let this thread die (NYK)

   Stat shld come off the bench if they know wats good for them
I think Lin is more important than STAT simply because Baron is playing like trash.  Lin creates and can set guys up which is exactly what a PG should be doing.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by tommykairaa

any news on lin? any worse? any better? . . we need a baron playin w/ the bench.


Glad Amar'e will be coming back so quickly. Can't pretend I'm not worried about his return effecting how we've been playing lately.
Like I been saying for the past couple years Chicago is a weak @#$ #1 seed dudes are an exact replica of the Cleveland Lebron's . Gimme them in the first round.
damn haven't been on NT in a minute didnt even touch this post but read so much of it...need to come here general is Dead
after watching the Miami vs bulls game Im kinda think we will be better off against miami
Originally Posted by kevi

after watching the Miami vs bulls game Im kinda think we will be better off against miami
The Bulls dont need Rose. They are still a great team without him. Their game on the boards is ridiculous and it will kill us every game.

Also I'm worried about Amare. Just hope he stays healthy this time around and that Melo is still Melo when he returns. Melo doesn't need to average 32 ppg anymore but his shots need to be falling.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Like I been saying for the past couple years Chicago is a weak @#$ #1 seed dudes are an exact replica of the Cleveland Lebron's . Gimme them in the first round.

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