How could I forget fresh pineapple? ^

What fruits do you guys eat?

I stick with a top few

Honey Crisp apples
Naval oranges (about to look into blood oranges)
I usually go with Apple and bananas. Some of the worst fruits I know, but my favorites as well. I've been meaning to try the smaller red bananas, anyone have experience with them?

What do you do with your Kiwi? Anything special. It seems a little hard to cut and prepare from what I know.
I just cut it in half, or into fourths and eat it like that. I've learned to be careful around the hair, because it really makes your mouth sting if you touch it a lot.
Anybody got tips on tofu? And what about hummus? Some of my peeps swear by this roasted red pepper hummus.

my wife goes in wit the hummus. I don't like how it look so we don't rock.
Tofu is a easy and mostly miss or hit. Member blowing $100+ on a tofu meal for my bros n sis in a Japanese spot in LI and we all threw it out.....

Breakfast type:
Tomlette ( lol, just made that up now :lol: . :stoneface: copyrighted tho)
Firm Tofu, I mash up in the frying pan, throw some Lawrys, blk pepper, garlic n onion powder, like a omlet type joint. when done, throw some provolone, or chedder to melt. Put it on bread/toasted/pita wrap. ( you ca add another protein to it too)

Dinner type:
Stir fry
Cut firm tofu into lil cube, ligtly seasoned, fry wit evoo til brown. Throw into pan with seared stir fry veggies ( Brocs, Carrots, Snap peas , etc). Cook down with either Soy Sauce, Teriyaki Sauce, or Sweet Red Chilli Sauce.

I aint no chef, but these two joints I feed to meat eaters and they dog it up. I love it also, they taste great. Not much else I know how to flip tofu. If so ill holla
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I've been trying to diet and cut a bit ever since I went on a "dirty bulk" phase starting October.

Went from 160-172. Not necessarily all fat...as my arms and chest got more muscular, but my gut also got a tad bit bigger as well (doesnt help that I indulge on beer during the weekends).

Been cutting down on a lot of carbohydrates the past 2 weeks.

Breakfast : Whole wheat pita bread with peanut butter.
Snack: 2 plain flavored rice cakes and a small bag of almonds or cashews.

Lunch: Salad with a protein (chicken breast or some cold cut ham)
Snack: Cold cuts on whole wheat wrap.

Dinner: Protein (usually chicken, occasionally some red meat) and some vegetables.
Snack: Fruits and a casein protein shake
-you dont have to cut down on all carbs because you need carbs to function.

-make sure your whole wheat bread is 100% whole wheat

-cut cold cuts out of your diet. all processed meats in cold cuts are extremely high in sodium and saturated fats. try to instead cook lean meats at home and add it to your salad.

-rice cakes are probably refined carbs so you're better off eating fruits as a snack

-dont drink protein shakes if its not needed to repair body tissue that has been over used. the excess protein will either turn into glycogen or fat

-add soluble fiberous foods to your diet such as oatmeal, beans, brown rice, citrus fruits. oatbran cheerio

-EXERCISE, this is as important as dieting if you want to lose weight

also, when choosing wheat products, MAKE SURE you read the ingredients label and see that the FIRST ingredient is 100% whole grain. i hear A LOT of people talking about how they are eating healthy because they're eating "whole wheat" but they dont even know what they're really buying. any grain product that says "enriched with....x/y/z" is NOT whole grain.
Love seeing the knowledge getting dropped in here fellas. :pimp:

I've been using quinoa and quinoa pasta a lot lately. It's an amazing alternative to help me achieve those cravings when I do want a pasta style dinner and not feeling guilty about it. The creams and sauces are mostly what kills it but I go with the best kind I can get.

I wanna get my spaghetti squash on too!
All I had to do was watch food inc to learn the same thing in my APES class. 

 I read a short 3-4 page article afterwards though. I'll look into the book

What fruits do you guys eat?

I stick with a top few

Honey Crisp apples
Naval oranges (about to look into blood oranges)

I don't eat fruits, I drink em.

( all organic when I can)
Kale, spinach, strawberries, blueberries, water (banana or agave for sweetener)
Kale, spinach, mango, pineapple, water (banana or agave for sweetener)
smoothies and shakes. I get the greens in that I wont eat and the nutritious value of the the fruits are better absorbed in liquid form. Plus it taste great. You don't really taste the greens, just the fruits. :pimp: (not a cig but vaporizer. no carcinogens)
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All I had to do was watch food inc to learn the same thing in my APES class. 

