**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

One of the reasons Lavine is now averaging 20 ppg is because he was moved to SG, improved his 3-point shooting, and now plays with Rubio in the starting unit. They experimented with Lavine playing backup PG and it didn't work.

Face it, DLo ain't no point guard. If the Lakers trade for Rubio, they need to start him at PG and experiment with DLo at SG just like they've been experimenting with Ingram at PG.

The only reason Lakers are forced to play DLo at PG full-time right now is because DLo has no credible backup at the point. Bringing in Rubio would allow Luke to give DLo heavy minutes at the 2, and bring Swaggy off the bench.
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Also on another note.... I'd keep giving Zu 8-10 minutes for the next few weeks while Nance is out..

If he continues to play well. Wouldn't be a bad idea to trade Black.

Although Black is young, with FA after next season, would be tough to keep him or realistically smart to

There's some fringe playoff teams that could use Lou + Black in exchange for their pick if they make the playoffs..

Hornets :nerd:
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U think Dlo can be a good SG? Think of all the bigger faster SGs he'd face - Klay, Beard, Jimmy and many others. Plus he can't create his own shots like most SGs do
The only reason Lakers are forced to play DLo at PG full-time right now is because DLo has no credible backup at the point. Bringing in Rubio would allow Luke to give DLo heavy minutes at the 2, and bring Swaggy off the bench.

its by design

they could easily play JC at the point if they needed/wanted  to
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The only reason Lakers are forced to play DLo at PG full-time right now is because DLo has no credible backup at the point. Bringing in Rubio would allow Luke to give DLo heavy minutes at the 2, and bring Swaggy off the bench.

its by design

they could easily play JC at the point if they needed/wanted  to
Yes, FORCED. Tell me something...the Lakers have two other TRUE PG's in the lineup, how many minutes do they get per game let alone even play in every game?

And JC ain't no damn PG and you know it.
Bring pretty Ricky on board, start him at PG, move D'Lo of guard. Draft Fultz, move Rubio to the bench.
U think Dlo can be a good SG? Think of all the bigger faster SGs he'd face - Klay, Beard, Jimmy and many others. Plus he can't create his own shots like most SGs do
He's better at SG than at PG, especially if we acquire someone like Rubio. Or even a Rondo.

Not saying he will be an above average shooting guard, because DLo would get torched on defense...but the Lakers can at least experiment with him at SG and see how he does getting shots off screens. 

One of DLo's weaknesses is moving without the ball, as he constantly just sits above the three-point line when he doesn't have the rock in his hands. He ain't active enough. Moving him to SG would develop his off-ball game.

I would, however, only move DLo to SG if and only if the Lakers acquire a pass-first minded PG who has a floor-general mentality not to mention the consistency and durability to play 25-35 min per game at the point.
The only reason Lakers are forced to play DLo at PG full-time right now is because DLo has no credible backup at the point. Bringing in Rubio would allow Luke to give DLo heavy minutes at the 2, and bring Swaggy off the bench.

its by design

they could easily play JC at the point if they needed/wanted  to
Yes, FORCED. Tell me something...the Lakers have two other TRUE PG's in the lineup, how many minutes do they get per game let alone even play in every game?
by PG's i hope you dont mean calderon (who makes Dl'lo look like speedy gonzalez and may not even be 100% healthy) and Marcelo 

you basically said they arent even credible in your previous posts. 

you dont need a full time back up when you need the scoring of Lou and JC to balance out the second unit. 

the problem is and always has been the defense of our guards, d'lo iincluded....theyre all below average. 

Too bad NT trade proposals never happen :lol:


Byron knows
The only reason Lakers are forced to play DLo at PG full-time right now is because DLo has no credible backup at the point. Bringing in Rubio would allow Luke to give DLo heavy minutes at the 2, and bring Swaggy off the bench.

its by design

they could easily play JC at the point if they needed/wanted  to
Yes, FORCED. Tell me something...the Lakers have two other TRUE PG's in the lineup, how many minutes do they get per game let alone even play in every game?
by PG's i hope you dont mean calderon (who makes Dl'lo look like speedy gonzalez and may not even be 100% healthy) and Marcelo 

you basically said they arent even credible in your previous posts. 

you dont need a full time back up when you need the scoring of Lou and JC to balance out the second unit. 

the problem is and always has been the defense of our guards, d'lo iincluded....theyre all below average. 
Exactly, no credible back up PG or even starting PG....which is why the Lakers are FORCED to start DLo at the point. 

