**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

i swear this thread gon give me hypertension

Let me just drop the facts right quick

Whips argument really has no basis for a multitude of reasons aside from being riddled with bias

1) His prediction of DLo failing to be a valuable player is already trash because his prediction does not include a time frame and any probability of a certain outcome (since any outcome is theoretically possible). A blanket statement, i.e. DLo will not be a star, completely reduces any reasonable ability to evaluate his prediction in the future since he avoided any specifics.

2) I dont even think Whip is asking the right question. Honestly, whether or not DLo is a star doesnt really get at the real issue. A better question may be, will DLo progress enough within the next 3 years to be an asset that contributes greatly to our teams success (5+ win player if you use VORP for example) . With this you can assign a probability that has a specific value and timeframe which you can judge accordingly.

3) Related to number 2. Whip clearly has NO idea about the worth of a draft pick. Ideally, yes, you would like a star with a pick in the top 3. However, thats not to say a first division player would be a failed pick. Take Kemba Walker for example. Or Kyle Lowry. Not really regarded as stars. But if you get that output especially on a rookie contract at any point in the draft, that is a major win and extremely valuable.

4) Whips failure to embrace statistics when forecasting DLos future. How are you going to use his alleged (lack of) effort/hustle/desire/want/whatever word you choose, basically something not quantifiable, as your main unit of analysis? I mean, unless you have some well built model to run statistical forecasts on that we dont know about you cant operationalize that question.
Essential simply is showing a comparison of players similar to DLo at the same stage of their careers (Y1/Y2 and/or
At the end of the day he has some highly valuable skills (passing, shooting, size in the post) and some detrimental flaws (quickness, explosion, athleticism, creating his own shot off the dribble, attacking the rim). And some traits that may or may not improve with time (playing hard always, hustle, leadership).

Some of it is just who he is. He's not the type of players that is always getting to the basket putting a defense on its heels. He can be great in pick and rolls/pop and transition.

We just need to work with what we have. The past is the past. The 2015 draft is over. He's never going to be the Kyrie, Wall, Russ, Dame type.

And that's on management and scouts, not Dlo. One predraft workout should determine whether he has the speed and athleticism to be an attacking PG. but maybe that's not what our management desired in a PG
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If Ian's shooting improves it would be interesting but they also wouldn't let him go

Smart and MCW can't run an offense, but Russell can??
He was never compared to Westbrook. :lol:

It was always a Harden/Curry/Lillard type of guard.
When are we going to stop using AGE as an excuse??   Tony Parker at 18, Kobe at 17, devin booker at 19.....good lord there are many players at DLOs age that show more promise.  DLO is no alpha, we get that...but man, show some heart....finish some drives....play with some aggression....and for god sakes, you're known as a shooter....where da hell is that at?!?!!?!  
When are we going to stop using AGE as an excuse??   Tony Parker at 18, Kobe at 17, devin booker at 19.....good lord there are many players at DLOs age that show more promise.  DLO is no alpha, we get that...but man, show some heart....finish some drives....play with some aggression....and for god sakes, you're known as a shooter....where da hell is that at?!?!!?!  

Devin Booker hasn't been better than Russell..

*Waits for, but he just scored 38*
stats aren't everything since he compares to his 2nd year will he be as good as Westbrook in year 5
better than westbrook?!?!?!  
I might be wrong but I remember him being compared to Westbrook around draft time

Did he ever dunk on anyone in college like Russy and Harden did? Those players always showed explosiveness from early on
Harden was actually scouted as being a below average athlete coming out of HS and ASU. But he's built like a tank and has gotten better conditioned/athletic over time.
The expectations and comparisons drive us crazy.

Dlo will never be close to those players. He innately doesn't have the skill nor desire to attack and get contact . He avoids contact and tries to draw fouls because that's just not who he is
We don't have to wait 3 years. He's never going to be Westbrook, who is probably the best athlete on the planet right now. Those physical attributes aren't there.

And that Curry-esque shooting ability seems to be a farce as well. Steph came in at 44% on 5 attempts a game from deep.

Again people, lower your expectations for this dude.
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Even so, compares decently to Westbrook's second year
:lol: stats aren't everything since he compares to his 2nd year will he be as good as Westbrook in year 5

We have 3 years to find out... Enjoy the process.

But even if he doesn't end up as good, and is a step or two behind him in progression.... Is that really that bad?
Well since the lakers are building through the draft it be in my opinion a huge setback for the organization so yeah I think it's bad
How do you want to test this theory.....

We'll start with a fun one... For example in 29 games, Russell is a -28 total. In 37 games, Booker is a -224
i go by watching basketball and know when i see skill, heart, and game.  DLO doesn't have it. sorry to burst ur bubble, he's at kendall marshall level currently. google him.   pull out DLO and insert DBOOKER, and we'd be a better team.  Add DLO to Suns and they'll have won waaay less games. just saying, westbrook level?!?! HA!
Ah yes, we'd definitely win more with a guy who is playing worse on offense and defense..

Isn't a PG and turns the ball over more than a PG...

Perhaps, an optometrist could help you.
Just think of D'Lo as being an decent starting PG right now that hopefully will turn into a good one down the road. Ingram is and will always be the key to what happens as far as development of the team going forward. If he doesn't pan out then we panic. And if you want a PG with star potential y'all should join team tank for Fultz.
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