Justin Timberlake Thread: The 20/20 Experience Due 3/19, Link to "Suit & Tie" ft. Jay-Z on 1st Page

Really liked it upon my first listen, Timbaland really brought it and there isn't one song I dont like....its not the best thing I've heard, its smooth :smokin

EDIT: On my second listen this **** is hitting me :lol: :x :wow: :wow: :smokin its a great album, the production is absolutely fantastic and JT kills it...gonna have to check the tour out this summer man
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This album is incredible. JT and Timbo..


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Looking at the reviews in here of the albums thus far, I'm looking forward to getting this next Tuesday.  I'll wait till then to hear the album in it's entirety once I purchase it.
Its good upon first listen. Nothing mind blowing though. Maybe I more time to hear the classic part. My opinion.
Hmm okay then. I really don't wanna thread jack but ill just say channel orange was a major major album within the record industry from the marketing, the tumblr posts, the early release x Fallon appearance, and last but not least the quality of the music. People in the industry are still talking about that album and will always anticipate his new stuff because of it.

This album is basically in the same genre and is similarly a "moment" album. I like this JT album a lot, but it's not straight blowing me away. Timbaland is a genius with JT but there are a lot of moments where the production swallows JT or just overdoes it a little.
Timbaland is a genius with JT but there are a lot of moments where the production swallows JT or just overdoes it a little.

After a few more listens. i'd have to agree with this statement here.

its really apparent on "Don't Hold the Wall" and "Let the Groove In", IMO.

although i LOVE the second half of "Let the Groove In" :smokin

but overall, i love the album. strawberry bubblegum and spaceship coupe :x :smh:

can't wait until we get the 2 bonus tracks.
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Just went on my site and saw this leaked.. I was like :wow: :D :smokin

Def gona buy it when it drops but I'm not patient enough to wait a week :lol:

Havent read any reviews on here, but I'm about to give it a listen and come back with a review and/or rating for each song in my opinion.

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