After I was told I was Malnourished and dehydrated, I fixed my diet.
Congrats on all that. Cutting the fast food is the WAY TO GO for everyone.

I think it's safe to say that everyone needs to drink more water than we do. I try to get started with a bottle or at least half every morning. I keep it beside my nightstand so I can grab it right away. I don't mind room temp water. :lol:

Anybody got tips on tofu? And what about hummus? Some of my peeps swear by this roasted red pepper hummus.
Red meat is not unhealthy bro...it's actually good for you, specially if you are working out, natural protein >>>> any protein powder you can find.

Read up on Paleo, I'm giving that a try..
It's not the fact that its unhealthy as much as it is how it's treated and handled and the fact that the other stuff is actually healthier for you.

I wish I could cut meats all together and go for an entirely plant based diet. There's a really good documentary about it but I can't remember the name of it for the life of me right now.

After seeing the meat processing methods... ugh.

I would rather have a small farm where I could do everything myself.

I may start eating deer meat instead of cow, I know a few hunters that make me deer jerky, they may cut me up some meat to use. Fresh, no added chemicals
Deer meat is AMAZING. My best friends pop was a butcher and loves hunting so he knows how to do all that stuff himself and gives me a good access to it when I'm able to get some.

Deer jerky, tenderloin, sausage, and ground are in his usual rotation. I wish so much I could have a fridge stocked full of it like he does. :frown:

Food, Inc.
Forks over Knives

Those are the three documentaries for anyone wanting to see some of the types of thing referencing to handling and processing of it. Food, Inc is really eye opening.
Red meat is not unhealthy bro...it's actually good for you, specially if you are working out, natural protein >>>> any protein powder you can find.

Read up on Paleo, I'm giving that a try..
Paleo is good in principle, but the reasoning behind why it's good is pretty flawed.  Just because paleolithic people didn't have agriculture or eat dairy doesn't mean that we should throw the baby out with the bath water.  Lots of body builders start off their morning with a bowl of steel cut oats, brown rice certainly won't harm your diet, and greek yogurt is a really good source of protein. It's an effective diet and I follow it loosely, but it's more about knowing which dairy products and carbs to avoid than cutting them out completely. Oh...and I do cheat from time to time. 
I need to start eating right. Not that I am fat by any means but I work out a good amount and don't see the results I want. I know I need to diet as well to get that tone cause all this time at the gym could be for nothing.
Deer meat is AMAZING. My best friends pop was a butcher and loves hunting so he knows how to do all that stuff himself and gives me a good access to it when I'm able to get some.

Deer jerky, tenderloin, sausage, and ground are in his usual rotation. I wish so much I could have a fridge stocked full of it like he does. :frown:

Food, Inc.
Forks over Knives

Those are the three documentaries for anyone wanting to see some of the types of thing referencing to handling and processing of it. Food, Inc is really eye opening.

Venison is :pimp: :pimp:

Only had it once in my life, need to have it again.

Anybody got tips on tofu?

Stinky tofu is the only way to go for me :rofl:

My mom makes a great mapo tofu.

But these probably aren't the "healthy" recipes you're looking for :lol:
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Had 10 rolls of sushi just now, really trying to learn how to make it for myself. Also, I throw avocado on just about everything I eat.
gave up poultry, beef, and pork about 8 months ago... haven't missed it.

still eat fish/seafood, though.

guess that makes me a pescatarian.
I could use some tips on eating the right things vs wat is convenient. Gained a couple pounds over winter and need it off by v neck weather lol
School me on red meat NT...

If I eat a steak thats say...medium... is it more bad for me than good?
I need to start eating right. Not that I am fat by any means but I work out a good amount and don't see the results I want. I know I need to diet as well to get that tone cause all this time at the gym could be for nothing.

That's what this thread is for. There's the stay in shape thread but I figured what the hell we need something dedicated to healthy eating and good dieting habits.

Had 10 rolls of sushi just now, really trying to learn how to make it for myself. Also, I throw avocado on just about everything I eat.

I've never had sushi a day in my life. I've heard over and over I'm missing out.

Anybody ever looked into the "Eat this, not that" series of books. That was what started my whole mindset for paying more attention to what I put into my body.
Keep active by way of cardio...watch your portions and caloric intake...you'll drop lbs. with the quickness. There is really no other way around it. You just have be disciplined in your approach.
I could use some tips on eating the right things vs wat is convenient. Gained a couple pounds over winter and need it off by v neck weather lol

This depends mostly on your lifestyle and how much access you have to making your own meals. We can work with that.

School me on red meat NT...

