Just found out my girl was cheating on me

Originally Posted by DMoney82

Originally Posted by 504 D1 Prospect

Originally Posted by DMoney82

Damn, 28? Yea me too when I found out. You're at that age where it cuts deep and that love is real.

If loves you the way you love her then fight for her. Try to make it work.

Whatever you do OP DO NOT POST HER PICS OUT OF ANGER AND PUT THINGS ON HERE. You might end up with her again, who knows, so you don't want these clowns saving her pics and whatnot.

I understand age does make a difference in situations but this is horrible advice. If she don't have enough respect for you to say i still have feelings for my ex and cut it off with you. You shouldn't want to have anything to do with her.

I'm saying my dude people make mistakes but if she really loves you enough to admit she messed up and she wants to do right by you then why not give her a shot. I know it's damn hard but after that month goes by, you start to miss her and she feels the same way then why not?  Mine admitted she messed up and did everything to prove that it was a mistake. Changed number, deleted facebook, everything...... I still think about it and like a lil bish .... I throw it in her face when we argue sometimes.
Although OP should not go back to that harlot, 
I like that Dmoney82 is being non-hypocritical cause a lot of dudes cheat on their ladies and are forgiven and taken back.
People do make "mistakes", but it must be really annoying thinking that she may do it again. good luck to you.
people saying that have to chill.

If she did it once what makes you think she won't do it again? People don't change that quickly. Relationships are built on honesty and trust..and all of that is now out the window.
a lot of you dudes need to get some self respect, how are you gonna take back a +#*%$ who cheated on you?

ignore the ho and go about your life.
Know the feeling all too well OP.  Went through a similar situation a couple of years back.  At least she gave you the satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) of knowing that she was cheating on you, instead of having to twist in the wind wondering if she was or not.  Mine didn't have the guts to do that.

Lots of good advice in this thread, just follow them.  Live your life for yourself instead of living it for someone that didn't even appreciate you to begin with.  As cliche as it sounds, time does heal all wounds, but it's up to you on how fast you wanna heal.

On a related note, I don't understand why girls complain that chivalry is dead.  Yeah chivalry is dead, and it's because they killed it.
Originally Posted by JordanXI45

She did you a favor in the long run broseph.

Start going out now with some of your boys and talk to some other females, that's the best remedy for this kind of thing.

Yeah if she cheated on you that's her loss. Take this and get yourself a girl you don't need to buy. Don't spend too much on girls. That's one thing I learned
All these letters and !+#*

where the pics at?
I think a girl that cheats has no respect for the dude she is with. She let another man inside of her while you were getting in too. Girls are nastier than dudes sometimes and what she did was too much. It was her ex so you know homie was getting the A+ head treatment and then she went to say hi to you with the penis breath. Like everyone said, she did you a favor. Do not take her back! If you do just hit it 1 more time and bounce.. put it in her butt or something. 

Just post the pics of the bird...... So no NT members won't be exchanging man fluids with her. 

To all the dudes in relationship..... Keep your game tight at all ages and phases of your life cause theres nothing worst than old game when getting back on the field. 
Feeling sucks bro I feel your pain. I've been up and down with my girl now for over a year, but I still have my suspicions to this day that she is cheating on me after she found out I did. She says she never has and it's not in her to do that but a lot of things don't add up and she has chances to so I wouldn't be surprised. I do agree though don't stay in the house and think AT ALL COSTS.
Girls cheat when they are missing something in the relationship...not being there emotionally, physically, or maybe the guys a pushover.
OP don't go back to her. She's young minded and you don't want to be with someone who doesn't respect you. 
Don't ever go back to her my man.

It's rough, but you will fight through it.
One thing you should learn is that most females will talk and still have feelings for an ex. Especially if it was their first love...
Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

a lot of you dudes need to get some self respect, how are you gonna take back a +#*%$ who cheated on you?

ignore the ho and go about your life.

Word up. Cats must've bumped their damn heads in here.
Originally Posted by DMoney82

Originally Posted by 504 D1 Prospect

Originally Posted by DMoney82

Damn, 28? Yea me too when I found out. You're at that age where it cuts deep and that love is real.

If loves you the way you love her then fight for her. Try to make it work.

Whatever you do OP DO NOT POST HER PICS OUT OF ANGER AND PUT THINGS ON HERE. You might end up with her again, who knows, so you don't want these clowns saving her pics and whatnot.

I understand age does make a difference in situations but this is horrible advice. If she don't have enough respect for you to say i still have feelings for my ex and cut it off with you. You shouldn't want to have anything to do with her.

I'm saying my dude people make mistakes but if she really loves you enough to admit she messed up and she wants to do right by you then why not give her a shot. I know it's damn hard but after that month goes by, you start to miss her and she feels the same way then why not?  Mine admitted she messed up and did everything to prove that it was a mistake. Changed number, deleted facebook, everything...... I still think about it and like a lil bish .... I throw it in her face when we argue sometimes.
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by DMoney82

Originally Posted by 504 D1 Prospect

I understand age does make a difference in situations but this is horrible advice. If she don't have enough respect for you to say i still have feelings for my ex and cut it off with you. You shouldn't want to have anything to do with her.

