Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

What would Kim do? She a mess just like him. She don’t care about none of this **** except for their brand and money. She been using blacks all her life.

Is Kanye wearing a USPS vest?
Please enlighten me on what the answer is because i have yet to get one that makes sense.... T

Fam, you come in this thread with the same argument.... every ...single...time. We heard you. We get it. The majority people in here just dont argree with your stance.

You're not going to change anyone's mind and vice versa. People have explained this to you already. You got the answer, you just didnt like it.

....leave it alone.
First off my ***** i've never ever said anything of the sort.... but because i'm not shaking in anger of the opinion of Kanye on ****in politics, somehow that equates with agreeing with everything he says :lol:.

for the larger picture i would love to know how you can believe someone is so stupid, so chaotic, that you "Hate" so much... yet everytime the dude speaks on something ya'll clearly believes he has no knowledge on... It's talked about nonstop, What exactly does that get done, outside of just complaining to complain.

It's literally the same thing that got Trump elected and yet people are falling for the same thing again :lol::lol:
Agree 100%.

It is a Catch 22. You don't think dude should have a platform, but folks talk about everything he does non-stop.

I don't get it either
Opinion of someone who ADMITTED they are not well read/versed on the things they speak of. Yea, it's a bit problematic and is a little deeper than "phony" outrage. He's an idiot and people have every right to be pissed at him for his moronic and damaging comments.

He's got his followers, but as a musician, dude is dead to me. Can't even listen to any of his old **** anymore.

I get that people don't agree or feel that his message is moronic... with that said, because everyone is so up in arms & wants to vent their "anger" it's just giving that "moronic" opinion more legs & spreading it to more and more places.

Is getting your anger off more important then stopping the spread of a "moronic" messages?

There should be no reason that Kanye West should have CNN taping his meeting with Donald Trump, The NRA shouldn't be making speaking on Kanye West... there's millions of other serious topics that should be discussed.... but because people are so eager to be outraged at Kanye, him & his not well read opinions are being spread and talked about damn near daily.
Fam, you come in this thread with the same argument.... every ...single...time. We heard you. We get it. The majority people in here just dont argree with your stance.

You're not going to change anyone's mind and vice versa. People have explained this to you already. You got the answer, you just didnt like it.

....leave it alone.
If we are being 100% honest, EVERYONE that has more than 20+ posts in this thread has been a broken record, repeating the same thing over and over.
Fam, you come in this thread with the same argument.... every ...single...time. We heard you. We get it. The majority people in here just dont argree with your stance.

You're not going to change anyone's mind and vice versa. People have explained this to you already. You got the answer, you just didnt like it.

....leave it alone.

Um nah i didn't get an answer.... at All, at least one that made any kind of sense. I'm not trying to change anyone's mind on what they think about Kanye IDGAF about that.

I just would love to know why ya'll are giving power & notoriety to a guy who's rhetoric ya'll claim is so dangerous. I though ya'll would have learned from the last election but yet here we are :lol:
I get that people don't agree or feel that his message is moronic... with that said, because everyone is so up in arms & wants to vent their "anger" it's just giving that "moronic" opinion more legs & spreading it to more and more places.

Is getting your anger off more important then stopping the spread of a "moronic" messages?

There should be no reason that Kanye West should have CNN taping his meeting with Donald Trump, The NRA shouldn't be making speaking on Kanye West... there's millions of other serious topics that should be discussed.... but because people are so eager to be outraged at Kanye, him & his not well read opinions are being spread and talked about damn near daily.

Par for the course with a reality star sitting in the oval office. It's been a clown show since he took his oath. There are PLENTY of things people direct their anger towards when discussing 45. This is just another thing.

Why there's outrage is that this man, Kanye, was....WAS held in such high-regard by many. But over the years, he's turned his back on some of his own people, city, and his comments regarding just about anything regarding slavery, the current state of America, etc. have been particularly damaging.
Um nah i didn't get an answer.... at All, at least one that made any kind of sense. I'm not trying to change anyone's mind on what they think about Kanye IDGAF about that.

