let this thread die (NYK)

You could see the story playing out in advance before Knicks coach Mike D’Antoni re-inserted Carmelo Anthony and Jeremy Lin for Josh Harrellson and Baron Davis with 3:57 left Tuesday in Dallas after a motley mix of bench players and one starter (Amar’e Stoudemire) had cut the Mavericks’ 14-point fourth-quarter lead to two. You knew that when Dallas made its run, almost mathematically inevitable, a pseudo-controversy would spring up over whether D’Antoni should have left “the bench
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

You have absolutely nothing to go off when you talk about Melo has a bad attitude and he brings a negative vibe to the Knicks team. It's complete and utter bull *+$# that you're making up for w/e reason with your psychoanalyzing and terrible interpreting skills. All the reasons you've given for why is pure bull *+$#. I'm not giving him a pass at all. Read my posts. I'm just disagreeing with *+$# you're pulling out your %$!. It's not enough that Melo played bad and shot terribly. He has to have a bad attitude and bring a negative vibe to the team so that can count to why they lose

I aint never called Melo our leader. You tend to keep going off things and bringing shh up I never see mentioned in this thread like that superstar stuff you love to bring up. It's a guarantee if we were winning you wouldn't be talking about Melo being "overly nonchalant" or his interest in the game. Where were you last season with that talk? Why don't you point out shh like that during our wins or when Melo plays well? I mean damn at least keep it consistent.

What you think he was talking to Marion about exactly? You thinking they were discussing where their two families would go on vacation together during the off season? Choosing a place to eat after the game? or possibly did it have something to do with what occurred during the game where what was being said by Marion got under his skin? Now I'm not excusing the turnover at all but you just come to ridiculous conclusions from what you see.

And Kobe's not immune from legit criticism but I know I don't see LAL fans or even Kobe haters reach to point out any of Kobe's mannerisms when he's on camera and then talk about how that's adversely affecting the rest of the team.
Dog, You getting all emotional like my girl.
!%$+% please. Only emotion involved is my shock at how absurd your posts have been just now with how you're reaching to talk about a player's "negative vibes" as if he's had any demonstrative actions like a Cousins. You aint in the locker room or at practice but you got the phd on player's facial expressions, body language, and apparently you can see vibes.

First off, Kobe's got rings to back up his talk play boy. What has Melo done for himself? Hell, What has he done for us lately? Kobe can yap all he wants to, he's had the work ethic and determination to win multiple rings. He's earned his pass.
Man you brought up Kobe not me and all I said is I don't see LAL fans or Kobe haters making dumb posts about his vibes or attitude going off little minuscule irrelevant things they're seeing during a game or a damn tweet and extrapolating off that with a bull %!%# analysis. Please tell me moar about Melo's bad attitude that you've concluded from how he plays.

You act like the attitude and effort in the workplace (the basketball court) doesn't mean anything. You can't read body language bro?

When did I say that? I'm saying you're assuming Melo's attitude from shh that's not even evidence. Anything you're saying about bad vibes or his attitude isn't based on anything concrete. Don't be mad cuz I aint buying the bs you selling
Take a look at the greats and try to compare their attitudes and effort to Carmelo. You will see the differences right away.
I wish I saw OKC fans talking about Russ' and KD's negative vibes when they were just jacking up shots only down by 5 with like a minute left against ATL a few days ago or anything Russ does in general.
I talk about "superstar" because at the end of the day he put's himself up there with the elite but had nothing to show for it.
Son then go tell Melo that shh.

I'm a fan, I can be critical (or negative; like you perceive it) as much as I want. I spend money on Knicks tickets, memorabilia, and I take the time to watch games. Myself being "negative" like you call it doesn't affect the Knick locker room, Carmelo's on the other hand does. So if I'm sitting back and watching the games as much as I do and realize that he's half-assing his way up the court, playing bad defense, or laughing/smiling with Maverick fans when we're down 15.....you can bet your bottom dollar that I will call it out. I didn't see any other player doing that, I never do. I see Melo do it all the time.

I'm a fan too and I can laugh at dumb shh when a person is reaching to try and establish a false point.
Damn right I wouldn't be criticizing Melo as much if we were winning, because at the end of the day all I want is my TEAM to win.  

Go ahead, Brotha.

So you can't and won't keep it consistent. You just looking for something to complain about cuz we losing. You don't even care or believe that Melo has a bad attitude or is spreading negative vibes to the rest of the team and yet I'm the one being a female. Stop ya bloodclot crying.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Look what Melo is doing to us!! He's tearing this family apart!