 I read a short 3-4 page article afterwards though. I'll look into the book

What fruits do you guys eat?

I stick with a top few

Honey Crisp apples
Naval oranges (about to look into blood oranges)
I don't eat fruits, I drink em.

( all organic when I can)
Kale, spinach, strawberries, blueberries, (banana or agave for sweetener)
Kale, spinach, mango, pineapple (banana or agave for sweetener)
smoothies and shakes. I get the greens in that I wont eat and the nutritious value of the the fruits are better absorbed in liquid form
(not a cig but vaporizer. no carcinogens)
i dont think this is true. when you juice products, you lose out on a lot of excess nutrients from the pulp of that fruit or vegetable. eating the fruit or vegetable whole is much more nutritious than juicing it. not sure where you heard that liquid absorbs better, but would love to see an article or study on it

also, organic is great, but not every fruit needs to be organic when bought since the nutritional value is relatively similar. the only difference between organic and not organic is the pesticide levels. if you can afford organic then thats wonderful, but if you're budgeting then going non-organic is fine also
i dont think this is true. when you juice products, you lose out on a lot of excess nutrients from the pulp of that fruit or vegetable. eating the fruit or vegetable whole is much more nutritious than juicing it. not sure where you heard that liquid absorbs better, but would love to see an article or study on it

also, organic is great, but not every fruit needs to be organic when bought since the nutritional value is relatively similar. the only difference between organic and not organic is the pesticide levels. if you can afford organic then thats wonderful, but if you're budgeting then going non-organic is fine also

You right. But,I use a MAGIC BULLET. Skins and all stay on! Just wash, throw in, and chop up, NO JUICER. Blender. (prolly shoulda been clearer on that)

Also you are correct about the org/non org. There's specific fruits and veggies that they apply to ( eg .the dirty dozen.)
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Organic fruits tend to be more worth the cost though. Compare a honey crisp apple from giant, to an organic one from wegmans or whole foods. 2 or 3 times the size. 
 Better tastes as well. But I agree it does cost a lot. 
All I had to do was watch food inc to learn the same thing in my APES class. 

 I read a short 3-4 page article afterwards though. I'll look into the book

What fruits do you guys eat?

I stick with a top few

Honey Crisp apples
Naval oranges (about to look into blood oranges)
I don't eat fruits, I drink em.

( all organic when I can)
Kale, spinach, strawberries, blueberries, (banana or agave for sweetener)
Kale, spinach, mango, pineapple (banana or agave for sweetener)
smoothies and shakes. I get the greens in that I wont eat and the nutritious value of the the fruits are better absorbed in liquid form
(not a cig but vaporizer. no carcinogens)
Not a fan of smoothies, I prefer to eat the fruit as is. It's just satisfying. 

I use a magic bullet too, surprisingly awesome 
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Red Meat is not bad, you need to go the grass fed route. The red meats in supermarkets are grain fed. Google has a ton of info on the differences and health benefits of grass fed vs grain fed
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You right. But,I use a MAGIC BULLET. Skins and all stay on! Just wash, throw in, and chop up, NO JUICER. Blender. (prolly shoulda been clearer on that)

Also you are correct about the org/non org. There's specific fruits and veggies that they apply to ( eg .the dirty dozen.)

What's the texture like when you use the magic bullet? I swear ill go to Bed Bath and Beyond RIGHT NOW SON.
What's the texture like when you use the magic bullet? I swear ill go to Bed Bath and Beyond RIGHT NOW SON.

(swear they should be paying me the promo)
you get 2 diff blades
I use the cross blade and you get a texture like a smoothie. I use frozen fruits , so if you use fresh ( and want the smoothie type) add ice.
Any good power blender will hold you down tho....
Red meat takes a lot of energy/time for the body to digest. Is this good or bad for you? Red meat makes me feel heavy so I don't eat it. If you are going to eat red meat I suggest you eat grass fed. Locate a grass fed farm near you -> http://www.eatwild.com/products/index.html

I also rarely eat seafood. Fresh caught fish I will eat, especially if I catch it (grilled striped bass :D). Farm raised fish is a no go. Mercury is not good for your pineal gland. Learn how to clean up your pineal gland here -> http://humansarefree.com/2011/02/how-to-clean-up-pineal-gland.html

I dont mess with soy because of the estrogen levels. If you are going to eat soy (milk, tofu, beans, etc) choose wisely. See this study -> http://www.cornucopia.org/soysurvey/

