let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by LovesIt

This whole situation is such a mess. This has to be the most dysfunctional franchise
And all these reports and rumors will only further hurt the teams morale.

Pretty much. I don't know how/of it could really get any better.
Originally Posted by gllahone84

I was trying to go back through the thread to quote some of you dudes who actually vouched for Carmelo, but that was damn near impossible. Everyone could see the writing on the wall except fans of Carmelo, not necessarily fans of the Knicks. If you're a Knick fan you would be all for anything to improve team chemistry, but it seems as if having a star player who doesn't perform at a superstar level was more enticing than having an actual team who plays together and brings out the best effort on a night to night basis.

Stat is not off the hook either, because his rebounding has been atrocious...the whole thing is a mess for ya'll right now.
I'm still vouching for melo.
Originally Posted by gllahone84

I was trying to go back through the thread to quote some of you dudes who actually vouched for Carmelo, but that was damn near impossible. Everyone could see the writing on the wall except fans of Carmelo, not necessarily fans of the Knicks. If you're a Knick fan you would be all for anything to improve team chemistry, but it seems as if having a star player who doesn't perform at a superstar level was more enticing than having an actual team who plays together and brings out the best effort on a night to night basis.

Stat is not off the hook either, because his rebounding has been atrocious...the whole thing is a mess for ya'll right now.

yup. it was all the new dudes running in saying congrats and quoting Simmons and ESPN like why are you guys mad, you got a superstar!

In basketball, it doesn't matter how much you're paid or what kinda topdog/underdog bs politics are going on in the background. You gotta have vision and you gotta see the team for what it is. If that's a 20 mil player being put in a 5 mil player's role, so be it. Play the game. This ain't it. This is our front office playing favorites and helping to make the situation we have right now.

That's why the GM who's done nothing but help fix the mess he walked into gets let go, but the coach who's done nothing but lose gets another shot. That's why the 'superstar' who couldn't defend me hasn't had his name put out anywhere, but the one who hasn't made trouble, but isn't anyone's favorite (and got the coach's son traded away) is in the hot seat with dudes asking for his head.

It's pure incompetence through and through. The fact that Dolan is so immature and incapable that he can't even make sure his coach doesn't sabotage the team gutting trade he made. That he can't even get the interim GM on his side. I know Dolan is ******ed, but he doesn't understand what his employees saying go @%%% yourself means? Or are the Rangers doing so nice that he forgot to care?

Gonna be an ugly, ugly day for Carmelo Anthony.
Originally Posted by petermans

Originally Posted by gllahone84

I was trying to go back through the thread to quote some of you dudes who actually vouched for Carmelo, but that was damn near impossible. Everyone could see the writing on the wall except fans of Carmelo, not necessarily fans of the Knicks. If you're a Knick fan you would be all for anything to improve team chemistry, but it seems as if having a star player who doesn't perform at a superstar level was more enticing than having an actual team who plays together and brings out the best effort on a night to night basis.

Stat is not off the hook either, because his rebounding has been atrocious...the whole thing is a mess for ya'll right now.
I'm still vouching for melo.
Yea, im not putting all this on Melo when our coach doesnt know how to run an offense other than a fast break based offense which is mostly on the fly, not to mention we dont have the personnel to run that style offense in the first place. He doesnt run plays. And Lin takes more shots than Melo and Stat. Thats not an offense that is going to win you games in the long run. 
Hes stubborn and he refuses to adapt to the players he has. And to be honest I dont blame him. He is gonna run his offense because some1 will want that and give him a job when hes gone. No sense in changing for a job he more than likely wont have next year anyways. We need to just cut ties with D'antoni now and start working towards the future. Because the offense with no D isnt working right now. His rotations are terrible. And if you just watch a game its painfully obvious. 
Ah man...it's all happening just like how I expected. I wish I could find my quote from weeks ago that said this would happen right after that game against the Bulls.
Some of this Melo stuff (people STILL vouching for him) is similar to how folks outside of Cleveland knew Bron was gonna bolt. Cavs fans weren't trying to hear it but it was the truth.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by gllahone84

I was trying to go back through the thread to quote some of you dudes who actually vouched for Carmelo, but that was damn near impossible. Everyone could see the writing on the wall except fans of Carmelo, not necessarily fans of the Knicks. If you're a Knick fan you would be all for anything to improve team chemistry, but it seems as if having a star player who doesn't perform at a superstar level was more enticing than having an actual team who plays together and brings out the best effort on a night to night basis.

Stat is not off the hook either, because his rebounding has been atrocious...the whole thing is a mess for ya'll right now.

yup. it was all the new dudes running in saying congrats and quoting Simmons and ESPN like why are you guys mad, you got a superstar!

