay), would you prefer that deal in lieu of Kevin Love if you lose Klay?
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