And swine :smh:. I do miss ribs and bacon. Turkey bacon does not compare lol

I have a local organic farm that delivers fresh produce to my house. Much cheaper and way better quality than the grocery store. Find a local farm (support local business!) that ships to you -> http://eatwild.com/products/farmsthatship.html

Water is very important for your body. Muscles are mostly made up of water (70% ?). Test your water and get a filter for whatever (chlorine, fluoride, metals, etc) is in it. Or you can get spring water. Find a spring here -> http://www.findaspring.com/

Check your toothpaste, mouthwash, lip balm for fluoride and saccharin. They are poison. I remember going to the dentist as a child and getting fluoride to strengthen my teeth :x. Read about the impact of fluoride on neurological development here -> http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/features/fluoride-childrens-health-grandjean-choi/

Bold for emphasis lol


Stay away from plastic containers that are not BPA-free. Get yourself a glass or stainless steel water bottle!

EBW, you are right CORN = DEVIL. Most of the corn (85% ?)produced in this country is Genetically Modified :smh::x
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So a blender and magic bullet will essentially do the same thing?

Hell I don't even know the difference between juicier and all that :\
I also rarely eat seafood. Fresh caught fish I will eat, especially if I catch it (grilled striped bass
). Farm raised fish is a no go. Mercury is not good for your pineal gland. Learn how to clean up your pineal gland here -> http://humansarefree.com/2011/02/how-to-clean-up-pineal-gland.html

im not saying that fish doesnt have mercury, but fish is essential to a persons diet. fish contain omega 3 fatty acids that have A LOT of heart health benefits. i know people will say you can just supplement for omega 3 but supplements should NEVER be the way to go if you can just eat the food itself.
So a blender and magic bullet will essentially do the same thing?

Hell I don't even know the difference between juicier and all that :\

Juicer extracts all the juice/liquids from , say a carrot, a leaves behind pulp and solid matter. But a blender chops EVERYHTING all up ( with added water/liquid tho) and everything is drinkable. So you lose none of the nutrients present in the solid matter left behind from a juicer.
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-you dont have to cut down on all carbs because you need carbs to function.
-make sure your whole wheat bread is 100% whole wheat
-cut cold cuts out of your diet. all processed meats in cold cuts are extremely high in sodium and saturated fats. try to instead cook lean meats at home and add it to your salad.
-rice cakes are probably refined carbs so you're better off eating fruits as a snack
-dont drink protein shakes if its not needed to repair body tissue that has been over used. the excess protein will either turn into glycogen or fat
-add soluble fiberous foods to your diet such as oatmeal, beans, brown rice, citrus fruits. oatbran cheerio
-EXERCISE, this is as important as dieting if you want to lose weight

also, when choosing wheat products, MAKE SURE you read the ingredients label and see that the FIRST ingredient is 100% whole grain. i hear A LOT of people talking about how they are eating healthy because they're eating "whole wheat" but they dont even know what they're really buying. any grain product that says "enriched with....x/y/z" is NOT whole grain.

Thanks for the tips dude. :pimp:

I'm still currently lifting so I do take my protein shakes on the days I lift.

I make sure the wraps I use are either gluten-free or 100% whole wheat. Trying hard to get cut for the summer. :lol:
-you dont have to cut down on all carbs because you need carbs to function.
-make sure your whole wheat bread is 100% whole wheat
-cut cold cuts out of your diet. all processed meats in cold cuts are extremely high in sodium and saturated fats. try to instead cook lean meats at home and add it to your salad.
-rice cakes are probably refined carbs so you're better off eating fruits as a snack
-dont drink protein shakes if its not needed to repair body tissue that has been over used. the excess protein will either turn into glycogen or fat
-add soluble fiberous foods to your diet such as oatmeal, beans, brown rice, citrus fruits. oatbran cheerio
-EXERCISE, this is as important as dieting if you want to lose weight

also, when choosing wheat products, MAKE SURE you read the ingredients label and see that the FIRST ingredient is 100% whole grain. i hear A LOT of people talking about how they are eating healthy because they're eating "whole wheat" but they dont even know what they're really buying. any grain product that says "enriched with....x/y/z" is NOT whole grain.
Thanks for the tips dude.

I'm still currently lifting so I do take my protein shakes on the days I lift.

I make sure the wraps I use are either gluten-free or 100% whole wheat. Trying hard to get cut for the summer.
why gluten free? you're allergic to gluten?
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