Just got a DUI....Any1 kno about this??

Originally Posted by A King Of Da Kickz

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

You're definitely not trying to hear what the hell I have to say. The justifications and irresponsibility for what you did is so blatantly obvious in your replies, so there's no use in saying anything more than this: I can only hope that as you continue to go down this path, you only harm yourself. Unfortunately, that never happens. What happens is people like you continue to drive more and more drunk until they finally tear some family apart by killing everyone involved in an accident caused by your bored, 'not that drunk' self, and you walk away from it with a headache and a cracked rib.


Screw all the 'Oh, everyone makes mistakes' bullcrap. This is a mistake that NO ONE should be allowed to make, not one time.

Only people who have DUIs or feel like they might someday get a DUI say things like 'No big deal. No one's perfect.'

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol IS a big deal.

Dammit, I've already said more than your apparently willing to accept.

Get a good lawyer DAMN CLUE is all i have to say
I agree with what you're saying completely. And to tell you that this is the very first time I ever took a sip of any alcohol, while operating a vehicle would only leave me with various replies of DUCKTALES, but I honestly haven't. I wasn't even planning on driving that night, but then again you're not my judge. But know I understand the severity of what I did. Not asking for any comfort or relief from NT's responses, just couldn't find the whole sentence on-line.

???? really????
i had to do it!
this sort of thing always hits so close to home for me.. my mom, 7months pregnant with my little brother, myself, sister, and a few family friends were riding in a car just miles from home almost 22 years ago.. We were hit by a drunk driver forcing a early delivery of my little brother.... luckily, all turned out well 21 years LATER. just recently we come to find out this guy who hit us is a repeat offender, STILL getting DUIs to this day. its a sad system we have in place.. over crowded prisons. judges and lawyers who just dont have any morals or compassion.

And I agree with the overcrowded prisons thing, but that's a fundamental flaw of our justice system: everyone who gets a felony gets time. There's noreason why a person getting a felony for a drunk driving charge shouldn't just have their license revoked for like 5 yearss without ever going to prison;save the prison time for those who actually harmed someone in an accident.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

I don't know for sure since Im in CA and don't know much about PA law, but from what you're saying you are probably looking at the full 1 year suspension.

Cops don't know anything about the repurcussions of the laws. I learned that from first hand experience. I was rollin solo in the carpool lane once (2+ hour work commute FTL) and got pulled over. I didn't mind so much about the $400 fine cause I got atleast $400 worth of peace of mind with the time I saved on my commute, but I was concerned about getting a point on my record. I explicitly asked the cop on multiple occassions if this was a moving violation and if I would get a point on my record and he said no its just a money fine. Stupid me, I believed him and didn't follow up on it when I could have gotten it cleared by going to traffic school. I didn't find out til like a year later when I was shopping around for new car insurance and it was a grip higher due to that point.
i got the same fine, no points so i think you just got screwed imo. you only get points for speeding/red light/reckless etc. carpool lane is ajust a violation like a parking ticket/no front plate etc.

edit: actually it varies depending if it's your first ticket, and depends on your insurance some will up it and others not.
Funny how a guy like Micheal Vick gets put in jail for 2 years for betting on and hosting dogfights, yet Leonard little KILLS a woman while driving drunk, onlyget 90 days, and does it AGAIN a few years later but gets off with only a speeding ticket. Drunk drivers are the scum of the earth, they deserve jail time.
totally agree with that last statement, people can drink and drive and it's okay they get 90 days or 6 months in jail.. but michael vick gets 2 years, forkilling dogs... dogs people, not even humans.. but in my opinion this all starts with all the rolemodels in the US..hollywood, every young actor drinks anddrives and that is the example that stupid people follow like the idiot that made this post..

sorry SKA, but i will take it that far.. saying that ALL people that drink and drive are bad people... everyone thinks that when they drink they'll beokay... like it has no influence on them, until they kill someone. if you cause an accident when you're drunk, you should go to jail... and get yourlicense taken away.. everyone thinks that driving is a right.. well listen up people.. it's not, it's a privilige and you should be damn grateful youcan drive..

so i'm saying you drink you go to jail. no bail no nothing. athletes, normal people.. you're not above the law. cause careless, drunk drivers killpeople, cause hit and runs and leave people to die. yeah the angels pitcher died cause of a hit and run, but if he didn't you think something like thatwould be on the news? i doubt it...everyone forgets that car accidents related to drinking is a serious offense.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

You're definitely not trying to hear what the hell I have to say. The justifications and irresponsibility for what you did is so blatantly obvious in your replies, so there's no use in saying anything more than this: I can only hope that as you continue to go down this path, you only harm yourself. Unfortunately, that never happens. What happens is people like you continue to drive more and more drunk until they finally tear some family apart by killing everyone involved in an accident caused by your bored, 'not that drunk' self, and you walk away from it with a headache and a cracked rib.


Screw all the 'Oh, everyone makes mistakes' bullcrap. This is a mistake that NO ONE should be allowed to make, not one time.

Only people who have DUIs or feel like they might someday get a DUI say things like 'No big deal. No one's perfect.'

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol IS a big deal.

Dammit, I've already said more than your apparently willing to accept.

