Kevin Samuels Dead at 56

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I'm sorry we are boring you with a discussion about psychopharmacology and addiction. As you were.....back to the shoes and misogyny.
Damn bro take care of yourself. It will pass. This is the reason I have such a fear of all mind altering substances. I've gotten dental procedures were I refused opiates. I've taken percocet once and all it did was make me loopy and I was seeing colors but the pain was still there. I hope I never have major surgery. :smh:
Thanks for the positive words. I am better now. I’ve seen people who had it a lot worst. I think the fact I was relatively healthy made it easier on me then others. I feel you on abstaining from mind altering medication. Because of this situation I am the same I am the same. When I had the 3rd degrees burn to my arm, I had to have the skin debrided from my wrist to my shoulder. They offered percs and morphine. I declined because I am traumatized by medicine. As painful as that was, I would choose that over this experience 10/10.
this relates back to rise of women & seeming decline in the idea of manhood/masculinity/men…if the average guy is seen as lacking/toxic/trash and women are steadily increasing their prospects through increased opportunities in education, the workplace, and life generally (even if just a perception & not in actuality), thus their own ‘intrinsic’ valuation of self increasing, where does that leave relationships for most men & women?

More lesbians and same sex couples with women. Which I see as WONDERFUL. If women can’t find the man they desire while also making good money, I see no issues with wealthy women or rich women, getting married or shacking up and being families.

I believe lesbian marriages and dating as a whole are on the rise. And, I champion it IMO.

If men are going to continue to pussyfoot around and act like women, a woman is better off dating a women entirely.

Why be with an emotionally unstable man, when you get those same traits in a female and eliminate the presence of a male? It’s a plus IMO
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Didnt watch, just the read the screen cap. Def agree tho. If someone always comes back to money (how much they make, how much they have etc) its a defence mechanism to cover other things. Not much else going on for them.
Always funny to see the “money dudes” in a function with no biddies round em :lol: :smh: …Showing off all the bread, but you still gotta get in the mix to get em
Always funny to see the “money dudes” in a function with no biddies round em :lol: :smh: …Showing off all the bread, but you still gotta get in the mix to get em

Money can’t buy game.

We all know some lames that got or were born into money. It’s PLENTY regular degualar dudes out here who don’t have much money but still got 5-10 kids and multiple BMs.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

For example I went to middle school and high school with Jason Derulo. Bro ALWAYS could bag a chic with ease. This is before the fame. He’s an example of a dude who was good with women with, or without money.

I can vouch for bruh ANY day of the week if anyone fixed their face to say he wouldn’t get women if he didn’t have money.

I also went to school with dudes who made the NFL that ain’t get NO H***s during childhood
Money can’t buy game.

We all know some lames that got or were born into money. It’s PLENTY regular degualar dudes out here who don’t have much money but still got 5-10 kids and multiple BMs.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

For example I went to middle school and high school with Jason Derulo. Bro ALWAYS could bag a chic with ease. This is before the fame. He’s an example of a dude who was good with women with, or without money.

I can vouch for bruh ANY day of the week if anyone fixed their face to say he wouldn’t get women if he didn’t have money.

I also went to school with dudes who made the NFL that ain’t get NO H***s during childhood
We had to put Bobby Portis on with some of our joints one time…Yo was just standing round in the section looking goofy and ended up turning up with us :lol:

It’s good to still know how to approach and talk no matter how much bread you got
More lesbians and same sex couples with women. Which I see as WONDERFUL. If women can’t find the man they desire while also making good money, I see no issues with wealthy women or rich women, getting married or shacking up and being families.

I believe lesbian marriages and dating as a whole are on the internet rise. And, I champion it IMO.

If men are going to continue to pussyfoot around and act like women, a woman is better off dating a women entirely.

Why be with an emotionally unstable man, when you get those same traits in a female and eliminate the presence of a male? It’s a plus IMO

I have a very good friend/former coworker in a lesbian marriage. They have 2 wonderful children.

One of their kids is a teenage boy. I wonder how he feels about having 2 moms but I've hung out with him he doesn't seem to think anything of it. I never really asked her cause I thought it was too personal but I think he is from a prior heterosexual relationship she had.
More lesbians and same sex couples with women. Which I see as WONDERFUL. If women can’t find the man they desire while also making good money, I see no issues with wealthy women or rich women, getting married or shacking up and being families.

