let this thread die (NYK)

It's the same thing as earlier in the year when D'Antoni coached. Was it all his fault we sucked? No. Was it his fault Melo played no D? No. But he could have helped by maybe emphasizing it a little more than he did.

Was it his fault we had no PG at the time? No. But could he have done things differently to realize Lin potentially could have helped much earlier? Yes.

Is it his fault Lin is hurt? No. Is it his fault Amar'e is hurt? No. But he sure as hell could have managed their minutes a lot better.
dont see why dantoni cant be blamed.

he played a d leaguer 40 minutes a night. back to backs. IN A CONDENSED SCHEDULE? dantoni dont care! this guy went from 0-40 overnight. people were complaining about dantoni overusing players for years

he played him more than he should have because he wanted to save his own job. just one more way he put himself over the team.

A wasted year with a bad coach and more injuries. being a knicks fan is harsh
Well didn't we get on Pringles for riding Amar'e last season? DIDN'T WE?

That win streak Lin was playing crazy minutes and Baron was not even back yet. Pringles reasoning was Lin was young but hey look at Shump and his injury problems he had earlier this year.

But Lin doesn't really have anyone but himself to blame due to how he plays. He's always getting banged up, and not like Rose who is always falling to the ground. Lin is always banging up his face and legs when he penetrates. Countless times he's had to go to the team doc cuz of an in game cut. Dude plays with reckless abandon when he's on that driving to the lane mode.
Originally Posted by DubA169

its a big deal

they just wanted to sell and many tickets as possible before it was out

they kept saying day to day when it was obviously BS. They said amare's injury wasnt't serious

novak knew it, so obviously so did the knicks for a while

dolans media policy is half the reason why the papers destroy the knicks. help making us a joke and encouraging players to go elsewhere

you think a top coach like phil jackson wants to work with dolans media policy and his rules?

Marbury's Dad was taken to the hospital during the game and the knicks organization didn't inform marbury! just let him keep playing

just so sick of their antics. it's been a real piece of crap, terrible franchise since the day he bought it and fired grunfeld
Dolan's media policy only benefits Jackson. The media policy protects the coach and the team. It's basically don't talk to the media unless I okay it. You think coaches want to to talk to the media? Jackson would only want to if the team is losing and he wants to publicly flame a player and he can do that anyway post game.

Who gives a *@%* about the papers though? You think if there was no media policy they'd treat us nicer? Look at the Mets. Look at the Giants, Rangers, Devils, Islanders, Jets and Yanks(when they lose). The NY media is ruthless regardless. Dolan just set up a policy to not give them any free info, quotes/soundbites to use against them. How about they actually engage in real journalism for once? I don't give a *@%* about the NY media. So Dolan can stay shady. I don't know why any fan would have a problem with the media policy. It does not affect them in anyway.

So again I don't see the big deal.
Lin got beat up often but was still having success on the Knicks, and now we're complaining he played too much.

Lin was playing a lot of minutes while Baron was not even back yet.

Injuries happen its part of the game. He was a d-leaguer and did not get much burn and he got a starting job, of course he is going to play a lot of minutes he was having success.
You people honestly believe we won't re-sign Thibs?????? And you think he'd go to NY if he didnt ????? HA!
sorry but i loved hearing donnie walsh every week. And i loved that he changed the media policies up when he was here.

instead of having a lacky like grunweld in hiding until something good happens.

I enjoy franchises that are run properly and don't have to hide behind a media policy.

Dolan does it out of fear not some noble stand against the yellow journalism in New York

out of nowhere after years of not talking to the media, he decides to randomly pop up and tell the media that the new york rangers have a great shot at winning the stanley cup. That should show you a dlimpse of his character
This team is cursed
Alan Hahn talking about Mike James on the pregame show. Did Chi really cut him for Lucas? That guy is serviceable.
Originally Posted by LovesIt

No Kyrie Irving tonight
Just an opportunity for Gee or Parker to drop 50.
Originally Posted by DubA169

sorry but i loved hearing donnie walsh every week. And i loved that he changed the media policies up when he was here.

instead of having a lacky like grunweld in hiding until something good happens.

I enjoy franchises that are run properly and don't have to hide behind a media policy.

Dolan does it out of fear not some noble stand against the yellow journalism in New York

out of nowhere after years of not talking to the media, he decides to randomly pop up and tell the media that the new york rangers have a great shot at winning the stanley cup. That should show you a dlimpse of his character
So wait why are you assuming if Phil +%+!#$@ Jackson wanted to talk to media if he wanted to he wouldn't be able to? If Dolan let Walsh do it? Jackson aint nobody 's lacky. He just as OG as Donnie. He'd be able to do with w/e he want.

Glen aint even the GM. He's the VP thrown in to the situation of being the spokesperson for any moves the team makes. I'm not even sure his job is secured. He shouldn't be allowed to be talking every week.
As much as I hate Dolan, it's something we just have to deal with. There's nothing that we can do unless he dies, honestly, as bad as that sounds. That's why I don't complain about him. Obviously it all starts at the top of an organization. He's a mess, therefore, we're a mess. It is what it is though.
Mike James is the LAST kind of player the Knicks need, he is another shoot first PG (undersized SG)
Originally Posted by arstyle27

You people honestly believe we won't re-sign Thibs?????? And you think he'd go to NY if he didnt ????? HA!

You sound shook..

Your organization has a reputation of being cheap and stubborn

Thibbs is a top 5 coach in the game he deserves to be paid and he will be
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Mike James is the LAST kind of player the Knicks need, he is another shoot first PG (undersized SG)
I wouldn't really call Lin a pass first pg though. If James is an adept scorer I'd take that over having TD run the offense. All dudes keep saying in TD's defense is that he needs to be used correctly as a scoring option off the bench that plays defense. Well what we need is a pg that can run the offense. I wouldn't mind us having an undersized sg (that can actually score) playing at pg for the rest of this season as long as he gets familiar with Tyson and Novak and where Melo needs the ball.

I'd take James over TD.
Is anyone elses picture unusually grainy on MSG? With vertical lines. Particularly cablevision customers
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Marbury > Mike James
Aint like we can sigh Steph. I'd take him back if we could.
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