lil robot passes "self awareness" test has begun

Apr 15, 2004
robot in New York has passed the classic King's Wise Men puzzle which serves as a test of the awareness of the self.

The induction puzzle goes as follows:

'The King called the three wisest men in the country to his court to decide who would become his new advisor. He placed a hat on each of their heads, such that each wise man could see all of the other hats, but none of them could see their own. Each hat was either white or blue. The king gave his word to the wise men that at least one of them was wearing a blue hat - in other words, there could be one, two, or three blue hats, but not zero. The king also announced that the contest would be fair to all three men. The wise men were also forbidden to speak to each other. The king declared that whichever man stood up first and announced the color of his own hat would become his new advisor.'

Roboticists at the Ransselaer Polytechnic Institute adapted it for a trio of robots, two of which were told they had been given a "dumbing pill" which prevented them from talking before all three were asked which one was still able to speak.

All three initially couldn't solve the problem and said "I don't know", but when only one of them made the noise, the robot in question heard its own voice and then followed up: "Sorry, I know now!"

The roboticists realise that the completion of this simple test hardly amounts to, as theNew Scientist put it, 'scaling the foothills of consciousness', but team leader Selmer Bringsjord said that by passing many tests of this nature robots will build up a repertoire of abilities that will make them become very useful to humans.


The solution to the 3 wise men puzzle btw

Suppose that there was one blue hat. The person with that hat would see two white hats, and since the king specified that there is at least one blue hat, that wise man would immediately know the color of his hat. However, the other two would see one blue and one white hat and would not be able to immediately infer any information from their observations. Therefore, this scenario would violate the king's specification that the contest would be fair to each. So there must be at least two blue hats.

Suppose then that there were two blue hats. Each wise man with a blue hat would see one blue and one white hat. Supposing that they have already realized that there cannot be only one (using the previous scenario), they would know that there must be at least two blue hats and therefore, would immediately know that they each were wearing a blue hat. However, the man with the white hat would see two blue hats and would not be able to immediately infer any information from his observations. This scenario, then, would also violate the specification that the contest would be fair to each. So there must be three blue hats.

Since there must be three blue hats, the first man to figure that out will stand up and say blue.
why would we want to create more self aware beings? self awareness is depressive, gonna have a bunch of Marvin's from Hitchhiker's Guide running around...

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Well I'll be moving back to the Motherland

No technology there, I'll live a life my ancestors did.

They coming :nerd:
Oh its comin.

These mini sentinels are just the begining.

They got drones wit choppas and amazons gonna have robots coming to your house.

Who knows wat the govt has.
Government probably has plenty of ish that would blow our minds..

But this robot is like being amazed when a calculator calculates. It was made for it, not really exciting or groundbreaking at all
Government probably has plenty of ish that would blow our minds..

But this robot is like being amazed when a calculator calculates. It was made for it, not really exciting or groundbreaking at all

Not a calculator at all
the robot had to listen to and understand the question, then hear its own voice saying "I don't know"
it recognized it as distinct from another robot's voice, then connected that with the original question to conclude that they hadn't been silenced.

it wasnt programed to just say "i dont know. ....oh i know now"

Its a small step but just think a computer that had the same power as a a Playstation traveled to pluto.
Government probably has plenty of ish that would blow our minds..

But this robot is like being amazed when a calculator calculates. It was made for it, not really exciting or groundbreaking at all
Not a calculator at all
the robot had to listen to and understand the question, then hear its own voice saying "I don't know"
it recognized it as distinct from another robot's voice, then connected that with the original question to conclude that they hadn't been silenced.

it wasnt programed to just say "i dont know. ....oh i know now"

Its a small step but just think a computer that had the same power as a a Playstation traveled to pluto.
But all the algorithms were programmed to specifically tackle those tasks and nothing else..

That's what im saying. It was specifically created to tackle this test, it's not truly self-aware. Not even close.

We don't need to worry about that for dozens of years.
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1) That's an assembly line robot.

2) Because it was made to handle that one task.

If our brains only had to handle a small amount of predefined task it was engineered to tackle it would be enormously more efficient in anything that we've created.

Explained thoroughly in:


I recommend.
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robots going to take all the jobs. from the drivers to programming. thats why lots of people are talking bout that basic universal income. its going to get ridiculous. 
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