let this thread die (NYK)


The smiley masks my pain.
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

Hey guys, I know you want to send Amare packing now, but instead of packaging Lin and other guys. Why not something simple like a trade to Washington.

Rashard Lewis and a FUTURE 1 for Amare. cut your losses after another season when lewis is expired, have a future one (Cause your not getting this years).

im wit it
I'd hit that on that Rocco steez, lotta choking , smacking and runny mascara

And she'd be making empanadillas after
Huge congrats to Tyson....i specifically remembered how he shut down Dwight Howard this year....

Speaking of which, cats knew Amare's D (II) was an issue. This is why we signed Tyson.

Amare was my favorite player in the L at one point.....but with the emotional toll of burying a brother than being reduced to 1B or the second option after you've rejuvenated a franchise can mess you up. He's probably the most dynamic Knick power forward since Larry Johnson, an instant hero here in NYC...

What he needs to do is rest his body and learn it. Adjust his game from there. This is the point i was trying to make that his game is so reliant on being spoon fed the ball by a guard that he can't be trusted to dominate lesser talented competition. Sometimes, you just want to see him jump for boards or box out and grab boards. He has a long summer and hopefully, he clears up his mind and comes back better than ever.

I dont necessarily think it's Melo either....i get the vibe that Melo wants to get him involved but Amare's camping out throws him off....ya'll think Melo wants to be winded every night? This guy was WHEEZING yesterday.
antonio mcdyess is a perfect example of a guy who knew how to play once his body quit on him. he reinvented his game and became a better shooter and still shot it at a high pct.

heck, luis scola is one of the craftiest post player and he barely jumps.

amare needs to heal up, and learn to play with this body. he isnt young anymore. may show flashes but his gm really isnt above the rim like it use to or even his first step.
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