Just found out im an eighth German

I took offense to your comment because my daughter is half black. I know this and I don't refer to her as a ******. Not every white person is against you man. It isn't anything I haven't heard from my daughter's moms parents though. Believe it or not we get **** on too.
That's the same crap this Jamaican female says, " I'm Indian Chinese Panamanian and Jamaican... I'm exotic and sexy" I'm like no matter what u say you're a ninja...

That was cold fam
It's the truth tho...Obama 50/50 and they straight up call him a n-er
You do know there is a huge Chinese and Indian population in Jamaica right? I also think panama has the biggest Chinese population in the world outside of China. Don't be so quick to jump the gun homie.

Nah, I think it's Thailand.

You might be thinking Japanese. Brazil has the largest Japanese population outside of Japan.
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I ain't talking about Jamaica ....I'm just talking about the reality of being black in America/Europe..blacks from here and the islands all came from west Africa but ended up on different journeys

And I don't think all white people hate blacks...I love white people but I know there's a group of em that still have that hate that was passed on from previous generations

And it's cool your daughter biracial...they face their own social issues too unfortunately
I'm probably wrong on that. Bit panama does have a huge Chinese pop due to the canal.
I ain't talking about Jamaica ....I'm just talking about the reality of being black in America/Europe..blacks from here and the islands all came from west Africa but ended up on different journeys

And I don't think all white people hate blacks...I love white people but I know there's a group of em that still have that hate that was passed on from previous generations

And it's cool your daughter biracial...they face their own social issues too unfortunately

I gave you a rep. What you said is real. I acknowledge from day to day black people will get more problems. But from being the only while dude to come into a black family from the south side of Chicago I've had my own. :lol:

All I wanted to really say is not every white persons see's a black or mixed person as ____ most of us don't care. Don't let old timers fool you. The same way my old timers preach racist garbage to me.
Lets consider Tiger Woods for a minute...always claimed he was black mixed with all kinds of stuff like Asian and the rest of it but what happened when he got caught up? None of the Asian folks he was so proud of claiming stood up for him...bottom line it's cool to be proud of who you are but don't get it twisted and think that the other groups got your back like you have theirs. Particularly if you're black.
Tiger woods cheated on his wife and broke escalade windows. I don't really expect anyone to have his back but his boys.
Yea I know sometimes my post come off aggressive and it may seem like I hate white people :lol: def not the case...growing up in the south you just kinda have low tolerance for the ones who are still ignorant about race
Tiger woods cheated on his wife and broke escalade windows. I don't really expect anyone to have his back but his boys.
idk man...he paid for that Escalade for one thing...and for two all athletes bang women that aren't their wives. he didn't do anything illegal...but got castrated in the media basically for banging a bunch of average white women lol
German is the largest ethnic group in the US. About two fifths of Americans have at least one German descended grand parent. In certain parts of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, North Carolina, Missouri, Wisconsin, Texas, Colorado, Montana, Washington and California many towns and even some fairly large cities have majority German populations and in many mid western city, the vast majority of the white people in that metro area have full blooded or nearly full blooded German ancestry.

Germans came in large numbers to colonial Pennsylvania in the 1600's and they went North into upstate New York and South into the Appalachian foothills as far south of the Carolinas, the first county in the entire 13 Colonies to proclaim all ties with King George dissolved were the people of Mecklenberg County where Charlotte, NC is located.

From 1815 to 1861, Germans sailed out of Europe and into New Orleans and from their they went up the major Rivers and settled along the MIssissippi, the Ohio, the Missouri and its tributaries and they settled from the Northern edge of the cotton belt up to the Great Lakes. Germans also settled in Mexico in the early 1800's and when Texas joined the Union, we got those Norteno Germans along with them.

The final wave of German immigrants came between about 1870 and 1890 and they came to Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa and Kansas as well as Western states like Montana, Wyoming, Washington and California.

My own German ancestors came to Ohio before the Civil War and after the civil war they moved to California because the weather was nice and more importantly, they saw that railroads and increasingly cheap commercial refrigeration meant that a little land near the railroad in Los Angeles could make a good living for someone who could grow oranges and sell them to people in New York and Chicago and else where in the Northern parts of the US.

Eventually those 40 squares acres became about 4,000 square miles of property in and around Los Angeles. The funny thing is that those German ancestors of mine were not nearly as ruthless as my California-WASP forefathers, who were mere bit players to the truly cunning, ruthless and rich men like Stanford and Mulholland who, for better or worse, made California into a major State.

