Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

felt this in my soul. Had to come back and rep.

No one thinks mark Cuban is a supremacist so stop asking.
 Better luck next time. Go ahead and RE-read what you quoted that hit you so deep in your soul. 

Edit - Never mind, Mark is just giving excuses for whie supremacy, he's not really a white supremacist himself. Got it. 
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wait... you guys think mark cuban was making a case for white supremacy?

damn... you guys don't have any race dialogue with other races huh?

No one thinks mark Cuban is a supremacist so stop asking.
People can express themselves however they want, but when a Billionaire NBA owner like Mark Cuban is clearly trying to give excuses for white supremacy we have a huge problem.

Some of you should really just move to the mountains and live like Mark Wahlberg in Shooter. Seriously.
but it wasn't about hoodies, you're overreacting to the hoodies statement. You know exactly what he meant, and that he had a point.

Obviously a black man in a hoody is threatening to him, that's why that was the first example he can think of .. but you're right it's not about that :lol:
At the end of the day, we'll (as black people) always have these conversations about what it is exactly that "justifies" the discrimination, fear, and of course racism. As long as we subscribe to this system, it's laws, and it's protocols. If you keep having to sit in front of a man to interview that fears you for wearing a clothing item that's sold in practically every store that sells clothes in America for a job; thus, resulting in your food, livelihood, survival......you'll run loops forever. Today it's a hoodie (which practically every person in the country may own), tomorrow it's white socks, and yesterday it was dreads...

But if we begin to redirect the money we spend (since Blacks in America SPEND more than probably the 12th richest nation is "worth") into ourselves and areas where we unfortunately been subjected to inhabit, we can inevitably become self - sufficient and self - determinant.

At that point, who would care what white people thought or felt about us in the same manner they don't have to care or worry about how we think or feel about them because it simply doesn't matter. What would we do? George Zimmerman has essentially said, "yea I murked one of yall babies for nothing, got off and I'll fight any one of yall N's while getting paid on top of it, what up?" That's more G (unfortunately for evil) than a lot of these guys thinking they're tough if you ask me....

Excuse the long post.
Idk if this was said earlier, but growing up in the Southeast Asian community I haven't met more racist individuals than us.  I think if you're gonna antagonize one person you should also realize that there are minorities that hate each other and where is the backlash there? Sure someone in power like Sterling made some stupid comments but let's keep it real if it wasn't for TMZ sensationalizing this 'news' it would have been just some "pillow talk" that most minority and non-minorities have. 
Exactly my man & These new age NEGROS are buying into that foolishness.....Racism & Bigotry are NOT the same a BIGOT is a name caller pretty much RACISM is the effects of WHITE SUPREMACY the laws they put in effect, project living, police harassment ect...

Thank god Sterling is out of the NBA, there is no room for racism in today's society! Case closed, let that miserable old man rot with his corrupted mind!

(Sorry to call you out, but your mindset is quiet common on NT lately)

Nor is there room for ignorance so that you can justify your own intolerance for others for whatever your reason. If you really believe BIGOTRY is just name calling, you are telling yourself a lie to justify how you really feel about other races! Fact, plain and simple!

Main Entry: big·ot
Pronunciation: \ˈbi-gət\
Function: noun
Etymology: French, hypocrite, bigot
Date: 1660
: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices ; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

NT has become almost unbearable with the bigots on here saying they're against some form of discrimination, then go on some rant justifying they're prejudice because in "their mind," they are only "name calling" or that they are "incapable" of discrimination because of the hue of their melanin. The angst towards others is quite noticeable in a select group of vocal poster on this board and these individuals need to ask themselves what they are truly angry about and why they direct their frustration with ignorance.

Some of you really need to get outside and let go of your hate.

/Against my better judgement, I decided to entertain you ignorant posters on here... But, instead of just hitting trash can, I'll just leave this and continue avoiding this site./
Dude bout to get broken off 4x times what the team was valued at, and he still mad. :smh:

Silver is laughing at this clown cause Shelly already said she gonna check if he sues. Even if he wins, he is getting paid wit his own money :rofl:

Ole boy is soooo salty he gotta give up his stable of young bulls :lol:

**** LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Dude bout to get broken off 4x times what the team was valued at, and he still mad. :smh:

Silver is laughing at this clown cause Shelly already said she gonna check if don sues. Even if he wins, he is getting paid wit his own money :rofl:
Sorry but I don't understand what you wrote. Can you please explain?
Dude bout to get broken off 4x times what the team was valued at, and he still mad. :smh:

Silver is laughing at this clown cause Shelly already said she gonna check if don sues. Even if he wins, he is getting paid wit his own money :rofl:
Sorry but I don't understand what you wrote. Can you please explain?

They were talking about it on ESPN earlier. Part of the deal for the sale of the team is that Shelly Sterling promises to pay for the cost, and any potential damages that the league will be hit with if Don Sterling wins a lawsuit against the league.

Shelly's money and Don's money are one in the same right now.

So even if he wins, Shelly will be paying the damages with the family's money, i.e Don's money.

He's essentially suing himself.
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Wouldn't we all love it if our main problem in life consisted of acquiring 2 billion dollars? Life is not fair lol. 
She got beat up in NYC last night also. I have ZERO doubts that she set the whole thing up. Girl is trying to keep her name out there for as long as possible... 14:59
She got beat up in NYC last night also. I have ZERO doubts that she set the whole thing up. Girl is trying to keep her name out there for as long as possible... 14:59

Yup, sterling is scum but she ****** him for his money then set this up to start her career. She's trash too
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