In addition, why do you think Ingram is running the point off the bench often times? Because the Lakers don't have confidence in Calderon and Huertas. And Clarkson/Williams are better suited to be SHOOTING GUARDS because if you have Lou and/or Jordan run the point and distribute the ball, it takes away their strengths which is to SCORE BUCKETS.

So yes, once again the Lakers are FORCED to have DLo at the PG position 30 minutes a game because they have no other choice. In other words, very little options.

If Lakers acquire a PG such as Rubio and switch DLo to SG, it could quite possibly open up another dimension of DLo's game (ability to drop 20 a night consistently) we might not even know exists. 
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The only reason Lakers are forced to play DLo at PG full-time right now is because DLo has no credible backup at the point. Bringing in Rubio would allow Luke to give DLo heavy minutes at the 2, and bring Swaggy off the bench.

its by design

they could easily play JC at the point if they needed/wanted  to
Yes, FORCED. Tell me something...the Lakers have two other TRUE PG's in the lineup, how many minutes do they get per game let alone even play in every game?
by PG's i hope you dont mean calderon (who makes Dl'lo look like speedy gonzalez and may not even be 100% healthy) and Marcelo 

you basically said they arent even credible in your previous posts. 

you dont need a full time back up when you need the scoring of Lou and JC to balance out the second unit. 

the problem is and always has been the defense of our guards, d'lo iincluded....theyre all below average. 
Exactly, no credible back up PG or even starting PG....which is why the Lakers are FORCED to start DLo at the point. 

In addition, why do you think Ingram is running the point off the bench often times? Because the Lakers don't have confidence in Calderon and Huertas. And Clarkson/Williams are better suited to be SHOOTING GUARDS because if you have Lou and/or Jordan run the point and distribute the ball, it takes away their strengths which is to SCORE BUCKETS.

So yes, once again the Lakers are FORCED to have DLo at the PG position 30 minutes a game because they have no other choice. In other words, very little options.
d'lo plays 27.3 mpg...

ingram brings the ball up the court every now and then and you consider that running point ?  sounding like that that one nt'er who said he plays more minutes at pg than the other guys so that means he is a pg (by the way, that dude bolted to boliva ) . Luke has been on record saying he wants BI to bring the ball up so he can get into the rythm the game not because he wants him to create plays. 

you do know that if Luke gives minutes to calderon/huertas it basically means taking min away from Lou/JC or even BI...i mean you dont have to have a barbers license to see how to even out those minutes.

2nd unit minutes that have NOTHING to do with D'lo
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The only reason Lakers are forced to play DLo at PG full-time right now is because DLo has no credible backup at the point. Bringing in Rubio would allow Luke to give DLo heavy minutes at the 2, and bring Swaggy off the bench.

its by design

they could easily play JC at the point if they needed/wanted  to
Yes, FORCED. Tell me something...the Lakers have two other TRUE PG's in the lineup, how many minutes do they get per game let alone even play in every game?
by PG's i hope you dont mean calderon (who makes Dl'lo look like speedy gonzalez and may not even be 100% healthy) and Marcelo 

you basically said they arent even credible in your previous posts. 

you dont need a full time back up when you need the scoring of Lou and JC to balance out the second unit. 

the problem is and always has been the defense of our guards, d'lo iincluded....theyre all below average. 
Exactly, no credible back up PG or even starting PG....which is why the Lakers are FORCED to start DLo at the point. 

In addition, why do you think Ingram is running the point off the bench often times? Because the Lakers don't have confidence in Calderon and Huertas. And Clarkson/Williams are better suited to be SHOOTING GUARDS because if you have Lou and/or Jordan run the point and distribute the ball, it takes away their strengths which is to SCORE BUCKETS.

