Kanye got Kim Kardashian pregnant. No troll.

I cant wait for the day, 20sum odd years from now, when this kid (assuming its a girl) becomes a stat off her own "movie"
The thing is Kanye probably most likely does not care about her resume or video... WHY?

Because, he is not an average joe like one of us. He is a celebrity. Hes probably banged more chicks than Kim K. has banged dudes. The difference is that hers have been recorded. He knows, she knows, they've banged a multitude of people. THEY DONT CARE!

Ya'll ******s care, because you dont got number like KW.

13 pages of y'all dudes talking about how you're virgins! get outta here...

Most of the college girls right now has a higher list than Kim, only difference is that it's not publicized and no one gives a damn about an ordinary citizen's sex life.

But here's the thing, Kim's list is only celebrities, not even including the 'unknowns' that she let smash.

I would not be surprised if her body number was in the hundreds. I know girls that are in the 50s and 60s. Not hard for her to get that high.
I always thougth this relationship was a publicity stunt.  Ye is in deep now.  So will he wife her now?

That kid is going to be super spoiled.  That's one hot mess of a famity. I hope he grows up OK.  It'll be a challenge.
You are failing to realize that your boy Yeezus has a knack for wifing O's. First, Amber Rose, a STRIPPER, and now Kim, someone who's rise to fame was a sextape and getting smanged out by celebrities. Who does that? I don't care how many bodies you've caught in the past. This will be your (first) child's mother for the rest of your life.  How long have they been together? A year and a half?  He has to know better.  Kim is still married to another dude for crying out loud. Y'all act like there aren't good quality women out there.  As a celebrity, he has easier access to these women than the average man, but instead chose Kim KardSmashingHim. HE LOST.   

First real post that made any actual sense. Funny thing in all of this is that, he was with this chick before all the fame. Seemed like a nice girl too.

The fame and money got to Kanye.
yaw funny as ever hatin on kanye n kim lol when 97% of NT would wife and impregnate within the 1st month. 79% of yaw right now done wifed up sumn with 15+ bodies ***** with yaw vrigin selves
Naw, I think a number of us wouldn't want to have a baby with a girl who got smutted out by ray j on tape. Kim is gorgeous but I would just want to get in her guts.
yaw funny as ever hatin on kanye n kim lol when 97% of NT would wife and impregnate within the 1st month. 79% of yaw right now done wifed up sumn with 15+ bodies ***** with yaw vrigin selves

What? You must be typing on a sidekick
i always viewed mr west as an educated individual with access to the internet
disappointing to hear
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