Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

I ain’t giving it no power. F that ***** :lol:. I’m not shocked or surprised. The more fascinating thing to me is how easily gullible...DUMB ***** are duped into “seem-smart”, “go against the grain”, quick fix to systemic racism... white supremacist ideologies. The **** they say is wild patronizing. Like Black people don’t and haven’t known any better or improved at all...despite the very roadblocks the people they’re shucking and jiving for have set up. Every step of the way in American history....there’s been the elevated negro to tell the black people trying to fight for freedom to “love all people”, “pull yourself up”, “stop being a victim”, etc etc.

Goofy. The ***** Kanye and the millions of flat out lost ***** like him that have existed in history are saying is far from new, novel, well thought or sincere. It’s an ego stroke...out of frustration and confusion...fostered by people who chuckling at it and using it as a cover for **** they can’t say outright. I’ll continue to post this video 100 more times so you can get it.

This is who Kanye is. The guy at 1:35. Nothing new to see here. Contrarians goin to contrarian. And the people with the real power are going to elevate it and give it attention. It’s convienent now in this social media age with a more progressive society to do what Ye is doing. 2006 was an entirely different social climate, so naturally...Ye was on the other side.

Ain’t nun new - 21 Savage.

I hear you but let's not act like the new "Fight For Freedom" isn't also being spearheaded by white liberals who are sitting here doing the bare minimum to keep black voters eating out their hands while blaming "the white man" for all the problems while continuing to build the gap between them and black people.

And while yes some black people do know better and are fighting for real change, that's a large percentage of ****** who still sit here with a straight face and act as if black people should owe their loyalty to a specific party or a ideology that has proven not to work over and over again. That's why this Kanye situation really be bugging the **** out of me, it's not that HIM & HIS IDEAS get shot down or ****ted on, it's the thought that someone way more well versed & way more prepared to deal with **** like this can come along with ideas out the norm and their automatically dismissed because they don't go with popular thought.

Social Media is convenient for Group think & the second you point out flaws in the system people are comfy with suddenly your a ****, or you ain't for black people because you decide another strategy gotta be used. Hell as far as politics go, the second someone isn't immediately at odds with someone from the right wing, they're dismissed as somehow being a traitor to their race.

You would think after black America constatntly watching Democrats **** on us year in, year out w/o doing much for our community, we would at least stop blindly supporting them. Instead i see black people with their booogieman Trump ideology & they're gonna run and give up all their votes to the other party w/o demanding anything in return.

Also in terms of the stop playing victim mentality I a 100% stand behind that, because for too long politicians have ran on that card of highlighting the black plight & how unfair & unbalanced things are... all for them too get our votes and not do a damn thing to change those dynamics. We ain't got no choice but to overcome the uneven playing field, because history has shown over & over that nobody is gonna give us a hand in it.
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So I guess the White House wasn't enough...

Apparently he walked into an Apple Store in Georgetown and felt the need to talk some more.

And my favorite Tweet of the event:

Someone shoulda gave him that lickety split treatment
It's cause I don't live in a bubble. Like a song you may hate but hear all the time unintentionally, it's pretty much impossible to get away from. It's literally everywhere. Still doesn't distract from you playing devil's advocate all time. You're not "shaking in anger", yet I bet anyone can backtrack your multitude of posts passive aggressively defending a guy that people believe is so stupid, so chaotic, and hated so much, in every Kanye related thread.


Well i'm gonna post in these kanye threads because i don't HATE him & i have the ability to both disagree with someone & agree with other parts, So that's what i post in these threads. It's only "Defending" to people who Want everyone to completely hate & dismiss everything that he says...

I haven't been in these same threads calling Kanye a crazy, drug induced idiot evry time i get a chance to post. If i felt that way about anyone's opinion i probably wouldn't speak on it at all.... especially multiple times, because arguing about the opinions of someone you deem crazy.... is even more crazy... but that's just me
I just would love to know why ya'll are giving power & notoriety to a guy who's rhetoric ya'll claim is so dangerous. I though ya'll would have learned from the last election but yet here we are
You don't make sense. At all.

