Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

private companies get sued for discrimination because they fire people for saying racist things?

link me to an article about that
tolerate view points is different from being racist. Rephrase your above statement b ...

BTW, chick fila still going strong and their view point against homosexuality was is real. What's going on .... Murica

i thought you were talking about discrimination lawsuits... is chikfila getting sued? what does chikfila have to do with lawsuits?
@ yall thinking being racist is ok as long as it's a private matter


Yes racist gonna racist but doesnt mean its right
 for thinking we will someday abolish it. It was always exist.

I wish drunk drivers would stop killing people every day but I'm not out in the freeways crying for justice 
First off Kudos to Silver for doing all in his power to Get Sterling the **** out of here.

As for the actual happenings... this is the equivalent to a cop taking a life and getting desk duty or payed leave, It changes absolutely nothing. the onus was on the players to stand up and take this to new heights instead everyone will say "OMG They suspended him for life" it will be in the media for another week and rather than stopping & analyzing the real problem behind this it will be back to normal.

The clippers will fall to someone in his family, or another one of the minority partners who sat their all along and did business with this man knowing the hate he contains & once again a black problem is given a bandaid by a system while blacks chant and celbrate as if something was done. We've all seen this show before & it happens everytime, This was never about Sterling & with the perfect opportunity for players to make that statement to the world they held back and now this becomes just a regular sports story that will quickly dissolve.
screencap the facebook post... I don't believe you bruh

I can give two ***** about the situation but I can see an agree with this train of thought. We all want to prosecute .. Got it but when we send people to die for our freedom then there's a problem. Just saying ...
Interesting point of view and analogy used. Definitely not the same tho I bet this guy felt smart for a sec
lol.... free speech only applies to the government... private entities don't have to tolerate viewpoints...

If I invite somebody to my house, then kick them out because I don't like what they are saying... am i violating their free speech?

Terrible analogy...I understand protecting the brand and DST is a representation of that brand but forcing him to sell for viewpoints doesn't equate to a free speech thing. I never said that

If you drive a Toyota Camry that you paid for, and are recorded saying something racist in it...should you have to sell it because Toyota doesn't want to be associated with you?
screencap the facebook post... I don't believe you bruh
View media item 945088
I can give two ***** about the situation but I can see an agree with this train of thought. We all want to prosecute .. Got it but when we send people to die for our freedom then there's a problem. Just saying ...

i feel what you're saying...but dude still has freedom... he can record racist dialogue and release it on youtube anytime he wants and he won't be put in jail or harrassed by the government...

The NBA is a private entity...and doesn't HAVE TO tolerate it
First off Kudos to Silver for doing all in his power to Get Sterling the **** out of here.

As for the actual happenings... this is the equivalent to a cop taking a life and getting desk duty or payed leave, It changes absolutely nothing. the onus was on the players to stand up and take this to new heights instead everyone will say "OMG They suspended him for life" it will be in the media for another week and rather than stopping & analyzing the real problem behind this it will be back to normal.

The clippers will fall to someone in his family, or another one of the minority partners who sat their all along and did business with this man knowing the hate he contains & once again a black problem is given a bandaid by a system while blacks chant and celbrate as if something was done. We've all seen this show before & it happens everytime, This was never about Sterling & with the perfect opportunity for players to make that statement to the world they held back and now this becomes just a regular sports story that will quickly dissolve.
What more could they have done? Yall keep throwing out this was a "band-aid" but dont even throw out any ideas.

MLK aint walking through that door bruh....
I wish drunk drivers would stop killing people every day but I'm not out in the freeways crying for justice 
Lol exactly. Racism isn't cool, and no it shouldn't be okay, but has a right to his opinion. I don't believe his opinion is right, but he has that right as a citizen to believe in what he wants.
Terrible analogy...I understand protecting the brand and DST is a representation of that brand but forcing him to sell for viewpoints doesn't equate to a free speech thing. I never said that

If you drive a Toyota Camry that you paid for, and are recorded saying something racist in it...should you have to sell it because Toyota doesn't want to be associated with you?
exactly ...
lol.... free speech only applies to the government... private entities don't have to tolerate viewpoints...

If I invite somebody to my house, then kick them out because I don't like what they are saying... am i violating their free speech?

Terrible analogy...I understand protecting the brand and DST is a representation of that brand but forcing him to sell for viewpoints doesn't equate to a free speech thing. I never said that

If you drive a Toyota Camry that you paid for, and are recorded saying something racist in it...should you have to sell it because Toyota doesn't want to be associated with you?

If toyota had you sign a contract to abide by certain rules and respect the decision of their board...... yes you legally have to sell it... as does Donald because of the restrictions he agreed to when he bought the team...

He's legally obligated to follow what the league says... he had the FREEDOM to sign the clauses that come with ownership
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lol.... free speech only applies to the government... private entities don't have to tolerate viewpoints...

If I invite somebody to my house, then kick them out because I don't like what they are saying... am i violating their free speech?
Terrible analogy...I understand protecting the brand and DST is a representation of that brand but forcing him to sell for viewpoints doesn't equate to a free speech thing. I never said that

If you drive a Toyota Camry that you paid for, and are recorded saying something racist in it...should you have to sell it because Toyota doesn't want to be associated with you?
You guys really do suck at analogies though
Don't know what's so hard to understand about this :lol:
what's hard to understand? When you have Marc Cuban saying let's take a step back and analyzed this ... It's not that simple. Basically if you have a set of individuals that do not like your view point boom u gone? Wtf ..... Smh ...
alot of smart dumb ***** who don't understand law or their rights...

ole "am i being detained, am i being detained" *** ******
what's hard to understand? When you have Marc Cuban saying let's take a step back and analyzed this ... It's not that simple. Basically if you have a set of individuals that do not like your view point boom u gone? Wtf ..... Smh ...

When you run a plantation and refer to your players as slaves essentially? Yes. It's really that simple.

It's not just a man having a viewpoint. He holds a position of power. You simply can't operate with that viewpoint relative to the position of power that he has. It's that simple.

Cuban is trying to be politically correct which is fine. But when you are the owner of your team, and you refer to them in the manner that Sterling has done in the past, and recently, you have to go. It's that simple. End of story.
does the contact say sing be racist? SRS question ...
 When you sign a contract with an entity that says you must abide by certain rules and regulations and also give them certain abilities like to revoke your ownership, you best expect them to flex those muscles when you break rules. It might not say racism specifically, but anything that reflects the league negatively can be punished and when signing that contract, he agreed to the rule that his ownership could be removed if voted on.
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