Kobe Bryant wins 2007-2008 NBA MVP

I mentioned this in some other thread before (can't remember where), but how about this for all major sports (NHL, NFL, MLB, NBA):

Only two parties vote.
Party #1 is comprised of previous winners.
Party #2 is comprised of current players.

Throw all of their votes in a hat, and whoever comes out with the most votes, there's your MVP.

It would be HIGHLY unlikely that there would be a tie, but in the even that there is, heck, do co-MVPs.

That way NO brainless fans get a say (some have suggested a fan vote, even a fan vote that accounted for a small percentage of the overall votes. I thinkthat's a crappy idea.)

And no homer sportswriters get a say in the outcome.

JUST your peers, and previous MVPs.
Originally Posted by vcof2005

I know this is off topic but the reason Nash and Norwitzki (I know that wrong I dont care) messed up the MVP, is because it made people believe you could win the award and not play ANY defense.

2-The MVP is now not only given to the best player of the year but the best player on one of the best teams in the league.

why do you saw "now"? it has always been like that. it's been 25 years since the MVP winner came from a team that didn't win 50 games.

that's why i think Lakers fans need to chill out with all the "oh, he should have 5 MVPs by now" type business... compared to past winners, Nashand Dirk were pretty sorry excuses for league MVPs, and the fact that Nash has 2 is a disgrace to guys like Jordan, Bird, and Magic... however, that is notStern's fault.

they can't justify breaking a 25-year old precedent just because Kobe has a lot of fans. but looking to the future, it looks like the award will return toa state of normalcy. guys like Kobe and CP3 will get more MVPs in the next few years, and they won't be a disgrace to the award like Nash and Dirk
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

About the Hornets not being picked to make the playoffs: you guys are misremembering. Or something.

One of the dude's on NBA Fastbreak (I'm 99.9% positive it was Tim Legler) had them actually winning the West back in the preseason.

Only an idiot would have said that they were NOT going to make the playoffs (so maybe... Woody Paige and Peter Vecsey excluded them. And maybe Skip Bayless.)
[table][tr][td]ESPN.com: NBA[/td] [td][Print without images]
[/td] [/tr][/table]
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Updated: October 31, 4:38 PM ET


Barry Gossage/NBAE via Getty Images

As the Hornets return home to New Orleans, are they finally ready to play with the big boys in the playoffs? Such are the expectations for Chris Paul, Tyson Chandler and Peja Stojakovic.


Expert Picks

[table][tr][td]ANALYST[/td] [td]PREDICTION[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
J.A. Adande
[/td] [td]SOUTHWEST: 4 | WEST: 8 A full-time home base and a healthy roster will allow this team to enter the playoffs after knocking on the door the past couple of seasons. Peja and his jump shot are the key.[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
Greg Anthony
ESPN.com[/td] [td]SOUTHWEST: 4 | WEST: 10 Winning 39 games with all those injuries was impressive. Problem is, the rest of the division got better this year. A healthy Peja Stojakovic will be a key -- they hope to get 70 games out of him.[/td] [/tr][tr][td]

[/td] [td]SOUTHWEST: 5 | WEST: 9 Expect them to make a playoff push after last season, when a ton of injuries caused a club most everybody thought was a playoff team fall short.[/td] [/tr][tr][td]

[/td] [td]SOUTHWEST: 4 | WEST: 7 They will finally get over the hump. If healthy, of course. Chandler's game and confidence are soaring after strong showings with Team USA. With improvement from Armstrong and return of Peja, don't be surprised if the Hornets fight for the 5 or 6 seed.[/td] [/tr][tr][td]

[/td] [td]SOUTHWEST: 4 | WEST: 9 Will they have the emotional support in Nawluns they had in OK City? Not likely, and don't underestimate how much that got this team to overachieve the past two seasons.[/td] [/tr][tr][td]

[/td] [td]SOUTHWEST: 5 | WEST: 8 All five Southwest teams in the playoffs? I know. But with a rising Paul and Chandler joined by veteran Morris Peterson and underrated rookie Julian Wright, they can be a .500 team. That should be enough.[/td] [/tr][tr][td]

[/td] [td]SOUTHWEST: 4 | WEST: 8 Got to get Chris Paul in the playoffs so he can be this season's Deron Williams. Tyson Chandler should pick up where he left off and adding Morris Peterson gives them added shooting punch. The Hornets are ready to take a step.[/td] [/tr][tr][td]

[/td] [td]SOUTHWEST: 4 | WEST: 8 Return to the Big Easy won't be, um, easy, but getting some of last year's walking wounded back helps. If they stay in one piece, Hornets should host first playoff game since changing conferences.[/td] [/tr][tr][td]

[/td] [td]SOUTHWEST: 5 | WEST: 12 Gonna be a tough year, both in the stands and on the court as the Hornets take another shot at making it work in what was already one of the NBA's smallest markets before Hurricane Katrina. One question: Even if his back is OK, can Peja Stojakovic's knees hold up?[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]SOUTHWEST: 4 | WEST: 9 Does a full-time return to New Orleans mean a full-time return to decent health? If so, that would probably mean a return to the playoffs for the Hornets in a West that isn't as deep as we've come to expect.[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]TOTAL SOUTHWEST: 4.3 | Standings WEST: 8.8 | Standings[/td] [/tr][/table]
^ I don't see Tim Legler.

