How Many Regular Season Games Do You Think Kobe Will Play This Year?

  • 1-10

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  • 11-20

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  • 21-35

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  • 36-49

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  • 50-65

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-75

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • He Plays The Entire Season

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Once they start playing with the vets im hoping itll jumpstart their mototrs..

Theres a difference when youre not playing to make the team
He's disappointed in his performance...why else would he have poor body language?

Being disappointed in your performance justifies acting like a baby around your teammates and giving poor effort defensively?

Because we've never seen a player do anything like that before lol
It's immature. Bad games happen, it's life, but acting like a child and not trying on every play is inexcusable.
It's the piss poor coaching that really grinds my gears. Our offense has 0 imagination or creativity. No real rhyme or reason to what we do. Same **** we saw last year. Byron and the rest of this ****** staffs time here can't end soon enough. Gonna be a long year fellas
Randle's interview after the game was bad too...rolling his eyes and stuff. Hopefully it was just a one game thing.
If I'm a Lakers fans, I'd be concerned with Randle's poor attitude tonight. I understand it's SL and he's a young kid finding his way in the NBA, but he needs someone to come up to him and tell him to cut it out.

But I'm a Knicks fan and I have my own **** to be concerned about regarding the Knicks to keep me busy :lol:
If I'm a Lakers fans, I'd be concerned with Randle's poor attitude tonight. I understand it's SL and he's a young kid finding his way in the NBA, but he needs someone to come up to him and tell him to cut it out.

But I'm a Knicks fan and I have my own **** to be concerned about regarding the Knicks to keep me busy :lol:

Son is 20 years old and rusty after not playing for 9 months

Get the hell outta here man... Yall need to relax for real :lol:
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