I just would love to know why ya'll are giving power & notoriety to a guy who's rhetoric ya'll claim is so dangerous. I though ya'll would have learned from the last election but yet here we are :lol:

Nah. you got your answer several times :lol: you just didnt agree with what people responded with. Which is why I'm confused on why you keep bringing up this point, because you say you dont want people to agree with you..yet here you are...again. So you're indeed looking for a different answer. (Aka one that agrees with you)

And to keep it 100. You may not be upset at Kanye..(hell a lot of us aren't..I'm here for the comedy) but you're in here paying it attention just like everybody else :lol:
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Um nah i didn't get an answer.... at All, at least one that made any kind of sense. I'm not trying to change anyone's mind on what they think about Kanye IDGAF about that.

I just would love to know why ya'll are giving power & notoriety to a guy who's rhetoric ya'll claim is so dangerous. I though ya'll would have learned from the last election but yet here we are :lol:
Your argument about Trump makes no sense. Like none.

The people Trump's message appealed to were gonna vote for him regardless. He could not have been ignored away by people that hated him

Black people and progressives giving Trump attention was not the reason he won. In fact the opposite might be true, that people did not take him seriously enough and mobilize against him in force is why he won. Voter apathy was an issue last election too.

You really think people just putting their head in the sand while white supremacists gain traction is the best course of action?

That is like someone not going to the dentist when they have a toothache believing if they don't get diagnosed with a cavity and getting a filling, it will just go away. Then the tooth rots and has to get pulled, and someone like you saying "you paid too much attention to the pain, this is why you've lost the tooth". No, you lost the tooth because you didn't take the warning signs seriously enough.

All this really is to peddle the argument that is basically "what Ye is doing is wrong, but really no big deal". It is a goal post move
Par for the course with a reality star sitting in the oval office. It's been a clown show since he took his oath. There are PLENTY of things people direct their anger towards when discussing 45. This is just another thing.

Why there's outrage is that this man, Kanye, was....WAS held in such high-regard by many. But over the years, he's turned his back on some of his own people, city, and his comments regarding just about anything regarding slavery, the current state of America, etc. have been particularly damaging.

So people again took celebrity/idol worship WAY too far, Kanye has always been this guy, he's emotional he's egotistical, he acts on what HE feels, & he has always said a bunch of foolish things & mixed it in with some gems. Only difference is that this time he's acting on something that people strongly disagree with, it's the publics fault for putting so much stock in his opinion in the first place because these traits been on display from the get go.

Secondly outside of some support for HIMSELF amongst the black community what has been damaged? What laws changed due to Kanye's rants? How many black people have become trump supporters because of these rants? How many people automatically started hating blacks because Kanye has on a Maga hat?

This whole Kanye deal ain't damage anything but his image in some people's eyes, & i get it their upset about it. But trying to pass it off as some type of damage he's done to society is extremely dramatic.
So people again took celebrity/idol worship WAY too far, Kanye has always been this guy, he's emotional he's egotistical, he acts on what HE feels, & he has always said a bunch of foolish things & mixed it in with some gems. Only difference is that this time he's acting on something that people strongly disagree with, it's the publics fault for putting so much stock in his opinion in the first place because these traits been on display from the get go.

Secondly outside of some support for HIMSELF amongst the black community what has been damaged? What laws changed due to Kanye's rants? How many black people have become trump supporters because of these rants? How many people automatically started hating blacks because Kanye has on a Maga hat?

This whole Kanye deal ain't damage anything but his image in some people's eyes, & i get it their upset about it. But trying to pass it off as some type of damage he's done to society is extremely dramatic.

Peep RustyShackleford RustyShackleford post a few above mine. He states it perfectly. If you still got questions after reading that, then I dunno what to tell ya.

Right now, Kanye is Jason Whitlock with a bigger platform/audience. Willful ignorance.
Um nah i didn't get an answer.... at All, at least one that made any kind of sense. I'm not trying to change anyone's mind on what they think about Kanye IDGAF about that.

I just would love to know why ya'll are giving power & notoriety to a guy who's rhetoric ya'll claim is so dangerous. I though ya'll would have learned from the last election but yet here we are :lol:

I ain’t giving it no power. F that ***** :lol:. I’m not shocked or surprised. The more fascinating thing to me is how easily gullible...DUMB ***** are duped into “seem-smart”, “go against the grain”, quick fix to systemic racism... white supremacist ideologies. The **** they say is wild patronizing. Like Black people don’t and haven’t known any better or improved at all...despite the very roadblocks the people they’re shucking and jiving for have set up. Every step of the way in American history....there’s been the elevated negro to tell the black people trying to fight for freedom to “love all people”, “pull yourself up”, “stop being a victim”, etc etc.