And I do see that half of them picked the Hornets to at least make the playoffs. So apparently I'm misremembering on saying that only an diotwould have picked them to not even MAKE the playoffs, because half of them did exactly that.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ I don't see Tim Legler.

And I do see that half of them picked the Hornets to at least make the playoffs. So apparently I'm misremembering on saying that only an diot would have picked them to not even MAKE the playoffs, because half of them did exactly that.

I tried to look for Legler preview but I couldn't find it. I'm not saying that your lying either, because Legler/Hollinger have been the twobiggest supporters from jump of the Hornets on Espn.
Originally Posted by BullsRepeat3Peat

Originally Posted by JsindaA


Seems like me and you were the only two having a civil conversation in that other thread...but here's what I was gonna reply.......The criteria has to change according to the year. I don't think it would have been an issue of them changing so much as realizing who had the best year or did the most for the league. I've noticed that since Jordan it's hard to accurately pin what exactly makes someone MVP of the LEAGUE. Part of that blame has to go on Stern. He's so busy trying to MAKE another Jordan he won't let someone become that.

the thing with MJ was that he was the best player in the league, but he was also playing on the best team in the league (except for '88). Same with Magic & Bird.

It seems like it's different now, but it's always been the same. There might have been some questionable decisions, but they've been consistent over the years with the voting.

I know...I'm just saying...I don't think the players are thinking..."I can't vote for him because his team doesn't have 50 wins".In the past the best player in the game has always been on the best or one of the best teams. It's all hypothetical though.
Originally Posted by denni5themenace

the hornets barely missed the playoffs last year in a tight race for the last seed with paul being injured almost all year. so why is it a surprise that they made it this year? the same could be said for the lakers. no one thought they would be in the playoffs let alone at the top of the west. so idk why that criteria fits for paul and not kobe.
The Lakers weren't supposed to be a top seed in the playoffs at the beginning of the year, but from the minute they traded for Pau, everyoneconsidered them the favorites in the West.

I'd love to see the Lakers and Hornets face off in the Western Conference Finals... Kobe and CP3 going back and forth would be
Must see TV.

Come on Ska... Not one person had the Hornets winning the Western Conference before this season started.
Not one person had the Hornets winning the Western Conference before this season started.

And they didn't!

Kobe deserved it, but so did CP3, did one deserve it more than the other? No.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

nyk buc:
nobody would be mad if paul won
Are you high?

Just kidding.

But there's no way you honestly believe that.

- If Kobe wins, then pro-Paul, pro-LeBron, pro-Garnett, anti-Laker, and anti-Kobe fans are mad.
- If Paul wins, then pro- Kobe, pro-LeBron, and pro-Garnett, fans are mad.
- If LeBron wins, then pro-Paul, pro-Kobe, pro-Garnett, and anti-Eastern Conference fans are mad.
- If Garnett wins, then pro-Paul, pro-Kobe, pro-LeBron, and anti-Eastern Conference fans are mad.

To anyone that doesn't believe those 4 statements are true: welcome to NikeTalk. How'd you find out about us?

I'm pro-LeBron and I'm not mad at all. Kobe is a beast.

HOWEVER, I can see how people get mad when writers/anchors say "Paul/LeBron are still young, they will get theirs..." So like JoeHustle said, isthis being given to Kobe just because he hasn't had 1 in the 12 years he's been playing? AGAIN DONT TWIST THIS! Kobe was a beast all year BUT CP3also was just as bad. Both have good supporting casts. I think Paul makes his teammates better > Kobe making his teammates better. I'd have given itto CP.

Last thought. Those above statements are based on how the NBAs been giving the award out. In all honesty/not being a homer, I don't think there is amore valuable player to his team than LeBron. All the doubles/triples he gets, his teammates are always open and I think he makes them better than the other 2players named. Thats my opinion but if it was given to the player who has the greatest impact on his team, I'd say Bron is a no brainer. Give us LO orPau and I guarantee we're in the Finals competing for years.
^ I didn't say ALL pro-LeBron fans; I simply said 'LeBron fans', meaning 'Some pro-LeBron fans would be mad', and they would be. You knowthat. And so would some pro-Garnett fans, pro-Paul fans, anti-Laker fans, and anti-Kobe fans.