In basketball, it doesn't matter how much you're paid or what kinda topdog/underdog bs politics are going on in the background. You gotta have vision and you gotta see the team for what it is. If that's a 20 mil player being put in a 5 mil player's role, so be it. Play the game. This ain't it. This is our front office playing favorites and helping to make the situation we have right now.

That's why the GM who's done nothing but help fix the mess he walked into gets let go, but the coach who's done nothing but lose gets another shot. That's why the 'superstar' who couldn't defend me hasn't had his name put out anywhere, but the one who hasn't made trouble, but isn't anyone's favorite (and got the coach's son traded away) is in the hot seat with dudes asking for his head.

It's pure incompetence through and through. The fact that Dolan is so immature and incapable that he can't even make sure his coach doesn't sabotage the team gutting trade he made. That he can't even get the interim GM on his side. I know Dolan is ******ed, but he doesn't understand what his employees saying go @%%% yourself means? Or are the Rangers doing so nice that he forgot to care?

Gonna be an ugly, ugly day for Carmelo Anthony.

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Some of this Melo stuff (people STILL vouching for him) is similar to how folks outside of Cleveland knew Bron was gonna bolt. Cavs fans weren't trying to hear it but it was the truth.

People aren't blindly defending Melo. I just don't think it's as simple as blaming him. The problems are much deeper than that. I honestly don't see how he's crippling the offense, and Ive watched every game. He's trying to fit into the offense and ball movement, but he just can't. That's definitely on him, but that's not the only problem.

There's a lot more issues than just Melo. Speaking for myself, that's all I've been getting at. When Melo's gone and the team is still a .500 team at best, then what? Who's the fall guy then?
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Some of this Melo stuff (people STILL vouching for him) is similar to how folks outside of Cleveland knew Bron was gonna bolt. Cavs fans weren't trying to hear it but it was the truth.

People aren't blindly defending Melo. I just don't think it's as simple as blaming him. The problems are much deeper than that. I honestly don't see how he's crippling the offense, and Ive watched every game. He's trying to fit into the offense and ball movement, but he just can't. That's definitely on him, but that's not the only problem.

There's a lot more issues than just Melo. Speaking for myself, that's all I've been getting at. When Melo's gone and the team is still a .500 team at best, then what? Who's the fall guy then?

Even though STAT is doing just as bad maybe even worst than Melo, no one is talking about him as much. I see Melo being the scapegoat, just because of his attitude in Denver. You can see that hes trying  his hardest to fit in to the offense, but isnt acclimating too well... as a coach you need to adjust this somehow. You're not going to use a 20mil player as a role player, play to his strengths or try to run a better offense. plain and simple, ADJUST.

@ melo's avy on twitter
We have seen stat play great in a knick uniform. We haven't seen jack from melo. I think that's why melo is getting more blame because even amare has differed to melo since he got here. Melo has been a complete bust and this knick team has regressed in his time here which makes no sense to me at all when he quotes himself a top 5 player in this league. The abuse has begun and it will get pretty damn ugly
Originally Posted by tim teufel

We have seen stat play great in a knick uniform. We haven't seen jack from melo. I think that's why melo is getting more blame because even amare has deffered to melo since he got here. Melo has been a complete bust and this knick team has regressed in his time here which makes no sense to me at all when he quotes himself a top 5 player in this league. The abuse has begun and it will get pretty damn ugly

Shoulda took notes from Marbury.
Originally Posted by tim teufel

We have seen stat play great in a knick uniform. We haven't seen jack from melo. I think that's why melo is getting more blame because even amare has differed to melo since he got here. Melo has been a complete bust and this knick team has regressed in his time here which makes no sense to me at all when he quotes himself a top 5 player in this league. The abuse has begun and it will get pretty damn ugly
Yeah, the dude gave us the basketball we'e seen out of a Knick for damn near 10 years. People aren't going to bury him as soon as a guy who has given fans no reason to defend him. (seriously, if any of you have a reason..let me know..?). Plus Amare came as a FA, Melo came at the expense of some solid players. So, if people are late to crush Amare, there is a somewhat justified reason for it to me. 
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Originally Posted by tim teufel

We have seen stat play great in a knick uniform. We haven't seen jack from melo. I think that's why melo is getting more blame because even amare has differed to melo since he got here. Melo has been a complete bust and this knick team has regressed in his time here which makes no sense to me at all when he quotes himself a top 5 player in this league. The abuse has begun and it will get pretty damn ugly
Yeah, the dude gave us the basketball we'e seen out of a Knick for damn near 10 years. People aren't going to bury him as soon as a guy who has given fans no reason to defend him. (seriously, if any of you have a reason..let me know..?). Plus Amare came as a FA, Melo came at the expense of some solid players. So, if people are late to crush Amare, there is a somewhat justified reason for it to me. 

