dude is really trying to make it stick. stop it.

tried to add the ig's of the people i saw on that page, didn't think i got em all but got lazy after that. surprised that Red is the most active in IG but not on here :lol:
Jack fined 2k for verbal abuse of an official. They can fine players but can hold refs accountable. Seriously **** this League
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Theres no point in getting riled about the officiating, nothings ever been done about it and nothings going to be done about it. Lakers been getting calls for over a decade now, and its not just against us. The coaches, players, and organizations all know it. Just another reason why people have such a distaste for the league.
7th seed...Damn you Sac.

Spurs...Hopefully father time will do its job on the Spurs (I'm talking about fatigue, nothing injury related :lol:).
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