I'm saying my dude people make mistakes but if she really loves you enough to admit she messed up and she wants to do right by you then why not give her a shot. I know it's damn hard but after that month goes by, you start to miss her and she feels the same way then why not?  Mine admitted she messed up and did everything to prove that it was a mistake. Changed number, deleted facebook, everything...... I still think about it and like a lil bish .... I throw it in her face when we argue sometimes.
real life...
joey, dont listen to this dude... hes stupid... never take a cheater back bruh... she broke your heart, F her to hell my dude...

sorry bro i can nly imagine the feeling stay up... we here for you
OP i know its tough but remember better this happen sooner than later. everything happens for a reason bro

*@%% will be *@%%
Originally Posted by joeykadesh

I hear what your saying man, everyone messes up..But she really cut deep, I can never see myself going back to her after what she did....

Good looking everyone, especially Grimlock definitely a lot of knowledge in here from you guys 

I hope you don't get back with her, it's one thing for her to cheat on you with her ex, but she got up and walked out, probably to go see dude
.  That's cold blooded, end it for good and post those pics
O.p. I'm not even trying to clown or anything but when you said you fell to the floor I snickered to myself. Not because of what happened but simply because I imagined the feeling that you get when someone drops a bomb on you and your heart drops but its like when your heart dropped you were trying to catch it with your body. For some odd reason I found that painfully funny. I'm sorry for your pain and honestly this was a blessing and nothing but another opportunity to evolve. Relationships are a dirty, messy experience when taken out of context (which happens 99% of the time). Now that the love spell has been broken you will see how far the wool was pulled over your eyes with this chcik. I was in a six year relationship with a girl I loved dearly and was 100% sure I was going to marry. It wasn't until after the "high" came down and reality set that she so clearly wasn't the chick for me I laugh and shutter at the fact I was so stupid. Dude, do you so well that you move like you just got out of jail. These modern day chicas is just for fun man. The paradigm is in flux. True honor,love and respect are concepts that most young women and men don't quite grasp. This is the "me" generation not the "we".
Originally Posted by breezylocks

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by DMoney82

I'm saying my dude people make mistakes but if she really loves you enough to admit she messed up and she wants to do right by you then why not give her a shot. I know it's damn hard but after that month goes by, you start to miss her and she feels the same way then why not?  Mine admitted she messed up and did everything to prove that it was a mistake. Changed number, deleted facebook, everything...... I still think about it and like a lil bish .... I throw it in her face when we argue sometimes.
real life...
joey, dont listen to this dude... hes stupid... never take a cheater back bruh... she broke your heart, F her to hell my dude...

sorry bro i can nly imagine the feeling stay up... we here for you
Ok Im stupid but my girl took me back after I left my email open and I had Vegas pics with my D in 2 different women. She had a one night stand and when I confronted her with the lil evidence I had she was 250 with me. We been together since 2005. Stand up chic, with me when I had money and held me down for a year when I was broke. I love her and I know Ive done worst with 100's of chics on the side. I fought to make it right and she did too. I'm 30, I been thru it all and know the game. U will see soon enough.
Originally Posted by DMoney82

Originally Posted by breezylocks

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

real life...
joey, dont listen to this dude... hes stupid... never take a cheater back bruh... she broke your heart, F her to hell my dude...

sorry bro i can nly imagine the feeling stay up... we here for you
Ok Im stupid but my girl took me back after I left my email open and I had Vegas pics with my D in 2 different women. She had a one night stand and when I confronted her with the lil evidence I had she was 250 with me. We been together since 2005. Stand up chic, with me when I had money and held me down for a year when I was broke. I love her and I know Ive done worst with 100's of chics on the side. I fought to make it right and she did too. I'm 30, I been thru it all and know the game. U will see soon enough.
Originally Posted by Tony Goalie

Originally Posted by DMoney82

Originally Posted by breezylocks

real life...
joey, dont listen to this dude... hes stupid... never take a cheater back bruh... she broke your heart, F her to hell my dude...

sorry bro i can nly imagine the feeling stay up... we here for you
Ok Im stupid but my girl took me back after I left my email open and I had Vegas pics with my D in 2 different women. She had a one night stand and when I confronted her with the lil evidence I had she was 250 with me. We been together since 2005. Stand up chic, with me when I had money and held me down for a year when I was broke. I love her and I know Ive done worst with 100's of chics on the side. I fought to make it right and she did too. I'm 30, I been thru it all and know the game. U will see soon enough.

yall young, i know
Whatever man. I made my decision to take her back and I'm happy, we are happy. I got a down @@@ chic on my side regardless. U dudes eff up putting all your trust into these women, U can't trust em period, so just find the one you love and can count on. Deep down u feel she might be cheating but a woman is gone do what she gone do. U cant monitor her and keep tags unless u just a loser. Just do what u need to keep her happy.
females take us back cause they know we were chasing a nut...unless that chick is heartless, she got some type of feelings for dude cause chicks have some type of emotion for dudes they cheat with
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