Nowitness- I wouldn't say I remembered something I didn't remember.

Someone (and again, I'm fairly certain it was Legler) talked about how talented the team is, how hungry they're going to be, etc., etc., etc.... andthat person picked them to come out of the West.
I know...I'm just saying...I don't think the players are thinking..."I can't vote for him because his team doesn't have 50 wins". In the past the best player in the game has always been on the best or one of the best teams. It's all hypothetical though.

oh ok. In that case then it would end up being the best player award, and he might have anywhere from 3 to 5 awards.
After reading some of the comments in here and that ridiculous "Lifetime Achievement Award" thread, a couple things have become readily apparent tome:

1) A lot of people are happy that Kobe received the award, and feel that he has been overdue for it.
2) A lot of people are not happy that Kobe received the award, and feel that it is the writers "giving him his turn"

The second point to me is ******ed because it's not like they all of a sudden changed the criteria for voting from what they have the past ten years. Allthe winners over that span have been the best players on one of the best teams in the league. Does Kobe somehow not fit that criteria? If I'm not mistakenhe led his team to the best record in the West while having one of the best all around individual years statistically in the league this year. It just seems tome that all the criticism of either him winning it this year or the voting are the same arguments that were used against him in past years for not winning theaward.

And as for the "lifetime achievement award" thing,
If Paul had one it, would the 2007-2008 MVP award still be a lifetime achievement award?? No,it would have been a "He had better stats than Nash when he won his two MVPs Award" or if LeBron had won it, "He did something only Oscar and MJdid Award" or KG "He had Ray Allen and Paul Pierce so he gets it Award"

The award is based off his performance THIS year, and based on his performance THIS year and his team's success, in my book he is MORE than deserving to benamed the NBA's Most Valuable Player. "Haters gonna hate, and ballas gonna ball" Congrats to Bean.
Originally Posted by rocboys

cant argue with Lakers fans cuz you know they dont know anything outside of the Lakers and they argue with base on the teams that play with the Lakers. they also think bynum is the best center.

No we don't.

Dwight Howard is the best center in the league.
Someone (and again, I'm fairly certain it was Legler) talked about how talented the team is, how hungry they're going to be, etc., etc., etc.... and that person picked them to come out of the West.

I knew they were going to be strong this year, but this strong? Not exactly.

New Orleans- No one believed me when I said that they would make the Playoffs, and the reason they didn't last year was because Chris Paul was hurt, but nooo.
Chris Paul is doing his thing, leading the L in assists, shooting well, and I believe has the best assist:to ratio. Peja's back and lit it up for 10 three's the other night...
David West, Chandler, and Peja in the front court is nasttttty
They're doing very well, and could finish in top 3 in the L if they keep playing well.

Two weeks into the NBA season. I wouldn't have had such a light optimism for this team if I knew they were gonna face the Mavericks in the post-season.
Originally Posted by vcof2005

I know this is off topic but the reason Nash and Norwitzki (I know that wrong I dont care) messed up the MVP, is because it made people believe you could win the award and not play ANY defense.
Kobe play defense?
a few blocks don't count... byyour argument just give the MVP to Ron Artest. He can shoot and shut down defender.
Originally Posted by vcof2005

I know this is off topic but the reason Nash and Norwitzki (I know that wrong I dont care) messed up the MVP, is because it made people believe you could win the award and not play ANY defense.

Kobe should have won the last 3 years? and getting first round exit.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I mentioned this in some other thread before (can't remember where), but how about this for all major sports (NHL, NFL, MLB, NBA):

Only two parties vote.
Party #1 is comprised of previous winners.
Party #2 is comprised of current players.

Throw all of their votes in a hat, and whoever comes out with the most votes, there's your MVP.

It would be HIGHLY unlikely that there would be a tie, but in the even that there is, heck, do co-MVPs.

That way NO brainless fans get a say (some have suggested a fan vote, even a fan vote that accounted for a small percentage of the overall votes. I think that's a crappy idea.)

And no homer sportswriters get a say in the outcome.

JUST your peers, and previous MVPs.

Hell i would take them letting the sports writers AND players and coaches vote so as long as players and coaches could vote....
One exclusion though. I would make it to where your own teammates and coaches couldnt vote for you.
Did this dude just say Ron Artest?

Hoolllleeeee... crap.

I only know of 2 Artest fans on this board: myself, and... I forget the other guy. I think his screen name starts with a Q.

But... seriously... MVP?

Reaching, son.

Desperately reaching.

And trying very much hard.
so what game does kobe actually receive the award?

i'm going to game 2 and that would be crazy if he was presented the award that game.
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