Goofy. The ***** Kanye and the millions of flat out lost ***** like him that have existed in history are saying is far from new, novel, well thought or sincere. It’s an ego stroke...out of frustration and confusion...fostered by people who chuckling at it and using it as a cover for **** they can’t say outright. I’ll continue to post this video 100 more times so you can get it.

This is who Kanye is. The guy at 1:35. Nothing new to see here. Contrarians goin to contrarian. And the people with the real power are going to elevate it and give it attention. It’s convienent now in this social media age with a more progressive society to do what Ye is doing. 2006 was an entirely different social climate, so naturally...Ye was on the other side.

Ain’t nun new - 21 Savage.
Both sides are guessing at this point.

Some believe he has the influence to shift and/or aid the "enemy"

Others feel he ain't got that much pull.

Again, both sides are guessing. I don't understand why folks are getting so annoyed with people from the other side of the fence.

We will see how things end up, honestly, that is all we CAN do.
First off my ***** i've never ever said anything of the sort.... but because i'm not shaking in anger of the opinion of Kanye on ****in politics, somehow that equates with agreeing with everything he says :lol:.

for the larger picture i would love to know how you can believe someone is so stupid, so chaotic, that you "Hate" so much... yet everytime the dude speaks on something ya'll clearly believes he has no knowledge on... It's talked about nonstop, What exactly does that get done, outside of just complaining to complain.

It's literally the same thing that got Trump elected and yet people are falling for the same thing again :lol::lol:

It's cause I don't live in a bubble. Like a song you may hate but hear all the time unintentionally, it's pretty much impossible to get away from. It's literally everywhere. Still doesn't distract from you playing devil's advocate all time. You're not "shaking in anger", yet I bet anyone can backtrack your multitude of posts passive aggressively defending a guy that people believe is so stupid, so chaotic, and hated so much, in every Kanye related thread.

Kanye spoke nothing but facts in the White House.

Let’s goooooooo

Nothing but facts.

I feel like a superhero when I throw on my MAG hat. I need a MAG hat.
Your argument about Trump makes no sense. Like none.

The people Trump's message appealed to were gonna vote for him regardless. He could not have been ignored away by people that hated him

Black people and progressives giving Trump attention was not the reason he won. In fact the opposite might be true, that people did not take him seriously enough and mobilize against him in force is why he won. Voter apathy was an issue last election too.

You really think people just putting their head in the sand while white supremacists gain traction is the best course of action?

That is like someone not going to the dentist when they have a toothache believing if they don't get diagnosed with a cavity and getting a filling, it will just go away. Then the tooth rots and has to get pulled, and someone like you saying "you paid too much attention to the pain, this is why you've lost the tooth". No, you lost the tooth because you didn't take the warning signs seriously enough.

All this really is to peddle the argument that is basically "what Ye is doing is wrong, but really no big deal". It is a goal post move

Trump absolutely had die hard voters who were gonna ride with him, but let's not act as if there isn't a big percentage of voters who were also undecided. And as the Left started to focus more on vilifying trump instead of focusing on their politics & their goals A lot of people started to back off from them slowly. The more & more attention was given to Trump & his persona, & the stigma that was attached to anyone who was even remotely thinking of voting for him. It Galvanized a certain portion of america to push for Trump harder, because they were suddenly turned from voters to the enemy.

Trump is one of the most polarizing figures in history, but the Media helped create this monster by continuing to zero in on his persona, and the insults, the controversy And making people feel as if they're evil if they agreed with ANY part of Trumps campaign. People who were undecided started to feel attacked & i truly believe that led to many people on the fence voting for Trump.

The media pushed this guy NONSTOP for months giving his messages more and more power, making him more of a polarizing figure & a lot of voters were drawn to Trump's persona and his non politician act instead of the actual politics.
Because he agrees with every single one of his points and masks it as "let's hear both sides" and "maybe that's not what he actually meant"

Is Curren$y sub tweeting at anyone in particular or just saying Kanye Stan’s in general who are saying he’s cancelled ?
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