Lamar Odom hooked to the crack pipe ***update*** pg.7

This is unfortunate...I remember how much candy he ate everyday...Seemed that was his alternative...Hope he cleans up his act.
I'd bet my life on that Odom & Khloe used together when they first met and also during their marriage.

Its good to see dude getting help, but he should have never married into that family in the first place.

Not saying it's her fault for him being an addict or anything like that but you don't marry someone a week or whatever after you meet. Especially when that someone is part of the most hated family in America. Look at this familys track record and reputation. You can't feel sorry for him.

edit: TMZ is saying he didn't check himself into rehab. Honestly, dude needs to get a divorce, move away from LA and completely cut off his circle of friends if he ever wants to get better and turn his life around. I'm betting he isn't willing to do that.

Get off that mans ****! He a melt head. Why are you blaming his wife? If anything blame him for marring her. That's like an alcoholics excuse for drinking. Drink the pain away my ***. He did it cuz he wanted to and I'm pretty sure most people know a divorce>>>>>>>>>>crack cocaine.

I hope he gets better as well but don't throw his vices the family.
Son was flagrant with it too, not only did he touch the mass, son announced that it felt great. "careful, I'm married", whatever, her family lives for that attention.
1. Who Is This

2. Video please to see her audio reaction
Lamar Odom's Crack Addiction So Bad His Dealer Reportedly Cuts Him Off

Lamar Odom's crack addiction has gotten so bad that his drug dealer has cut ties with him.

According to TMZ, Lamar went on an epic binge last week, smoking everything he could get his hands on. His dealer had been supplying him all summer, but pulled the plug after the NBA player called him repeatedly demanding more and more crack cocaine.

The dealer didn't do it out of concern for Odom. He got scared that Khloe Kardashian's husband was going to smoke himself to death and the police would eventually come after him.

Unfortunately, Lamar will probably find another dealer who won't have the same concerns.

Even though he selling drugs, that was a smart move on his part. His grandkids prolly already financially set, so he dont need the drama.

:rolleyes tmz story is duck tales.. u stop selling to lamar.. but you tell tmz ??
not pony tails or cotton tails...
yo Putting in Work avy info my man who is that

and ALOT of nba cats blaze up

Her name is Chyna Hall not sure on the spelling so check google and she'll come up.

They making it hot for players who can actually ball while blazing...

Yeah I know now the league is gonna probably become more strict on the testing. I know during the offseason all bets were off and dudes was blazing day and night.

Wow that's horrible. Out of everyone he's married to, he's married to a woman that's a part of America's most famous and beloved family. Damn, Hollywood screwed him over at the end

I don't know about them being beloved especially in America's eyes... most of the comments I see of them are negative.

Brillo? LO a confirmed fiend.

to those not aware, it basically acts as a filter that catches all the melted crack.

:nerd: :lol:

Also to dudes talking this and that... from my experiences with chronic or any drug use is that it enhances everything during sex. Like blazing always made me horny and being high and ******g felt good. That's why when I see all these stories of these rich celebs abusing substances I'm not surprised by it.

Imagine if you had though like these dudes you'd be doing the best drugs in town with the dirtest woman around.

Odumb just got carried away with it.
whats brillo?
the metal sponges used for cleaning.

they rip pieces and stuff it inside the glass stem to make a filter.

the crack melts and gets caught in the brillo inside after the rock is all melted they can keep lighting the brillo for residue.

they also get a stick and poke the brillo to the other side so they can put crack on the other side of it therefore making more residue for a rainy day.

there was a liquor store in the hood here where you could go in and ask for a kit and they give you brillo and a plastic rose that comes in a glass tube which can be turned into a crack pipe.
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dude was so smoked out he would take out the battery on his phone and also cover the smoke detectors with paper towels.

that lawyer chick who was getting smoked out with him aired him out, the big ol snow ape also yanked him out the room they were binging in for weeks.

dude has his own spot but is living a couple of blocks away from skid row. :smh:

so this criminal defense attorney allowed him to stay in her apt with her and smoke crack and other drugs for 6 weeks? Are we supposed to believe she didn't participate in any of that? I don't understand what is to be gained from blowing this up? Professionally she looks like a fool. If I was her employer I wouldn't keep her, I can't trust her judgement and the fact the she could very well be a functioning crack head. At the most she has maybe 1 or 2 more paid interviews then what? I don't understand this stuff.
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