let this thread die (NYK)

When did Tyson hurt his hammy?

It's a miracle he stayed relatively healthy last year.

That guy is never going to complete an 82 game season without missing a game.
We're gonna get cooked by either Toney Parker or Manu. Pick your poison cause Shump can't guard em both.
we will win tonight..maybe its the tussin talking but we will win. I just believe & still have faith in this team!
Yea a good one. Shocking

Defense looks suspect. Guess Tyson out so not a surprise. Gonna take time for jorts shot to come back

Lin misses amare. I've noticed it a lot
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Talking about OKC, then telling me to "talk to Melo", telling me I don't have evidence when I clearly told you moments last night where he seemed like he didn't care. Your just really, really mad

I just made a comparison with OKC and really you just seem to have a hard on for Melo so you continue to reach for nonsense. You only brought up him laughing at the scoring table and his conversation with Marion. Please explain how that supports the idea that Melo brings the spirit of the team down or spreads negative vibes. I don't know why you're even pursing this "theory" still when the fact of the matter is you already admitted you wouldn't even talking about this stupidity if we were winning. You don't believe what you're saying. You just mad we lost and that you can look at Melo's terrible game as to why we lost but somehow I'm mad for pointing out your bull %+$!.
But here are the facts playboy. Here is some "concrete" evidence for you since you need it so desperately. The New York Knicks have a better record without Carmelo Anthony, simple and plain.

That stat alone should at least make you consider that their is a problem with Melo on the floor. Don't give me excuses he was hurt, Don't give me excuses he doesn't know the offense, Don't give me any of that. Just let that sink in, let it sink in.
*sigh* stop acting like we were even talking about this. We talking about your weak *#$ negative vibes theory. Not the record with Melo on the team. Now if you want to give stupid reasons for why the record is what it is I can at least dispute something stupid but lets not act like we haven't already gone over you talking about that one fact. What you call excuses I call valid logical reasons (never said anything about him not knowing the offense that would be the coach anyway). You don't see it that way or maybe you just want to ignore circumstances, advocating anti-logic. Fine.

Just quit it man. I think Carmelo is an overrated and overpaid player and yes I do think he brings a bad attitude and bad leadership to the Knicks. I don't believe someone whose being payed $20 million dollars should act the way he does, I'm not even giving Melo criticism for his numbers; just his attitude. I brought up the record without Melo because WINNING is the most important statistic to me.

You dont feel the same way and that's A-Okay!!! Just let it go bro
Originally Posted by throwback1718

How do you lose 20 lbs of muscle? I understand fat... But what about muscle?

Just by not lifting weights, Muscle goes first when you lose weight.
We're really going to be missing Jefferies and Chandler tonight. Once again, Knicks giving up to many easy baskets. Story of our lives.
This is where Fields needs to live. Go off on lesser players with the second team. Let Shump be out there for defensive purposes with the first team.
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