Word it's not Pringles use of the rotation or his coaching in general it's Melo's negative vibes causing losses. Son got the aura of a 1000 black holes

You don't have to agree with my theory, you don't have to believe that Carmelo Anthony brings the spirit of this team down. You don't have to agree that he's lackadaisical on both sides of the court. You don't have to agree with me when I criticize his "superstar" ability.   

Don't agree. See this is the beauty of America, you don't have to agree. Every good point I made tho really seemed like it pissed you off and you starting spinning everywhere. Talking about OKC, then telling me to "talk to Melo", telling me I don't have evidence when I clearly told you moments last night where he seemed like he didn't care. Your just really, really mad

However, their are people who agree with me and their are people who agree with you. But here are the facts playboy. Here is some "concrete" evidence for you since you need it so desperately. The New York Knicks have a better record without Carmelo Anthony, simple and plain.

That stat alone should at least make you consider that their is a problem with Melo on the floor. Don't give me excuses he was hurt, Don't give me excuses he doesn't know the offense, Don't give me any of that. Just let that sink in, let it sink in.
Wasn't there some reports of "personal issues" early in the season with Melo? Maybe that has something to do with it? Not excusing dude's garbage play, but nobody knows what he might be dealing with off the court. If it's serious enough for the media to report it, it may be something serious, like LaLa letting Toney Douglas smash
Watching Knick games I see that there is no plays being ran when a play should be ran....

Every team has 2 or 3 plays they will run when they need a score... Dantoni just sez, " cmon cmon cmon" then its swing the ball let Novak or Fields shoot from the corner

when u have 2 players who shoot about 50 percent in ISO situations it would be wise to have 2 plays designed for both players so they can get there touches and the role players dont have as wmuch stress on trying to get a score when they obviously cannot get it done...

Having Lin drive into a wall of D then trying to dish off at the last second is not a reliable possession in my opinion..

Dantoni doesnt respect Melo's ISO game obviously because he doesnt have any decent plays designed for him...

ROTATIONS are suspect and his in game changes are laughable.... if anyone knows anything about ball, you know Dantoni isnt a good coach....

I remember last year with Gallo and Chandler , Stat would feast because he had 5s looking silly becuase they couldnt leave there man for a double team or if they did he made em pay with an open Gallo and Fields... Will Chandler slashing was a threat too... i remember plays being ran when Duhon and Lee was our 1 2 combo, what happened to all the PLAYS DANTONI?????
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Wasn't there some reports of "personal issues" early in the season with Melo? Maybe that has something to do with it? Not excusing dude's garbage play, but nobody knows what he might be dealing with off the court. If it's serious enough for the media to report it, it may be something serious, like LaLa letting Toney Douglas smash

Good post devildog, pretty much my sentiments exactly.

Hell, Pringles was recently quoted (I believe) saying he doesn't want to run an organzied offense, prefers the helter skelter, because defenses can't prepare for that.

honestly we'll never know the true extent of this team untill MDA gets the fuxk out.... and as for melo, we need him like it or not.... MDA cant coach dude nor can he coach Amare... Melo needs to drive to the basket when his jumper isn't falling.... Amare needs to box out and play D and yet MDA cant get his 2 star players to elevate their game when its solely based on their decision making/effort, ISO plays for melo and or Amare must be apart of this offense particularly when there are mis-match's but ball movement is key...like my dude Walt Clyde Frazier said Basketball is a very easy game.....
man, last nights game was really tough to watch...
from the substitutions to our execution on offense to our defense...

still dont know why Dantoni put in Lin/Melo for BD/Jorts.
i knew he would do something stupid like that. we were joking around saying 'time to put in the starters!' when we went on that 14-0 run in the 4th. when we saw Lin/Melo get up and check in, we were like 'We were just joking!!' lol damn.

Woodson has to stop telling our guys to go under screens. Kidd/Dirk killed us on that.

and Stat got fouled a bunch of times. i dont know how the refs missed it. is it safe to say that he 'lost' the respect from the refs?

glad that he took the challenge in guarding Dirk tho. it shows that he wants to compete with the best.

on a sidenote, most likely we will be stuck in 8th. (unless we go on a 'Linsanity 2.0' run into the playoffs of course) and lets say Miami gets 1st...
99' all over again?

Stern got the script written all out...
If something happens to Melo 

Going to be hilarious reading these posts come playoff time without a Melo on our team. People will be screaming for a real closer.
Originally Posted by devildog1776

Watching Knick games I see that there is no plays being ran when a play should be ran....