I believe lesbian marriages and dating as a whole are on the rise. And, I champion it IMO.

If men are going to continue to pussyfoot around and act like women, a woman is better off dating a women entirely.

Why be with an emotionally unstable man, when you get those same traits in a female and eliminate the presence of a male? It’s a plus IMO

a plus? sheeeeeesh! there definitely seems an increased openness to non traditional relationships and it’s definitely more accepted than in the past; anecdotally i have heard multiple woman joke about this, sometimes there’s truth in jest…altho i believe lesbian couples are said to have the highest instance of domestic violence.
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That never made sense to me. I think standing on the inside allows for you to pull her out the way. Inside angle gives you a better look + more time to react. SO yea, I'm pushing back on this one. -

He always went harder at men than women. People just think nowadays women are above any type of criticism.

His overall message was always about self improvement for anybody.

Women are above criticism? Across all cultures and religions no one gets judged and criticized harsher then women. Wrh are you talking about
That never made sense to me. I think standing on the inside allows for you to pull her out the way. Inside angle gives you a better look + more time to react. SO yea, I'm pushing back on this one. -

This gotta be a skit. Cause After that last line she uttered, He should have left her right then and there. You can't let no chick disrespect you like that.
That never made sense to me. I think standing on the inside allows for you to pull her out the way. Inside angle gives you a better look + more time to react. SO yea, I'm pushing back on this one. -

eh i hear you but you know what she’s speaking to is the accepted more/norm that men should be on the outside toward the street (maybe more so from bygone days such that the woman didn’t get dirty from street debri/water?)…however illogical/unlikely it is for her proposed scenario (it would really be irrelevant who was where, unless the homie is actually a superhero) or whatever logical argument one could make against it, that is what it is…there are a great many things people just do/think is appropriate out of (faulty/inefficient/illogical/obsolete) tradition(s)

He always went harder at men than women. People just think nowadays women are above any type of criticism.

His overall message was always about self improvement for anybody.

definitely agree that women today do not take well to any criticism from men, and while self improvement was definitely a part of his stance, i’d argue it was more so being realistic about mate choice. the self improvement angle was really only related to getting a specific outcome, i.e. if you are a man that seeks sexual abundance and/or submission from women, you will have to not only be approaching the best version of yourself but you will need to become exceptional in some respect. for women seeking the stability of/from a man that would be exceptional, were they doing the work of being what that man wanted?

tho most people may want things, the reality is most will not be able to command those things no matter how much they self improve; the best version of themselves may still not qualify…so yes, self improve, but be tempered some level of awareness of reality; possibility v. probability

Women are above criticism? Across all cultures and religions no one gets judged and criticized harsher then women. Wrh are you talking about

from a historical perspective, maybe…because women were definitely much more constrained by both social norms & often through unnecessarily & ridiculously harsh penalties…but today, especially in places that are like the states, women definitely have pre-packaged retorts for any dude that is willing to wander into vexing women with anything that even sounds like criticism…

however i would say that women definitely feel as though they are always being critiqued & judged by men and women alike & society at large; so on some level i can understand why many women get triggered by even the slightest assessments from men. i think with women’s agency no longer being explicitly tied to men, women have cared less and less about what men value/want in women, many women assuming all mens wants stem from some extreme of overly being paternal or desire to exploit women or control of their sexuality

these days, it really seems as tho a man just saying what he wants/prefers in relation to relationships is often taken as, in some way, an offense to women; not so much in 1:1 convos but if a man were to state his preferences the way women do, with disqualifiers he’d definitely be classed as misogynist/toxic
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Over here in America women are not told be better in relationship situations. It's extremely rare. That's why Kevin was so "shocking" to most people. Hell are you talking about?

I don't think women are in any worse relationship situations than men. It takes 2 sir
This gotta be a skit. Cause After that last line she uttered, He should have left her right then and there. You can't let no chick disrespect you like that.

They’ve been together all this time and she’s just now telling him the “outside shoulder” rule? Yeah. This clearly is a skit. Lames
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