[:: LAKERS 2014 THREAD | POLL: Who Should Coach Next Year? ::]


  • Mike _'Antoni

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  • Stan Van Gundy

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  • Byron Scott

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  • George Karl

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  • Jerry Sloan

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  • Kurt Rambis

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  • Nate McMillan

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  • Doug Collins

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  • College Coach (Mention Name and School)...

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[quote name="SenorRoboto2k5"]No PT for Kaman doesn't necessarily mean he's on the move. He's just not worth playing. Not sure the Lakers can flip him for anyone of any worth.
D-Fish? :nerd:[/quote]


Fish is a Laker legend, but it was hard enough rooting for him his last year on the team. It was worse than Pau now.

But that goes with another point: we were able to flip Fish (along with a pick, I think?) for a nice young piece named Jordan Hill. We should all be hoping to get as lucky with Pau.
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Cut to last week, and the return of Bryant after a 19-game absence.
Young figured his stats were about to be charred, his high-volume shooting days with the Lakers done.
"I think all of us kind of thought that a little bit," Young said Tuesday. "Kobe is one of the best players to play this game and he's coming back and he demands the ball." Not entirely. Young's scoring has increased in the six games since Bryant's return, his 18 points Tuesday against Memphis pushing him to 17.2 a game with Bryant.
Young watched Bryant from afar as a fan while attending Reseda Cleveland High and then USC.
After the Lakers lost to Atlanta, though, Bryant wanted Young to study video of the game. Watch how the Hawks defended him. Figure out how to play better.
That was after Young scored 23 points on seven-for-14 shooting.
"He's been on my back," Young said.

[quote name="CP"]how y'all read/interpret, ain't on me.[/quote]No, but how you present yourself is. Picture zodogg like "Ain't my fault people interpret me as racist. I'm not racist, but if they all think that, that ain't on me." [quote name="CP"]You guys want someone in here, "thas right boo, you righhhh, we don't need no damn draft, dozens of players sign that dotted line and win multiple chips, shO you righhh..[/quote] It's telling that you would suggest that the only way to be different is to be coddlng and belittling. :lol:

There is more than one way to do every single thing you can possibly think of in life, including rebuilding. the path you would like the Lakers to go is not the only path, nor is it the right path, the one path, or anything like that. It's... your path. can you present stats that show that your path in rebuilding is 100% the only way to do it? you can show your opinion that it's the most effective way. Awesome. That doesn't mean it's the only way.

I can hear you now, "Oh, so now we're supposed to entertain stupid ideas that are inferior?"

Embrace the arrogant elitism, bruh. No point in arguing what the majority already accepts. :smile:
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[quote name="grandtheftbike"]CPs posts never bother me

i think for certain posters, because they know it is CP posting, the more they look for it, the more they are going to see it. whatever it is[/quote]Don't bother me, either. not at all.

but like I said, I picture someone defending zodogg like "I don't think he's racist. I think people just look for racism in his posts, then when he post, they see it."

Could be. or it could be that he's racist. :lol:

"I don't think CP is a belittleng, arrogant elitist. I think people look for it, and when he posts they find it."

Could be. or it could be that when he takes a stance, his presentation is very belittleing, arrogant, and elitist. :lol:

and the thing you probably don't know, gtb, is that CP has bragged about being this way before. :wink: that's the only reason I'm coming from the angle I'm coming from. of course, the labels 'belittleing', 'arrogant', and 'elitist' are negative labels, so he hasn't used those labels. but when you champion the fact that you don't give a **** about the opinions of those less informed/valid than you, that's arrogant, whether you explicitly call it that or not. (fwiw, like I've said before on here, I know I'm arrogant in this regard, because you'll never catch me defending how I am on here like I care.)

When you parade around like your opinion is proven, gospel truth, and the opinions of others is worthless rubbish, that's belittling, whether you call it that or not.

*waits for "Hold up, now you're comparing me to a racist?"* C'mon, you thought it. :wink:
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I don't say MY word is gospel tho.