So yes, once again the Lakers are FORCED to have DLo at the PG position 30 minutes a game because they have no other choice. In other words, very little options.
d'lo plays 27.3 mpg...

ingram brings the ball up the court every now and then and you consider that running point ?  sounding like that that one nt'er who said he plays more minutes at pg than the other guys so that means he is a pg (by the way, that dude bolted to boliva ) . Luke has been on record saying he wants BI to bring the ball up so he can get into the rythm the game not because he wants him to create plays.  
Exactly. Running the point. Luke has Ingram running the point during portions of games because he can create plays and openings for guys like Lou and Jordan to score. Makes better sense than having JC running the point right? After all, Ingram hasn't really proven to be a scorer that can be relied upon, therefore what sense would it make for Luke to have JC run the point (as you mentioned) and distribute the rock so wing players can score?

And what does DLo playing 27.3 mpg have anything to do with the argument at hand? The point is, all 27.3 of DLo's minutes are at PG. Lakers are forced to play him at the point, this is the original thing you questioned isn't it?

You're going off on a tangent now buddy. Get focused.
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you said they he plays "30mpg"

i corrected you by stating the fact that he plays 27.3

 not sure how im the one who is off
you said they he plays "30mpg"

i corrected you by stating the fact that he plays 27.3

 not sure how im the one who is off
LMAO...dude 27.3, 30 min...same thing...the argument still remains: the Lakers are FORCED to start DLo at the PG position because they have no other choice....whether it's 27.3 minutes a game, 29.4, 30.2, or 28.7650. lol
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Rumors are that there are mixed feelings/opinions within the Knicks organization regarding Carmelo and Phil's meeting today. 

Clippers, Cavs, and Lakers are the only three teams that Carmelo would waive his no-trade clause to play for, according to reports.

Interesting to see how this story develops....

All kinds of possibilities, as far as three-team trade scenarios are concerned.

Love could end up in L.A.

CP3 or Blake Griffin could be dealt.

Melo could end up in CLE
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Rumors are that there are mixed feelings/opinions within the Knicks organization regarding Carmelo and Phil's meeting today. 

Clippers, Cavs, and Lakers are the only three teams that Carmelo would waive his no-trade clause to play for, according to reports.

Interesting to see how this story develops....

All kinds of possibilities, as far as three-team trade scenarios are concerned.

Love could end up in L.A.

CP3 or Blake Griffin could be dealt.

Melo could end up in CLE

no thanks to any of that for the Lakers 

clippers would not deal cp3 or blake, they can move reddick and other pieces but not any of those 2 centerpieces (trading any of the 2  wouldnt make them better at all) 
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Rumors are that there are mixed feelings/opinions within the Knicks organization regarding Carmelo and Phil's meeting today. 

Clippers, Cavs, and Lakers are the only three teams that Carmelo would waive his no-trade clause to play for, according to reports.

Interesting to see how this story develops....

All kinds of possibilities, as far as three-team trade scenarios are concerned.

Love could end up in L.A.

CP3 or Blake Griffin could be dealt.

Melo could end up in CLE

Lakers get Love
Cleveland gets Melo
New York gets Lou
Rumors are that there are mixed feelings/opinions within the Knicks organization regarding Carmelo and Phil's meeting today. 

Clippers, Cavs, and Lakers are the only three teams that Carmelo would waive his no-trade clause to play for, according to reports.

Interesting to see how this story develops....

All kinds of possibilities, as far as three-team trade scenarios are concerned.

Love could end up in L.A.

CP3 or Blake Griffin could be dealt.

Melo could end up in CLE

This is all moot considering Melo has no desire to leave NYC and has a no trade clause to do so. And furthermore why would he gave any interest in coming to the Lakers it's the same or a worse position than he's in now. The Clippers I understand, he had his chance to come to the show a few years ago that's done.

I'm really liking the idea of Rubio though. He's a decent to good defender and an excellent distributor. And if we can get rid of Deng paving the way for BI to start, it's a cu de gras.
He's averaging 21/11 this year and is 28 years old. He's doing that as a third fiddle to Kyrie and LBJ
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