Leonardo DiCaprio is the best actor of our generation.

His performances in Gangs of New York and There Will Be Blood blew me away.
Leo is damn good though. Depp is more than the quirky Burton guy too. He's just best known for those roles.
This movie defines Gosling's career in my opinion
A case can be made for both but this edges out Blue Valentine in terms of acting just by a little. When he starts to lose his **** towards the end and he confronts that one dude....

He got nominated for an Oscar with this film as well. 
If only DDL had more work!
I'll agree with you for the most part tho.

Leonardo is definitely appreciated :smokin

DDL chooses not to have role after role. His method approach takes such a toll on him, which is why we see him ever so often. Dude literally was the $5 bill in living flesh :lol: .

...learned to speak Czech for his role in The Unbearable Lightness of Being
...had to be lifted around the set as he would never leave his wheelchair and insisted his meals be spoon-fed to him during My Left Foot
...would only eat food he killed during Last of the Mohicans. He, of course, learned how to track, hunt and skin the animals.
...walked around New York City wearing a top hat and cane for two months while preparing for The Age of Innocence
...spent nights locked in solitary confinement in the abandoned prison where they filmed In the Name of the Father
...didn't bathe for the entirety of shooting The Crucible to get the feeling of what it was to live by 17th century standards
...spent 18 months training to be a boxer for The Boxer
...caught pneumonia while making Gangs of New York because he refused to wear a toasty modern coat because it wasn't in keeping with the period.
...moved out of his house and arranged to live separately from his wife (and director and co-star) in order to experience the isolation of his character's life in an island commune in preparation for The Ballad Of Jack And Rose.
...scared off Kel O'Neill from There Will be Blood after O'Neill claimed "Day-Lewis' character Plainview was just too intense for him to work alongside day after day." Paul Dano replaced him.

and also only responded to being called Mr. Lincoln/President on set for Lincoln.

I recognize DDL as one of the best actors I've ever seen, however, I am more entertained by films Leo has been in/acted in. I'm banking on WoWS to be really entertaining.
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He's one my favorites I haven't watched all those movies posted but can't go wrong with Leo IMO.

Franco is pretty slept on too.
Has DDL ever done a movie that wasn't a drama? Probably early in his career right? Seems like he only does roles that will get him an Oscar.
Jack Sparrow to Willy Wonka to Tonto to Todd Sweeny... that isn't range to me as it is a slight twist on the same type of character.

Depp over-saturated the market with himself, IMO.

But you are only mentioning his current films. What about Blow? No character masking and just straight acting and good story. Still one of my favorite movies to this day. There's Donnie Brasco, Once Upon A Time In Mexico, Chocolat......okay, I added Chocolat just for the hell of it.

Dont forget Fear and Loathing :pimp:

... and of course Nightmare on Elm Street :lol:
Has DDL ever done a movie that wasn't a drama? Probably early in his career right? Seems like he only does roles that will get him an Oscar.

Nothing wrong with that though.

Leo is a workhorse as well. Hoping WoWS is Oscar-worthy, because it may be going the Goodfellas route. I am NOT saying it will be better/as good, but I'm referring to it in terms of entertainment level/humor and pacing.
This movie defines Gosling's career in my opinion

View media item 635441

A case can be made for both but this edges out Blue Valentine in terms of acting just by a little. When he starts to lose his **** towards the end and he confronts that one dude....

He got nominated for an Oscar with this film as well. 
will def check this out! Gosling is my favorite actor
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I will say Depp has a huge range in characters whether it be Jack Sparrow to Willy Wonka or his character in Public Enemies. Leo has range too but I find it all around dramatic characters.....although his character in Django wasn't too dramatic.

Yea Depp has way more range than anyone mentioned in here dude played a gangsta for Donnie Brasco and public enemy along with this quirky characters.
Depp just needs to star in better movies. The last 3 Pirate movies sucked and no one even watched the lone ranger.
He doesn't even try anymore. I remember someone saying all he's doing now is just collecting a check and making sure his kids are set for the future
I'm not a movie/actor snob/buff, but speaking on the latest ldc work that I've seen (django) it's simply unreal how he owned that role. The way he appeared to be perturbed yet intrigued when django made certain statements was so natural that it was as if he was deeply appalled personally. There are TONS of amazing actors that don't get credit, I've noticed.

Also how do critics judge or rate actors? Is there some type of point system? Or is it just all a matter of opinion.

It's interesting how many small things go into a great acting performance.

I was wondering the same thing. What makes one actor >>>>>> better than another? I can only distinguish Really Bad acting... I don't even see "terrible acting" that JLo, Megan Fox, and Jessica Alba bring to the table. Of course they can never do a Drama, which 90% of the time wins the Academy Awards. But IDC, if they play the role good enough that I actually believe their characters, they did their job.

Also, also much as I like the movies Denzel and Depp are in, they seem to play the same damn character every time. Leo can go from a morally gray South African to a 60' New Yorker to an antebellum slave master.

Btw. I'm surprised Philip Seymour Hoffman and Robert Downey Jr. have not been mention yet.
Depp IS NOT better than Leo.

Depp plays the same bizarre, quarky character every time.

I will say Depp has a huge range in characters whether it be Jack Sparrow to Willy Wonka or his character in Public Enemies. Leo has range too but I find it all around dramatic characters.....although his character in Django wasn't too dramatic.

agreed. depp is versatile as ****...really great actor. not many actors today can do what he does. well...at least out of the well known heavy hitters.

pirates of the carribean 5 can't come soon enough :pimp:
Leo is appreciated, his work has been on point. Denzel is my favorite actor, but Leo comes close to that.

He deserves an Oscar though, tired of the sad Leo memes :lol:


Johnny Depp >.

Denzel is by far the most overrated. Not saying he's not good, just overrated. Dude plays the exact same character in every movie. No versatility.


Anyway, DDL is the best actor of our generation.

Leo is amazing, though.
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But you are only mentioning his current films. What about Blow? No character masking and just straight acting and good story. Still one of my favorite movies to this day. There's Donnie Brasco, Once Upon A Time In Mexico, Chocolat......okay, I added Chocolat just for the hell of it.

It's not that I don't like Depp. He's definitely made some good films.

Like I said earlier, I probably would be as harsh in my critique if he hadn't sold the **** out.

On Stranger Tides? Come on Johnny, you better than that.

Then again, Gatsby wasn't that great either. :lol:
I love Leo's acting. Think he's one of the greatest but I really don't care either way about these sorts of grand titles being thrown around but I would point out
Inception [COLOR=#red]- Wasn't really a great performance but a great movie[/COLOR]
Shutter Island [COLOR=#red]- He was good in this but the movie is very story/plot driven[/COLOR]
Blood Diamond
Romeo & Juliet
The Aviator
Catch Me If You Can
Great Gatsby


Everything else he was great in (didn't watch Gatsby) except for Catch Me If You Can, he was excellent in that.

For like the past year though, I find myself appreciating the lesser known guys that have excellent performances under their belt; Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Paul Giamatti, etc.
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