Kanye's rhetoric is the bus; Kanye's the driver; and the fans are the passengers. Some passengers have realized that his *** is drunk, he doesn't know where he's going, and the bus is headed towards a cliff. Some have decided to sit back and unbuckle their belt (you), and others have decided to wake his *** up or jump out the window (us) before the crash.
that's a large percentage of *****s who still sit here with a straight face and act as if black people should owe their loyalty to a specific party or a ideology that has proven not to work over and over again

Stop talking out of your *** and read up on the politics of the last five years. Do you think the GOP has the best interest of Black people at heart? Nazis won the GOP primaries of this year's midterms in many areas around the country (one I remember vividly is the southwest side of Chicago and it's neighboring suburbs). Is this the people you want to link up with? Why do racists identify with Republicans? Have you thought about that?

How familiar are you with political strategies to win elections in this country?

You see, you don't need 50% of the vote in American elections to be elected; you only need to have the largest percent of all candidates. Independent parties (green and libertarian) are mostly used by the Right to split the vote because the Left is more nuanced (and less disciplined) than the right when it comes to consensus candidates. That is why Democrats lose: they are more likely to think about the issues themselves instead of identifying with a party (and not necessarily the values the party pretends to defend) like conservatives. Just look at how much **** had to be uncovered about Roy Moore to make Alabama vote for Doug Jones, and the difference was still around 1%. 49% of voters in Alabama voted for a pedo rapist and you want to talk about Democrats forcing blind allegiance? Get real.

The GOP enjoys a solid, reliable 30%-40% support across the nation; a Democratic base that refuses to make short-term compromises (when it comes to their candidates) to slowly move the political spectrum of the country to the left will always lose elections. That is the simple reality of American politics. Your boy Kanye's kissing Trump's ***, and you spitting that type of BS misconceptions plays right into the hands of the GOP, a party that has the large support of people who would gladly shoot any Black, gay, Arab that would venture in their neck of the woods.

If the above is what you want, keep supporting Kanye's antics.
Trump absolutely had die hard voters who were gonna ride with him, but let's not act as if there isn't a big percentage of voters who were also undecided. And as the Left started to focus more on vilifying trump instead of focusing on their politics & their goals A lot of people started to back off from them slowly. The more & more attention was given to Trump & his persona, & the stigma that was attached to anyone who was even remotely thinking of voting for him. It Galvanized a certain portion of america to push for Trump harder, because they were suddenly turned from voters to the enemy.

Trump is one of the most polarizing figures in history, but the Media helped create this monster by continuing to zero in on his persona, and the insults, the controversy And making people feel as if they're evil if they agreed with ANY part of Trumps campaign. People who were undecided started to feel attacked & i truly believe that led to many people on the fence voting for Trump.

The media pushed this guy NONSTOP for months giving his messages more and more power, making him more of a polarizing figure & a lot of voters were drawn to Trump's persona and his nonpolitician act instead of the actual politics.
This thesis is backed up by a political scientist or observable reality. Liberals are poting out how vile Trump didn't push independents into his arms.

First off during the primary liberals had ZERO say in who is the Republican nominee. Republicans themselves were insulting Trump and he got enough votes to get the nomination. When CNN was playing Trump's rallies non stop people thought it was innocuous because him as a nominee was never gonna happen, the establishment would stop him, Republicans can't be that racist; he was a joke candidate. And look what happened he got nominated.

Second, if you look at how the votes break down, Trump won by less than 100,000 votes in three states. Millions of more people preferred Clinton to be president. Those flip votes were motivated by things like immigration. Not by a motivation to reject so-called "PC culture" in some way. That they saw themselves in Trump can go his way. Republican voters feel in line in the general like they always do and many other factors allowed him to thread the needle...

In reality, maybe people on the left should have paid more attention:

-When the GOP gerrymandered the hell out of the districts in 2011 robbing the Dems of dozens of seats in the house and making sure more partisan conservatives took office that paved the way for Trump

-Then launched a massive voter suppression campaign against minority voters that included purging voter rolls, closing polling stations, passing voter ID laws, restricting early voting. If you check the news right now you, can see they are pulling this stuff in IN, ND, GA, FL, and nearly every Republican control state to suppress minority voters. This helped Trump win

-Taking Russian propaganda more seriously. This helped Trump

-Realizing the Comey letter was nothing to stay home about but serious enough because it moved Clinton's lead within the margin of error because the Republican base was warming up to Trump.

In short, maybe is people paid more serious attention to the political climate in 2016, got upset earlier, then Trump may not have happened. People, the right people, being apathetic helped his cause.


Now another point you brought up to @wavycrocket that needs addressing.

People, black people, liberals, centrists, progressives, everyone mad at Kanye are not mad at him because he is showing some disloyalty to the Democratic Party or white liberals. That is not the argument being made. You are correct that the black community should not have blind faith or loyalty in one political party, but people like you need to wake up and realize the two parties are not the same, not by a long shot.