I say what I think, or what I feel. And then I back those stances up.

And I point out the flaws on that other side. Like I did with this draft-free agent stuff.

I listed a hundred draft picks, and there are like 2-3 free agent signings that altered the league. Kareem, Shaq, LeBron. ALL THREE SUPPLEMENTED BY PICKS. Magic, Kobe, Wade.

Argue it. Fine by me. But it's right there, in everyone's face, to be read. Interpret the info how you wish. But those are the names. If that makes ME, elitist, jerk, mean, unfeeling, then whatever. That, is, not, on, me. :lol:

So when I ask, what is more important, the top tier pick we can get, or the free agent we could supplement that pick with (not knowing who either are) then the history of the NBA should tell someone that the pick will be the more important hit. Miss the pick, but land Kevin Love? Comin up short. Nail the pick, and pull Kevin Love, bingo. Nail the pick, miss Kevin Love, but then get say.......LMA? Still in business. By all means, that can be examined, and that's fine, we can do that.

But viewing the history of the NBA after all these years should be easy to do and see the connections. The Draft runs everything, good, and bad. Luckily, we've been great.
And Ska, if you told me you would take Carlos Beltran right now for 2 years over Mike Trout for the next 15, I might have to put you on ignore.

Please, don't do this to me man. I can't take no more of this old man Ray over Anthony Davis stuff. :smh: :lol:
Cut to last week, and the return of Bryant after a 19-game absence.
Young figured his stats were about to be charred, his high-volume shooting days with the Lakers done.
"I think all of us kind of thought that a little bit," Young said Tuesday. "Kobe is one of the best players to play this game and he's coming back and he demands the ball." Not entirely. Young's scoring has increased in the six games since Bryant's return, his 18 points Tuesday against Memphis pushing him to 17.2 a game with Bryant.
Young watched Bryant from afar as a fan while attending Reseda Cleveland High and then USC.
After the Lakers lost to Atlanta, though, Bryant wanted Young to study video of the game. Watch how the Hawks defended him. Figure out how to play better.
That was after Young scored 23 points on seven-for-14 shooting.
"He's been on my back," Young said.


i lov ethis. i hope kobe takes him under his wing. NY can be great. dude has the skill set, the size, and the confidence to wreck ****. and having kobe...arguably the best ever as your qui gon jin...skys the limit.
i lov ethis. i hope kobe takes him under his wing. NY can be great. dude has the skill set, the size, and the confidence to wreck ****. and having kobe...arguably the best ever as your qui gon jin...skys the limit.
Eh, I don't know about the "wreck ****" part. Young's already 28; let's not talk like he's going to improve THAT much. I hope I'm wrong though.
View media item 699704

It feels good to stop giving a damn about little things.
I thank Ska for setting me straight.

CP's arrogance no longer bothers me. it is what it is at this point. :lol:

The only thing that bothers me is Pau Gasol the basketball player, besides that im no worries.
If we win? Cool... nice seeing Kobe play well again.
If we lose? Cool... better draft pick.

Truly a win-win situation for the first time in years.
We should all enjoy it, once the team is rebuilt and we have better talent expectations will rise again and we wont be so non-chalant about losing anymore. :lol:
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i lov ethis. i hope kobe takes him under his wing. NY can be great. dude has the skill set, the size, and the confidence to wreck ****. and having kobe...arguably the best ever as your qui gon jin...skys the limit.

Eh, I don't know about the "wreck ****" part. Young's already 28; let's not talk like he's going to improve THAT much. I hope I'm wrong though.

yea i was just saying a couple weeks ago i wish dude was younger. with the same skill, then his upside would be crazy. least hes in his prime. we can definitely use that.
View media item 699704
If we win? Cool... nice seeing Kobe play well again.
If we lose? Cool... better draft pick.