If I eat a steak thats say...medium... is it more bad for me than good?

The amount it's cooked wont matter. As long as its cooked to the proper temps you're good. Get a cooking thermometer for ease of use and accuracy.

The main thing about red meat and nutrition definitely is going to be the cut of meat and amount of fat on it. The leaner the cut the better obviously.

If buying ground meat notice he label 85/15 90/10 93/7 Etc. the second number is always the fat content per serving so that's what you want to keep an eye out for.
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School me on red meat NT...

If I eat a steak thats say...medium... is it more bad for me than good?
I eat my steaks medium, but I wouldn't say it's the way that it's cooked, but more of how it's made. One processed steak is a mixture of about 1,000 cows. Then they sterilize it was ammonia, then reflavor it with artificial flavors, and recolor it red since it's pinkish grey at this point. Then they ship it off. It's a really disgusting process and it's nothing compared to fresh meat.

Fast food joints like McDonalds use more corn in their burgers than meat. 

If you eat steak, that's good. But try and find local places to buy your meat.
I try to eat a lot of fish, chicken breast, and turky. I rarely eat red meat. I also try to eat a lot of vegetables and limit my carbohydrates. 
Fast food joints like McDonalds use more corn in their burgers than meat. 

If you eat steak, that's good. But try and find local places to buy your meat.

Seriously, corn is the DEVIL in its use of processed foods...local stuff can be found at Whole Foods if you guys have them near you.

I try to eat a lot of fish, chicken breast, and turky. I rarely eat red meat. I also try to eat a lot of vegetables and limit my carbohydrates. 

Sounds like you got this stuff figured out. Keep it up. :pimp:

Fish is great to cook with. I try to be careful on shrimp though due to the high cholesterol.
I try to eat a lot of fish, chicken breast, and turky. I rarely eat red meat. I also try to eat a lot of vegetables and limit my carbohydrates. 
people gotta lay off of that "carbs are bad" mindset. carbs are essential for us, especially if we are active. its the types of carbs that you are consuming that might not be the best. im taking a nutrition course right now in college and i've learned SO much about food its unbelievable.

heres a great site for people who want to learn more about nutrition and make meal plans on how to eat healthy:

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I read The Omnivore's Dilemma for my AP Environmental Science class ... Corn is used in ******g EVERYTHING ...

Check it out if you want, pretty interesting read on the whole food industry.
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I read The Omnivore's Dilemma for my AP Environmental Science class ... Corn is used in ******g EVERYTHING ...

Check it out if you want, pretty interesting read on the whole food industry.
All I had to do was watch food inc to learn the same thing in my APES class. 
 I read a short 3-4 page article afterwards though. I'll look into the book

What fruits do you guys eat?

I stick with a top few

Honey Crisp apples

Naval oranges (about to look into blood oranges)



I've been trying to diet and cut a bit ever since I went on a "dirty bulk" phase starting October.

Went from 160-172. Not necessarily all fat...as my arms and chest got more muscular, but my gut also got a tad bit bigger as well (doesnt help that I indulge on beer during the weekends).

Been cutting down on a lot of carbohydrates the past 2 weeks.

Breakfast : Whole wheat pita bread with peanut butter.
Snack: 2 plain flavored rice cakes and a small bag of almonds or cashews.

Lunch: Salad with a protein (chicken breast or some cold cut ham)
Snack: Cold cuts on whole wheat wrap.

Dinner: Protein (usually chicken, occasionally some red meat) and some vegetables.
Snack: Fruits and a casein protein shake
I read The Omnivore's Dilemma for my AP Environmental Science class ... Corn is used in ******g EVERYTHING ...

Check it out if you want, pretty interesting read on the whole food industry.
All I had to do was watch food inc to learn the same thing in my APES class. 
 I read a short 3-4 page article afterwards though. I'll look into the book

What fruits do you guys eat?

I stick with a top few

Honey Crisp apples

Naval oranges (about to look into blood oranges)



The one fortunate thing at my job is that I can eat fresh fruit for free every day.  My run-down is as follows:





Honeydew melon

Blood oranges





I don't really mess with apples, I find the texture to be a little too gritty for me.  I'll eat one with peanut butter every now and again though.
What fruits do you guys eat?

I stick with a top few

Honey Crisp apples
Naval oranges (about to look into blood oranges)

I usually go with Apple and bananas. Some of the worst fruits I know, but my favorites as well. I've been meaning to try the smaller red bananas, anyone have experience with them?

What do you do with your Kiwi? Anything special. It seems a little hard to cut and prepare from what I know.
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