-One party has continuously been warming up to passing more civil rights legislation, one party is hostile to it and wants not to enforce what is already on the books

-One party believes in democratic governance, liking banning gerrymandering, voter ID laws, and expanding voter rights, one party does not (indulge in all these practices)

-One party believes in a robust social safety net and anti-poverty measure, stuff that the black community needs, one part does not (they try to destroy it)

-One party believes in criminal justice reform; one party does not (they are hostile to it)

-One party believes in affordable universal health care, which one be a massive economic and civil rights win for most in America, one party does not

-One party lets the mothers of black men shot by race soldiers and police speak on stage and their convention, one party does not (in fact they defend the killers)

-One party's politicians apologize for the 1990s Criminal Justice and Welfare reform bill, one part does now

-One party nominated Supreme Court justices that uphold civil and labor rights, one party does not (they nominate justices to roll back both)

-One party tries to protect the voting rights of African American, one party not only doesn't care, but they also attack those right every chance they get. See the news in tons of states especially Georgia

-One party nominated an empathetic black man to be their candidate for president; one party nominated a vile bigot

I am not calling the Democratic Party and their collection of white liberals the savior of black people won deserve our unquestioned loyalty. I am asking for people in my community to realize a) unfortunately right now we have a binary choice b) we have to look at who is more sympathetic to the problems in our community and is open to helping c) looking the platforms put forward an action take to see which part deserves out the vote. And without question even with all their faults and imperfections, it is one party over another. Clearly. By a long shot.

So, for now, they get my support. And in primaries, I push for even more progressive and radical candidates to accelerating to move towards justice. And one day I hope we can get electoral reform to do away with the two-party setup and move to something even more democratic. But I get none of that if I put my head in the sand and ignore people that work against these interest. Like Trump and now Kanye

And what is so sick and vile about Kanye is that he not only endorses the opposite party. Which by itself is not that bad, he endorses the vilest, most bigoted, most illiberal, most white supremacist manifestation of the Republican Party's politics. And all dudes have to tell me in return is "welp, you dunno white liberals are not gonna solve all our problems." That is not my assertion, that is not what people believe, and that is a deflection to downplay Kanye's *******. And there are also other options. He could not support either, he could fairly criticize both, he can fairly the Dems but not support Trump, but instead, he wants to play catch with a ******* bigot

What you are doing is taking a talking point that as a tiny bit off the truth, and expanding them to make these wild points, just to in a roundabout way downplay Kayne's nonsense.
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Don Lemon sums up my feelings toward Kanye. I'll still listen to his music but the man needs to stop with all the sh*t and get help. I see what he's trying to do. He's trying to get in good with the republicans and wants to really try getting into politics but the man is buffooning for these white people and the only ones who are pandering to it are those old white republicans and maybe a few people who cant think for themselves.
Ya'll just posted two dissertations to tell me that neither side gives a **** about black people, but one says **** ya'll much nicer. I've had this convo WAY too many times, i don't give a **** about vilifying republicans, I don't give a **** about The "Politics game" and all the stats behind it... i care about results for black people, neither party has done **** but continue business as usual & and increase the wealth gap. Both pieces to the same puzzle.
This thesis is backed up by a political scientist or observable reality. Liberals are poting out how vile Trump didn't push independents into his arms.

First off during the primary liberals had ZERO say in who is the Republican nominee. Republicans themselves were insulting Trump and he got enough votes to get the nomination. When CNN was playing Trump's rallies non stop people thought it was innocuous because him as a nominee was never gonna happen, the establishment would stop him, Republicans can't be that racist; he was a joke candidate. And look what happened he got nominated.

Second, if you look at how the votes break down, Trump won by less than 100,000 votes in three states. Millions of more people preferred Clinton to be president. Those flip votes were motivated by things like immigration. Not by a motivation to reject so-called "PC culture" in some way. That they saw themselves in Trump can go his way. Republican voters feel in line in the general like they always do and many other factors allowed him to thread the needle...

In reality, maybe people on the left should have paid more attention:

-When the GOP gerrymandered the hell out of the districts in 2011 robbing the Dems of dozens of seats in the house and making sure more partisan conservatives took office that paved the way for Trump

-Then launched a massive voter suppression campaign against minority voters that included purging voter rolls, closing polling stations, passing voter ID laws, restricting early voting. If you check the news right now you, can see they are pulling this stuff in IN, ND, GA, FL, and nearly every Republican control state to suppress minority voters. This helped Trump win

-Taking Russian propaganda more seriously. This helped Trump

-Realizing the Comey letter was nothing to stay home about but serious enough because it moved Clinton's lead within the margin of error because the Republican base was warming up to Trump.