Truly a win-win situation for the first time in years.
We should all enjoy it, once the team is rebuilt and we have better talent expectations will rise again and we wont be so non-chalant about losing anymore. :lol:

Exactly. It's liberating not stressing each game. Win or lose, cool.
just think, 5 years from now, the team will be completely different. top to bottom. wild.
I don't say MY word is gospel tho.
I honestly feel sorry for people who think "Well, he didn't SAY he is _______, so he's not."
I say what I think, or what I feel.
Nothing wrong with that.
And then I back those stances up.
Awesome. Actually, commendable.
And I [mockingly] point out the flaws on that other side. Like I did with this draft-free agent stuff [and nearly everything else that I disagree with]

Again, you might not be aware of how condescending and arrogant your posts are, but they are.

Now me personally, when there's a collective opinion of me, I don't fight it, personally. I go one of 2 ways: accept what the majority are saying, be ok w/ it... or begin to work on it if it bothers me. But being bothered by it and then trying to convince the masses that they're wrong? Spun those wheels before, and that's all that is accomplished: spinning wheels.
Ok, great, I'm all those things.

Now can we please examine old man Ray Allen over Anthony Davis, cuz it's really bothering me. :lol:
just think, 5 years from now, the team will be completely different. top to bottom. wild.
and no kobe :frown: :frown: :frown: :nerd:

As much as I love Kobe, I'm very interested how this team will be built going forward without him.
same. a lot of the 'older' :nerd: heads in here witnessed Magics whole career. this will be the first time i will have ever witness a franchise player retire after watching him for 17-18 years. this is all new to me. feels will be had but i am also very excited to whats to come..a new era of lakers basketball :wow:
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See, you gave me an example I can speak on and use, instead of going w/ hypotheticals. 

And Ska, if you told me you would take Carlos Beltran right now for 2 years over Mike Trout for the next 15, I might have to put you on ignore.

Please, don't do this to me man. I can't take no more of this old man Ray over Anthony Davis stuff.
Alright, FIRST OF ALL... we disagree, and you've made that clear. Sarcastically? Yes, but sarcasm is implicitly disrespectful (to some), and not disrespectful at all (to others; I'm 'others', as I LOOOOVE sarcasm).

So I'm new, I see you say this to that weird Ska dude, I think "That guy might be a jerk. That's funny, though, put him on ignore. I loled," I move on.

See you disagree with someone else and completely laugh at what they said w/ a trillion emoticons and "How ****** stupid can one Laker fan be? Swear to god, I don't even like y'all sometimes", and NOW I'm thinking "Nope, no 'might be' about it; that guy's a jerk."

Make sense? And of course, you never PMed this new guy and explicitly told him "Oh, hey... I see you're new here. I'm a jerk. Nice to meet you." But he was definitely 'told' that by simply viewing your presentation of yourself.

And again, if you're comfortable w/ that, awesome. You ain't breaking any rules. You're good.

But if you're not comfortable w/ that, convincing everyone who has literally been viewing your posts for years that they're all mistaken won't accomplish anything.

And SECOND OF ALL... your new hypothetical (Trout/Beltran) shows me that you missed my original point. Davis, 2 years ago, had zero professional experience, while Ray Allen did, and had carved a niche for himself w/ his professional experience. Trout does not have 'zero professional experience'. He absolutely has prof experience, and has flourished. Heck yeah I'd take him.
who do the lakers need to keep after this season? is anyone worth an extension now before they get expensive or another team throws stupid money at?
Ok, but you did see Davis for his year in college. Where he dominated, at 18. And his skillset, hustle, length, ability to defend and score, are all translatable traits. He was clearly, going to be a useful talent going forward, even if his offense did not follow suit.

Trout, not bein visible in the minors, I hear that.
Davis WAS visible to you.
Franc, I'd keep X, Farmar, and Wes. If they stay low cost.

Young, Hill, I'd try to flip.

Meeks, I'm 50/50 right now. If he keeps improving, then I keep him.
who do the lakers need to keep after this season? is anyone worth an extension now before they get expensive or another team throws stupid money at?

I wouldn't mind keeping Swaggy P, srs too. Of course, only at an extremely reasonable price.

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