Just got a DUI....Any1 kno about this??

Mar 31, 2008
So, without going into full detail about the situation, last weekend I was given a DUI. My summons just came into the mail today with two charges...1)DUI-Minor(I'm 20) and 2) DUI. The arresting officer claims that after court and all of that my license should be suspended for 3 months by PA state law. Then Idropped the bomb on him that two years ago I got a underage (not while operating a vehicle, just a regular underage). He claims that despite that, I shouldSTILL only lose my license for 3 months, but he did say that he wasn't completely familiar with the decision. After research I found that on a secondinfraction on underage drinking in PA you get your license suspended for one year.

So, my question for any1 on NT with experience or any knowledge of it....Will my license be suspended for 3 months because ofit being my 1st DUI or will it be a year because of my prior underage (in another county, but same state), although this charge isn't technically anUnderage charge??
I'd say its looking more like a year.....

IF you were 21, regardless of your past, I'd say 3 months.

Lucky for you, Ska isn't your judge.
1. Ask Fongstarr

2. Everyone makes mistakes, but for everyone's safety(including your own), don't let it happen again.
I don't know for sure since Im in CA and don't know much about PA law, but from what you're saying you are probably looking at the full 1 yearsuspension.

Cops don't know anything about the repurcussions of the laws. I learned that from first hand experience. I was rollin solo in the carpool lane once (2+hour work commute FTL) and got pulled over. I didn't mind so much about the $400 fine cause I got atleast $400 worth of peace of mind with the time I savedon my commute, but I was concerned about getting a point on my record. I explicitly asked the cop on multiple occassions if this was a moving violation and ifI would get a point on my record and he said no its just a money fine. Stupid me, I believed him and didn't follow up on it when I could have gotten itcleared by going to traffic school. I didn't find out til like a year later when I was shopping around for new car insurance and it was a grip higher dueto that point.
Yea , I see the flame coming...but oh well. The limit out here is 0.02, and i was at 0.03, I wasn't even "drunk," just had a couple and gotpulled over for supposedly goin through a stop sign. I'm currently in my hick town of a college campus and they randomly pull over students on friday andsaturday night to meet a quota. I happened to be one that got caught...
Originally Posted by A King Of Da Kickz

Yea , I see the flame coming...but oh well. the limit out is 0.02, n i was at 0.03, I wasn't even "drunk," just had a couple and got pulled over for supposedly goin through a stop sign. I'm currently in my hicktown of a college campus and they randomly pull over students on friday and saturday night to meet a quota. I happened to be one that got caught...

you are randomly ******ed

if you know this why the hell did you do this?
Randomly ******ed...

But as I said, I wasn't "drunk," I was cool and they mainly go after you for the slightest infraction. Such as not COMPLETELY stopping at a stopsign or goin through a late yellow. I made a complete stop, but it happened to be a cop who pulled me over 3 times this semester, and even tried breathalizingme 3 weeks ago on "suspicion of driving drunk". But that time I was sober. So he had to let me go. I figured as long as I follow the traffic laws,I'd be good. Oooh so wrong...
Well lets say first off, you should be locked up for driving drunk.

Second you will probably have to lose your license for a year and be on probation for a while.

Get a good lawyer is all i have to say
You're definitely not trying to hear what the hell I have to say. The justifications and irresponsibility for what you did is so blatantly obvious in yourreplies, so there's no use in saying anything more than this: I can only hope that as you continue to go down this path, you only harm yourself.Unfortunately, that never happens. What happens is people like you continue to drive more and more drunk until they finally tear some family apart by killingeveryone involved in an accident caused by your bored, 'not that drunk' self, and you walk away from it with a headache and a cracked rib.


Screw all the 'Oh, everyone makes mistakes' bullcrap. This is a mistake that NO ONE should be allowed to make, not one time.

Only people who have DUIs or feel like they might someday get a DUI say things like 'No big deal. No one's perfect.'

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol IS a big deal.

Dammit, I've already said more than your apparently willing to accept.

Get a good lawyer DAMN CLUE is all i have to say
ive never seen so many DUI threads on NT.

DUDES NEED TO JUST STOP DRINKING AND DRIVING. Itll save you the stress and the money
Not a good look. Your going to have your liscense suspended for a year. There is no mandatory jail time in PA for a DUI?!
Originally Posted by Sir Rob A Lot

Not a good look. Your going to have your liscense suspended for a year. There is no mandatory jail time in PA for a DUI?!

There is mandatory jail time of 2 days if you are over the limit of .10...which I wasn't.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

You're definitely not trying to hear what the hell I have to say. The justifications and irresponsibility for what you did is so blatantly obvious in your replies, so there's no use in saying anything more than this: I can only hope that as you continue to go down this path, you only harm yourself. Unfortunately, that never happens. What happens is people like you continue to drive more and more drunk until they finally tear some family apart by killing everyone involved in an accident caused by your bored, 'not that drunk' self, and you walk away from it with a headache and a cracked rib.


Screw all the 'Oh, everyone makes mistakes' bullcrap. This is a mistake that NO ONE should be allowed to make, not one time.

Only people who have DUIs or feel like they might someday get a DUI say things like 'No big deal. No one's perfect.'

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol IS a big deal.

Dammit, I've already said more than your apparently willing to accept.

Get a good lawyer DAMN CLUE is all i have to say
I agree with what you're saying completely. And to tell you that this is the very first time I ever took a sip of any alcohol, while operatinga vehicle would only leave me with various replies of DUCKTALES, but I honestly haven't. I wasn't even planning on driving that night, but then againyou're not my judge. But know I understand the severity of what I did. Not asking for any comfort or relief from NT's responses, just couldn't findthe whole sentence on-line.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

You're definitely not trying to hear what the hell I have to say. The justifications and irresponsibility for what you did is so blatantly obvious in your replies, so there's no use in saying anything more than this: I can only hope that as you continue to go down this path, you only harm yourself. Unfortunately, that never happens. What happens is people like you continue to drive more and more drunk until they finally tear some family apart by killing everyone involved in an accident caused by your bored, 'not that drunk' self, and you walk away from it with a headache and a cracked rib.


Screw all the 'Oh, everyone makes mistakes' bullcrap. This is a mistake that NO ONE should be allowed to make, not one time.

Only people who have DUIs or feel like they might someday get a DUI say things like 'No big deal. No one's perfect.'

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol IS a big deal.

Dammit, I've already said more than your apparently willing to accept.

Get a good lawyer DAMN CLUE is all i have to say
dude was a .03.....thats like 1 beer
I don't understand why some people on NT think DUI is not so bad. In my head, it's as wrong as something can be

Oh I'm drunk right now but I ain't driving.
A King Of Da Kickz:
But know I understand the severity of what I did.
I can't get in your head or read your mind to know whether or not you really understand, so I'll just leave it at this: I hope so, man.
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