In short, maybe is people paid more serious attention to the political climate in 2016, got upset earlier, then Trump may not have happened. People, the right people, being apathetic helped his cause.


Now another point you brought up to @wavycrocket that needs addressing.

People, black people, liberals, centrists, progressives, everyone mad at Kanye are not mad at him because he is showing some disloyalty to the Democratic Party or white liberals. That is not the argument being made. You are correct that the black community should not have blind faith or loyalty in one political party, but people like you need to wake up and realize the two parties are not the same, not by a long shot.

-One party has continuously been warming up to passing more civil rights legislation, one party is hostile to it and wants not to enforce what is already on the books

-One party believes in democratic governance, liking banning gerrymandering, voter ID laws, and expanding voter rights, one party does not

-One party believes in a robust social safety net and anti-poverty measure, stuff that the black community needs, one part does not

-One party believes in criminal justice reform; one party does not

-One party believes in affordable universal health care, which one be a massive economic and civil rights win for most in America, one party does not

-One party lets the mothers of black men shot by race soldiers and police speak on stage and their convention, one party, does not

-One party's politicians apologize for the 1990s Criminal Justice and Welfare reform bill, one part does now

-One party nominated Supreme Court justices that uphold civil and labor rights, one party does not

-One party tries to protect the voting rights of African American, one party not only doesn't care, but they also attack those right every chance they get. See the news in tons of states especially Georgia

-One party nominated an empathetic black man to be their candidate for president; one party nominated a vile bigot

I am not calling the Democratic Party and their collection of white liberals the savior of black people won deserve our unquestioned loyalty. I am asking for people in my community to realize a) unfortunately right now we have a binary choice b) we have to look at who is more sympathetic to the problems in our community and is open to helping c) looking the platforms put forward an action take to see which part deserves out the vote. And without question even with all their faults and imperfections, it is one party over another. Clearly. By a long shot.

So, for now, they get my support. And in primaries, I push for even more progressive and radical candidates to accelerating to move towards justice. And one day I hope we can get electoral reform to do away with the two-party setup and move to something even more democratic. But I get none of that if I put my head in the sand and ignore people that work against these interest. Like Trump and now Kanye

And what is so sick and vile about Kanye is that he not only endorses the opposite party. Which by itself is not that bad, he endorses the vilest, most bigoted, most illiberal, most white supremacist manifestation of the Republican Party's politics. And all dudes have to tell me in return is "welp, you dunno white liberals are not gonna solve all our problems." That is not my assertion, that is not what people believe, and that is a deflection to downplay Kanye's ****ery. And there are also other options. He could not support either, he could fairly criticize both, he can fairly the Dems but not support Trump, but instead, he wants to play catch with a ****ing bigot

What you are doing is taking a talking point that as a tiny bit off the truth, and expanding them to make these wild points, just to in a roundabout way downplay Kayne's nonsense.
Ya'll just posted two dissertations to tell me that neither side gives a **** about black people, but one says **** ya'll much nicer. I've had this convo WAY too many times, i don't give a **** about vilifying republicans, I don't give a **** about The "Politics game" and all the stats behind it... i care about results for black people, neither party has done **** but continue business as usual & and increase the wealth gap. Both pieces to the same puzzle.

In short. You are ignorant of the facts and will proudly stay so.

Ok then, we are done, sorry I wasted my time.

I won't accept your BS argument of "both sides are the same" because that viewpoint makes it easier to downplay Kanye's *******.
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In short. You are ignorant of the facts and will proudly stay so.

Ok then, we are done, sorry I wasted my time.

I won't accept you BS argument of "both sides are the same" because that viewpoint makes it easier to downplay Kanye's ****ery.

I'm not ignorant to anything, i'm just not gonna sit here & get into a debate on political theories & strategies like it's a ******* basketball discussion. I care about the end result & the end result is that no matter who's in office, which side is controlling the government.... Black people are not seeing any real change in their communities.

I don't give two ****s about the politic game that Republicans & Democrats have been playing, it's led to the same ******** results & the disparity in wealth.
I'm not ignorant to anything, i'm just not gonna sit here & get into a debate on political theories & strategies like it's a ****ing basketball discussion. I care about the end result & the end result is that no matter who's in office, which side is controlling the government.... Black people are not seeing any real change in their communities.

