This lineup would work or we can pickup a SG with our mid-level exception.

...I don't see Green at the 2 full-time. Maybe swap with Iggy at 3. He does a great job at picking up guards on switches but to have him chase SG's all game?! I'd rather not.

In the short-term, I'd keep Klay for the year since you're not gonna find a better value for the money at SG. May be a bit short-sighted but we are getting closer and closer to a championship contending squad and I'd rather not shuffle around someone such as Klay. Plus having Klay allows us to rotate Klay, Iggy, and Green at the 2/3 spots.
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Big men are not as critical to winning as it was ten years ago. In today's game, the "dominant" big man (Shaq, in-his-prime Duncan) simply doesn't exist anymore. As good as Kevin Love is, he isn't on that level, if he was the Timberwolves would be a playoff team.
Miami doesn't even have a real "dominant" center. Dallas had Chandler a few years ago. As long as you have some rim protection down low you're good to go; Bogut, if he stays healthy, would be good enough.
Also, ask OKC how Kendrick Perkins worked out for them...

Klay is very, very valuable and short of being part of a package that lands the W's a player they will never be able to get for him, I'm very hesitant to deal him, unless management knows he would walk away after his contract's up. A two-way shooting guard who can play well both on offense and on defense does not grow on trees.
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I like klove, i want klove. But i go back and forth. If the warriors are going to mortgage the future of the team and give up talent like lee and klay, I'd prefer they go after a player who defends the rim and post better than love. Deandre and Blake are still gonna feast on us if we play them without a player like bogut.
That three team trade is interesting but no way are the warriors going to give up 2 starters and a bench guy. Klay, lee and Harrison is too much for what we get in return
Foyle and Biedrins...Not good bigs? Blasphemy!

Where's LMR to make sense of this?
Right here!!!

Give credit to Foyle...He's the franchise leader in blocks. That's somewhat of an accomplishment.

Other than scoring and spacing the floor, is it worth giving that much for Kevin Love? I really don't think his defense is that great. I wouldn't mind giving up Lee/Barnes and a expiring contract for him...But I just don't want to see the Warriors give up too much.
even if draymond were to stay a part of the second unit, our bench is still going to need major upgrades.

any word on how nedovic was/is developing in the dleague?
From the games I've watched on tv (yes, I watched Santa Cruz Warriors basketball) Nedovic is clearly above the talent in the D-League. I think it'll be NBA or bust for him. I don't want him to become the next Jiri Welsch or Nik Tskitishvili.
Anyone down for a 3-team trade?

Warriors get:
Kevin Love
Derrick Williams
Minnesota 1st rounder (select Nik Stauskas)

Wolves get:
David Lee
Ben McLemore
Sacramento 1st rounder (select Noah Vonleh)

Kings get:
Klay Thompson
Harrison Barnes

Why it makes sense for all teams:
- Warriors get the guy they covet and Williams enters the final year of his contract which can be traded at the deadline or the Warriors can let him walk and bolster the bench in the summer of 2015.
- I'm not sure why Nik Stauskas isn't getting the same love as the other draftees but he's 6'6" and can handle the rock to spell Curry as well as shoot lights out from the perimeter, not to mention he was the Big-Ten POY. A lot of buzz around fellow Canadian Andrew Wiggins and his potential/athleticism but not enough is said about the bounce Stauskas has.
- Wolves get don't lose any cap ground but they pick up McLemore and move up 6 spots (slated) in the draft to take Noah Vonleh as Lee is not the long term solution at PF.
- Kings get immediate help at the SG spot and have coverage for SF in the event Rudy Gay leaves.
Kings GM D'Alessandro would love to make this trade to get Klay and Barnes. But would you really want to give up McLemore? Dude has potential to be a solid SG.

And someone school me on this Stauskas kid...Is he that good?
Green as an SG? No thanks.