Get a good lawyer DAMN CLUE is all i have to say

i agree 100% that people should not drive under the influence. but i think the issue here is with the law. when your BAC is 0.03, you are not under theinfluence. like its been stated before, thats like one beer. i highly doubt that one beer will affect a 20 year old man's ability to drive. if he'dlegitimately been drunk and putting people's lives at risk, then i could understand. but the fact of the matter is that i'm a more dangerous driver ifi'm tired than if i've driven after having one beer. however, because i'm underage, if i blow a 0.01, here in arizona i would lose my license, goto jail, pay 10 grand in fines, etc.

because of that fear, i don't drive with anything in my system. at all. i'd rather pay a $10 cab right than give 10 grand to the city.
you are true about the fact that it is the law.. because you cant put a standard limit, because everyone weighs differently. what do i mean by that.. ifsomeone weighs more than the other person it'll take more alcohol to get him drunk. there is also a difference in male and female. they should change theage limit, of either drinking or getting your license. cause this is stupid, more and more people die, most of them are the young drivers that cause thealcohol related accidents
...Uhhhhh now if you DID read more than just the original post you would read that I was only at 0.03, which would mean it is flaw by the law as you justagreed....but then continue the backlashing despite you YOURSELF just agreeing w/ bjamez.....like I said, I know what I did and that it was wrong, but asstated before all the reckless talk ain't meaning much cuz I was NOT under the influence, jus caught the long arm of the law. Regardless, I'm notdrinking while operating a vehicle anymore. Not worth the risk or fine. But read in entirety!!! Not just the part you can ridicule!
dude you drank and drove... and nothing you can do or say, you just a *!!*!+%... cause you talk all cool now, but if you woulda hurt or killed someone youwouldnt be talking here..
Originally Posted by nnarum

I hope you do time.

I agree.

Originally Posted by A King Of Da Kickz

Originally Posted by mdresident

a .03 is not even close to drunk.

Yea....but in PA the limit is 0.02 for minors driving.

Um....you sure? I dont know if things are different in PA, but I'm pretty sure its illegal for MINORS to have a bac over .00 and drive.
Originally Posted by A King Of Da Kickz

Originally Posted by mdresident

a .03 is not even close to drunk.

Yea....but in PA the limit is 0.02 for minors driving.

Wait what? So you're allowed to drink underage? I know this sounds dumb but I don't drive yet so I'm not familiar with this?
Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by nnarum

I hope you do time.

I agree.

Originally Posted by A King Of Da Kickz

Originally Posted by mdresident

a .03 is not even close to drunk.

Yea....but in PA the limit is 0.02 for minors driving.

Um....you sure? I dont know if things are different in PA, but I'm pretty sure its illegal for MINORS to have a bac over .00 and drive.

it's illegal for minors to be drinking period. But for example, if I would of got pulled over with a BAC of 0.02, I would've been cited for anunderage, not a DUI. But because it was a 0.03 (over the limit) I got a DUI.
Originally Posted by TheYoungestGun

dude you drank and drove... and nothing you can do or say, you just a *!!*!+%... cause you talk all cool now, but if you woulda hurt or killed someone you wouldnt be talking here..

Naw, i'm not talking all cool about it, but I guess YOU expect me to be on here replying to every single person about just how broken up I am over it. Idon't owe you that. It was wrong, and I shouldn't of done it. You see how many people have replied saying Idiot this and Fool that, which isunderstandable. But yooou on the other hand are just finding ways to get your post count up at the expense of the thread. Dude said "Get a publicdefender" (which is the obvious action) and you respond right back with a simple attempt to be funny and get laughs. Like I earlier stated, you are NOT myjudge. The people I actually know, know how I feel about the situation. I didn't come to NT for sympathy or to brag about a DUI. Just for clarification (ifthere was any) on the charge and it's consequences.

And you're just flipping back and forth, if I was to of hit someone that night, it would've more than likely happened If I didn't have a drink, notdue to alcohol. 0.03 is NOTHING. As someone said earlier, driving tired is more of a risk than driving under that alcohol level, which you just agreed to, thensay I wouldn't be here if I would've killed someone...Basically to square it off, writing an essay to you won't reduce no fines or anythingI've already brought upon myself. Attempting to OD on me, gets you nowhere as it does nothing to me or my case. For all I know, you could be a HS kid,still trying to get the car for the weekend from moms (NOT SAYING YOU ARE, just saying that I don't know you from a can of paint). Your judgment and namecalling doesn't offend me. You can continue, but just letting you know in case I'm taking your time from something more productive.
0.03 is NOTHING
like i said.. even at that level your body does not react the same way as when you are sober.

your reaction times are markedly slower..
add to the factor that you are a relatively new (and young) driver... that's recipe for disaster.

Unfortunately there are millions of kids like across the nation that think .03 BAC is "nothing"...there are thousands of those that don't comehome at night...or worse..cause someone else to not come home at night.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

0.03 is NOTHING
like i said.. even at that level your body does not react the same way as when you are sober.

your reaction times are markedly slower..
add to the factor that you are a relatively new (and young) driver... that's recipe for disaster.

Unfortunately there are millions of kids like across the nation that think .03 BAC is "nothing"...there are thousands of those that don't come home at night...or worse..cause someone else to not come home at night.
I wasn't trying to dignify drinking and driving in any form. It's bad any way you cut it, even in my situation. I just used the ".03is NOTHING" statement because the guy I was responding to agreed to another's comment about it. Even speaking on weight and other factors and how itcan affect people differently. Then turned it all the way around again.
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