I don't give two ****s about the politic game that Republicans & Democrats have been playing, it's led to the same bull**** results & the disparity in wealth.
Yes, you most certainly are ignorant to a lot of politics

I broke down how your arguments are BS. Anyone really paying attention can see that. You keep harping on claims no one is even making

You are doing all this dancing to obfuscate the point that Kanye is a white supremacist endorsing clown.
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Opinion of someone who ADMITTED they are not well read/versed on the things they speak of. Yea, it's a bit problematic and is a little deeper than "phony" outrage. He's an idiot and people have every right to be pissed at him for his moronic and damaging comments.

He's got his followers, but as a musician, dude is dead to me. Can't even listen to any of his old **** anymore.
I don't think imma ever tune out the classics though.

Truthfully, from the beginning, Ye always has said things that don't really add up.

"But I know they don't want me in the damn club
They even made me show ID to get inside of Sam's Club".
Now I never mentioned it to anyone but I immediately thought to myself "but they make everyone show ID to get in Sam's Club".

Where am I going with this? Thay Ye never actually looked much into social issues beyond the surface and has always said wacked out ****.
I find it fascinating how people are legitimizing this fiasco ... We need a lot less celebrity and a lot more school ...
Yes, you most certainly are ignorant to a lot of politics

I broke down how your arguments are bull****. Anyone really paying attention can see that. You keep harping on claims no one is even making

You are doing all this dancing to obfuscate the point that Kanye is a white supremacist endorsing clown.

My ***** what are you talking about... the one response that i really went in depth about was Wavy's post because his was one of the few that spoke on the bigger picture outside of Kanye & more on how black people's thought process are conditioned in this society. IDGAF if you are mad at Kanye or not.

I don't even know what argument you claim you "broke down".. people's focus on Trump's antics, & demeanor & attitude controlled the media narrative, it surely increased his power, & it took away attention from actual politics being discussed.... that is clear as day. Somehow you come in typing up a scroll to act as if i said that is the singular reason he's president now, The media obsession (which is heavily influenced by the outrage of the people) without a doubt helped build his profile & played a part in getting him more votes.

And again If you want to continue to ***** and Whine about Kanye & his message cool.... I'm still trying to figure out how continuously reacting to the words of a black, uninformed, crazy white supremacist is doing anything to better situations in the black community that he's apparently "hurting" so much :lol:
I'm not ignorant to anything, i'm just not gonna sit here & get into a debate on political theories & strategies like it's a ****ing basketball discussion. I care about the end result & the end result is that no matter who's in office, which side is controlling the government.... Black people are not seeing any real change in their communities.

I don't give two ****s about the politic game that Republicans & Democrats have been playing, it's led to the same bull**** results & the disparity in wealth.

We’re really still on this “both parties lead to the same ****” in 2018, huh? Ask the kids in cages who quite possibly may never see their parents again if “both sides are the same”. Or maybe the disenfranchised voters of color that are being systematically blocked from having equal ease of access to the voting booth (oh wait...I forgot...voting doesn’t matter to your ilk).

Get all the ******* way outta here with that tired ***, dumb *** and flat out WRONG argument. Jesus Christ you’re ******* dumb.
My ***** what are you talking about... the one response that i really went in depth about was Wavy's post because his was one of the few that spoke on the bigger picture outside of Kanye & more on how black people's thought process are conditioned in this society. IDGAF if you are mad at Kanye or not.

I don't even know what argument you claim you "broke down".. people's focus on Trump's antics, & demeanor & attitude controlled the media narrative, it surely increased his power, & it took away attention from actual politics being discussed.... that is clear as day. Somehow you come in typing up a scroll to act as if i said that is the singular reason he's president now, The media obsession (which is heavily influenced by the outrage of the people) without a doubt helped build his profile & played a part in getting him more votes.

And again If you want to continue to ***** and Whine about Kanye & his message cool.... I'm still trying to figure out how continuously reacting to the words of a black, uninformed, crazy white supremacist is doing anything to better situations in the black community that he's apparently "hurting" so much :lol:
You know people can multiple tasks. Criticizing Kanye online and in real life doesn't take away from the other sit I do to help my community.I swear people like you think everything is mutually exclusive


The argument I broke down is the "both sides" one you just doubled down on. Don't be coy.

All this because this clown gave you "Jesus Walks" and some overpriced sneakers. :smh:
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