Klay is a prefect compliment next to Steph. Klay guards quick PGs (Parker), explosive PGs (Westbrook), big PGs (Dragic), and flopping PGs (Paul). And they're all in the West so we see them more often. Then Klay can be switched onto a SF like Durant and pretty much hold his own. The versatility of Klay to hide Steph is why I can't see why we should get rid of him.
If other teams who can offer draft picks like Boston or Phoenix or LA want to get in the mix for Kevin Love, I don't see how we can beat what they can offer. Klay is going to be a FA after the 2015 season and he'll probably want to go back home to LA, too. If I'm Minnesota, I want to draft a player that I'll have control over than Klay who will most likely leave.
Bob Myers should offer these trades in this specific order:

1st Offer: Lee / Barnes

2nd Offer: Lee / Draymond

Final Offer: Lee / Klay

I'd never offer more than 2 of our guys unless we threw in players like Steve Blake, Mo Speights, Nedovic, etc. just to sweeten the deal. But I wouldn't offer Lee / Barnes / Green. No sir
Foyle and Biedrins...Not good bigs? Blasphemy!

Where's LMR to make sense of this?
Right here!!!

Give credit to Foyle...He's the franchise leader in blocks. That's somewhat of an accomplishment.

Other than scoring and spacing the floor, is it worth giving that much for Kevin Love? I really don't think his defense is that great. I wouldn't mind giving up Lee/Barnes and a expiring contract for him...But I just don't want to see the Warriors give up too much.

I fully agree with this.

I feel that Love is basically just much better at the stuff that David Lee can do well, and has better shooting range and can extend out to the three point line. Would he help? Of course he would. But not at the expense of having to give up Klay. Curry/Klay/Iggy/Love/Bogut would be a heck of a starting lineup though.
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Bob Myers should offer these trades in this specific order:

1st Offer: Lee / Barnes

2nd Offer: Lee / Draymond

Final Offer: Lee / Klay

I'd never offer more than 2 of our guys unless we threw in players like Steve Blake, Mo Speights, Nedovic, etc. just to sweeten the deal. But I wouldn't offer Lee / Barnes / Green. No sir
Well Steve Blake is FA, so he's out of the equation. I don't think anyone would want Speights.

I really hope not having draft picks doesn't hurt the team moving forward.
We need to build a deeper bench. I get that David Lee sucks but how are y'all going to ignore how bad our bench was. That's the real weakness of the team imo
I don't know if others believe this, but I truly believe that if the team were to get Love without giving up too much, good players would like to come. I'm sure we we all see these teams like OKC, Miami, and San Antonio get good players for relatively cheap. If people believe they may have a shot, they may be willing to take a cap friendly deal for a year or two.
Curry + Love pick and rolls would be a sight to behold

I still doubt he forces his way here. If I were him I'd wait one more year than go wherever I freaking want without destroying the roster structure
I wouldnt want to add Klay.... but if came down to it and Minny said add klay+Lee for Love... im doing that. A SG is much easier to replace than an ALL NBA caliber player like Love...
Plus klay is probably gonna want max money after his contract is over.. warriors gonna pay him that? idk about that
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If we do keep Klay, Lacob has made it clear he wants to resign him. Wouldn't be surprised if he gets a max deal either especially with the talent at the SG position as mentioned earlier.
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I respect Mark for holding his head up high and being classy on the way out.

I wouldnt want to add Klay.... but if came down to it and Minny said add klay+Lee for Love... im doing that. A SG is much easier to replace than an ALL NBA caliber player like Love...
Plus klay is probably gonna want max money after his contract is over.. warriors gonna pay him that? idk about that

I would have to agree with this, reluctantly however
I don't know if he thinks this way, but considering that Klay came from a family with money, maybe money isn't at the top of his priority list.
Curry + Love pick and rolls would be a sight to behold

I still doubt he forces his way here. If I were him I'd wait one more year than go wherever I freaking want without destroying the roster structure
And he might possibly have that option. But Minnesota doesn't want to lose him and not get anything in return. He will be traded to a team with an agreed upon new contract.

With Kerr expressing his want in a stretch 4, only means Myers will be working the phones to see what pieces are needed to make a trade. Kawakami interviewed Lacob after the press conference and basically hinted that the lack of cap space and no draft picks shouldn't hinder Myers in trying to make a deal.

The Warriors do need to upgrade their bench, I agree. But if the team can add Love without giving too much, I would be okay with it.

Regarding Klay - Even if he came from a family with money. The dude has every right to deserve a max or near max deal once his contract is up. Will the Warriors meet him there? Possibly. But if you meet Klay there, Green may be lost.
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