Every team has 2 or 3 plays they will run when they need a score... Dantoni just sez, " cmon cmon cmon" then its swing the ball let Novak or Fields shoot from the corner

when u have 2 players who shoot about 50 percent in ISO situations it would be wise to have 2 plays designed for both players so they can get there touches and the role players dont have as wmuch stress on trying to get a score when they obviously cannot get it done...

Having Lin drive into a wall of D then trying to dish off at the last second is not a reliable possession in my opinion..

Dantoni doesnt respect Melo's ISO game obviously because he doesnt have any decent plays designed for him...

ROTATIONS are suspect and his in game changes are laughable.... if anyone knows anything about ball, you know Dantoni isnt a good coach....

I remember last year with Gallo and Chandler , Stat would feast because he had 5s looking silly becuase they couldnt leave there man for a double team or if they did he made em pay with an open Gallo and Fields... Will Chandler slashing was a threat too... i remember plays being ran when Duhon and Lee was our 1 2 combo, what happened to all the PLAYS DANTONI?????
I said the same thing a while back. I can't think of one play we run on a consistent basis. Isht is sad
Dantoni needs certain players to succeed. When a coach needs certain players to succeed he sucks. Give Dantoni the grizzlies and they suck. Give him 3 Boris diaws and 2 barbosas and he succeeds.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Melo is shooting 40% for the year though...It's not like its one bad game.  For a guy who really doesn't bring much else to the table aside from scoring, he doesn't bring much to the table if he doesn't score.  I still have faith in him come playoff time for whatever reason.  Melo is made for playoff basketball.
I know I'm going to get slayed for saying this but I want the 8th seed (depending on the Bulls staying in 1st).  If we do anything this season, it is going to be a shock the world type of way, I just feel like this season could mirror '99.  Sports are cyclical, look at how the Giants won this year.  Besides we would run into the Heat/Bulls next round anyway, might as well go for the jugular from the jump.
The first 7 games of the season (before Melo's first injury) he was averaging like 30 a game and shooting 50% from the field. Dude looked like he was poised to have his best season ever and then the injuries started to pile up and his game got out of whack. Not worried about dude at all really I see him being back to normal by playoff time Stat looks like he's finally back and it took what 38 games ? Melo will be 100% Melo again by playoff time. Also yes i agree with you about the Bulls I don't fear them at all Rose is amazing player but I don't think him alone can beat us in a 7 game series if were playing up to our potential.
I aint mad at seeing the Bulls either or eventually both. I will say though if we managed to get the 6th seed or higher and got to the 2nd round it's possible we aonly see one of the two.
Originally Posted by LovesIt

What wrong with Jefferies ?
Sore knee or bruised knee (something wrong with his knee, but not too serious) suffered in the Mav's game.

Nice to see Shump starting instead of Fields (dude really shouldnt get any play time at all). And so maybe now we'll see some of that Amare at the 5 that we saw early last season 
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Talking about OKC, then telling me to "talk to Melo", telling me I don't have evidence when I clearly told you moments last night where he seemed like he didn't care. Your just really, really mad

I just made a comparison with OKC and really you just seem to have a hard on for Melo so you continue to reach for nonsense. You only brought up him laughing at the scoring table and his conversation with Marion. Please explain how that supports the idea that Melo brings the spirit of the team down or spreads negative vibes. I don't know why you're even pursing this "theory" still when the fact of the matter is you already admitted you wouldn't even talking about this stupidity if we were winning. You don't believe what you're saying. You just mad we lost and that you can look at Melo's terrible game as to why we lost but somehow I'm mad for pointing out your bull %+$!.
But here are the facts playboy. Here is some "concrete" evidence for you since you need it so desperately. The New York Knicks have a better record without Carmelo Anthony, simple and plain.

That stat alone should at least make you consider that their is a problem with Melo on the floor. Don't give me excuses he was hurt, Don't give me excuses he doesn't know the offense, Don't give me any of that. Just let that sink in, let it sink in.

*sigh* stop acting like we were even talking about this. We talking about your weak *#$ negative vibes theory. Not the record with Melo on the team. Now if you want to give stupid reasons for why the record is what it is I can at least dispute something stupid but lets not act like we haven't already gone over you talking about that one fact. What you call excuses I call valid logical reasons (never said anything about him not knowing the offense that would be the coach anyway). You don't see it that way or maybe you just want to ignore circumstances, advocating anti-logic. Fine.
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