Originally Posted by SpeakUp23


Do I see one of my favorite women Lily Aldridge in your avy?

cant believe no one commented on his technique lol dude was askin to get caught i mean couldnt u comeup with a better plan?? kinda deserve to get caught imo, u should know its literally impossible to cheat by yourself if the test is not MC
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by JT AIR JT

Originally Posted by SportsJunkie

Nothing will happen to you. The teacher will give you a 0 for that test. Thats about it. I got caught plenty of times on test in college.

Which college do you attend?

Shame on any of you who have cheated their way in anything in life especially academics. Sickens me and if I go the academic route after grad school I will def be one of those profs who push for the harshest punishment.

Good luck though man. I hope it all turns out well and you don't get expelled, but if you do... you deserve it, sorry.

Player Hater
Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by JT AIR JT

Which college do you attend?

Shame on any of you who have cheated their way in anything in life especially academics. Sickens me and if I go the academic route after grad school I will def be one of those profs who push for the harshest punishment.

Good luck though man. I hope it all turns out well and you don't get expelled, but if you do... you deserve it, sorry.

Player Hater
Boo him for believing in a stricter policy on cheating? Especially in college?

Yeah that makes a lot of sense
When I was in CC, usually people who got caught cheating just got a zero. But out here at UofH they take that crap extremely serious, hell last week I took a test for BioChem and one of proctors made a mistake and gave me the same test as the person next to me, for that little piece of good will I got hounded for the next hr and a half by the professor, he literally stood over me until the person next to me left
Cheating in college is f'ed

Would you want the doctor that operates on your life to have cheated his way through exams and such?
come on bro you should @ least have some technique 

i was like 1 the best all time cheaters in my high school history imo i think i only got caught cheating about 5x out of my whole 4 years in school

o yeah 1 the best way to cheat on a test is to write on a rubber band really small
take notes brah
Depends on the professor really. If this happened in college, the professor can get you kicked out of school.
OP PLEASE keep us updated! Last time we had a thread like this the OP never told us what happened (RIP to him)
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

OP PLEASE keep us updated! Last time we had a thread like this the OP never told us what happened (RIP to him)

Every time mid terms and finals roll in this !!*@ happens and we never get updates.
Your notes out???? What kind of amateur !%@ cheating is that..

Best Case: You get a 0
Worst Case: They kick you out of school
Originally Posted by FourReal

come on bro you should @ least have some technique�

i was like 1 the best all time cheaters in my high school history imo i think i only got caught cheating about 5x out of my whole 4 years in school

o yeah 1 the best way to cheat on a test is to write on a rubber band really small
take notes brah
lmao this is gonna get you like .... one equation ? not worth the time 
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