IDK about you but I saw WAY more people in here and in the outside world bringing the hammer down on Amare early this year that carried over from last season.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by NobleKane

theres no reason why anthony and amare shouldnt be getting atleast 20 or more shots a game.

dantoni should have been fired a long time ago. lin saved his job

Agreed. One of them should get 20 every game at least. While the other gets 18 or so.

im saying man... is dantoni that much of an idiot that he doesnt realize that?
knicks fans should want dantoni out before melo
Originally Posted by CDonWasHisName

People really want to build a team around Lin. I can name 20 pg better then him. That will thrive in this same system

Dolan is proven he cares more about the $$ bills than actually winning. Lin is still a cash cow

We dont want to build around, we want to build around a superstar and good players.  Right Melo and Stat are not Superstars nor good players. Lin is.
Top 5 player 

Better than KD 

Most complete scorer 

"Winner" because he won a college championship 

To go from that to the collective opinion in Knickland about Melo right now is amazing. After almost 13 months of the Melo era ya'll calling for his head already 
So d Antoni has officially lost the team. About damn time someone in the locker room has spoken. He is clearly gonna be gone, so what now? Herb Williams?
Originally Posted by Curious24

Originally Posted by CDonWasHisName

People really want to build a team around Lin. I can name 20 pg better then him. That will thrive in this same system

Dolan is proven he cares more about the $$ bills than actually winning. Lin is still a cash cow

We dont want to build around, we want to build around a superstar and good players.  Right Melo and Stat are not Superstars nor good players. Lin is.
The return of JVG? 

 but I'd like to know who you guys think are probably coaches after Dantoni is gone for the rest of this season and then for the start of next season.
Lin ain't no damn superstar man lets stop the crazy talk. He is a nice piece to this team but let's not get carried away. I'd like to see him just play out there without having to cater to any other players ego and just make the right passes to the open players like he did during his linsanity run prior to melo. I guarantee we start winning again
Originally Posted by Curious24

Originally Posted by CDonWasHisName

People really want to build a team around Lin. I can name 20 pg better then him. That will thrive in this same system

Dolan is proven he cares more about the $$ bills than actually winning. Lin is still a cash cow

We dont want to build around, we want to build around a superstar and good players.  Right Melo and Stat are not Superstars nor good players. Lin is.
what in the blue hell............ are you being sarcastic? Lin is a superstar??
Originally Posted by NiceLikeChrist

The return of JVG? 

 but I'd like to know who you guys think are probably coaches after Dantoni is gone for the rest of this season and then for the start of next season.

hey why not? JVG shoulda been back coaching waaaaaaaaaaaay before mark jackson ever had a mention ofbeing a head coach in the nba..
Originally Posted by Proshares

Originally Posted by Al3xis

Originally Posted by tim teufel

We have seen stat play great in a knick uniform. We haven't seen jack from melo. I think that's why melo is getting more blame because even amare has differed to melo since he got here. Melo has been a complete bust and this knick team has regressed in his time here which makes no sense to me at all when he quotes himself a top 5 player in this league. The abuse has begun and it will get pretty damn ugly
Yeah, the dude gave us the basketball we'e seen out of a Knick for damn near 10 years. People aren't going to bury him as soon as a guy who has given fans no reason to defend him. (seriously, if any of you have a reason..let me know..?). Plus Amare came as a FA, Melo came at the expense of some solid players. So, if people are late to crush Amare, there is a somewhat justified reason for it to me. 

IDK about you but I saw WAY more people in here and in the outside world bringing the hammer down on Amare early this year that carried over from last season.

A lot of circumstances came together to make that happen.
Him being an idiot and hurting himself right after we lost Game 1 on bs.
All the buildup, that Tyson would ruin his spacing ~ that Melo can't play with Lin.
Then throw in the fact that Melo was balling to start the season and that fear. That thing that everyone told us the second we signed Amar'e started showing up. It's one thing if you look clumsy and your shots not falling and the chemistry ain't down yet. It's another if it looks like you can't jump or move anymore and the backup plan (well his midrange is so wet) is worthless now.

I think a lot of us going at Amar'e was fear. That suddenly this dude went from '94 Ewing to '00 Ewing in an instant.
JVG would lose the rest of whatever hair he has left in a month if he took the Knicks job. He wouldn't coach that team for anything they could offer.
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