In the 1890's, in Los Angeles many church services were held in various dialects of German and in large Western and Mid Western cities, German was used in the US about as extensively as Spanish is today. Newspapers, cataloges for shopping, political campaigns (especially the various beer leagues, who were preemptively campaigning against prohibition), lessons in school, Sunday dinner conversations with the Grandparents and in past generations our anti-slavery and pro native American rights organizations opposed the racist Anglo-Saxon and Scots Irish and Irish Catholic whites. Because of World War One, we did not want to look disloyal so we shut down the German language newspapers and changed the names of large firms to more Anglo sounding names.

Do not forget that the reason why we have the ability to go to a bar on Sunday and to watch football is because of Germans. English Americans were puritans and they wanted everyone to work, sit a pray on Sundays and it was Germans who made America embrace family friendly and relatively clean and sober activities like parades and playing and watching sports and going out for meals ad beers when we have the day off from work. We also brought lager beer, pretzels, hamburgers, hotdogs, sauerkraut, potato salad and good lemonade to this country.

So to the OP, welcome to being German, the largest ethnic group in the US and the ethnic groups that has played huge role in making America a much more enjoyable country than it was when the puritans had their way.
This is a good thread, Enjoyed reading about peoples mix of races here,

I had done the full DNA checks last year and found out that my family have Yemeni roots, I could not believe it,

So im basically English with Yemeni roots, Crazy
Im gonna get a chance to talk to grand pops today and ask him some ?s about his dad
I'm 1/4-1/2 German... Moms side of the family... Her great-great grandfather came over to the US in around 1879.  I was never able to get more info on his parents though.

His name was Herman Adolph Liebig. (yea, Adolph. 40 years before the famous Adolph so get over it

  • [h4]Hermann Adolph Liebig Sr[/h4]

    29 Jun 1860 in Wremerzdorf, Holstein, Germany 


    5 MAR 1938 in Granville, Washington Cty, New York USA (Boarding House) 
Mom's side = black/Dominican, Irish, Swedish

Dad's side = black, Native American, English

Woof woof...i'm a mutt :lol:
Im Jamaican

My uncle just showed me this today

View media item 572210
Thats my great granddad. Hes German.

Where my fellow German NTers at? :nerd:
Lmao, you German??? But never been to Germany, don't know German, and that picture actually looks like he's mixed not even full white

Lmao @ you ninjas tryin so hard to be white, whatever makes you feel good
German is the largest ethnic group in the US. About two fifths of Americans have at least one German descended grand parent. In certain parts of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, North Carolina, Missouri, Wisconsin, Texas, Colorado, Montana, Washington and California many towns and even some fairly large cities have majority German populations and in many mid western city, the vast majority of the white people in that metro area have full blooded or nearly full blooded German ancestry.

Germans came in large numbers to colonial Pennsylvania in the 1600's and they went North into upstate New York and South into the Appalachian foothills as far south of the Carolinas, the first county in the entire 13 Colonies to proclaim all ties with King George dissolved were the people of Mecklenberg County where Charlotte, NC is located.

From 1815 to 1861, Germans sailed out of Europe and into New Orleans and from their they went up the major Rivers and settled along the MIssissippi, the Ohio, the Missouri and its tributaries and they settled from the Northern edge of the cotton belt up to the Great Lakes. Germans also settled in Mexico in the early 1800's and when Texas joined the Union, we got those Norteno Germans along with them.

The final wave of German immigrants came between about 1870 and 1890 and they came to Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa and Kansas as well as Western states like Montana, Wyoming, Washington and California.

My own German ancestors came to Ohio before the Civil War and after the civil war they moved to California because the weather was nice and more importantly, they saw that railroads and increasingly cheap commercial refrigeration meant that a little land near the railroad in Los Angeles could make a good living for someone who could grow oranges and sell them to people in New York and Chicago and else where in the Northern parts of the US.

Eventually those 40 squares acres became about 4,000 square miles of property in and around Los Angeles. The funny thing is that those German ancestors of mine were not nearly as ruthless as my California-WASP forefathers, who were mere bit players to the truly cunning, ruthless and rich men like Stanford and Mulholland who, for better or worse, made California into a major State.

In the 1890's, in Los Angeles many church services were held in various dialects of German and in large Western and Mid Western cities, German was used in the US about as extensively as Spanish is today. Newspapers, cataloges for shopping, political campaigns (especially the various beer leagues, who were preemptively campaigning against prohibition), lessons in school, Sunday dinner conversations with the Grandparents and in past generations our anti-slavery and pro native American rights organizations opposed the racist Anglo-Saxon and Scots Irish and Irish Catholic whites. Because of World War One, we did not want to look disloyal so we shut down the German language newspapers and changed the names of large firms to more Anglo sounding names.

Do not forget that the reason why we have the ability to go to a bar on Sunday and to watch football is because of Germans. English Americans were puritans and they wanted everyone to work, sit a pray on Sundays and it was Germans who made America embrace family friendly and relatively clean and sober activities like parades and playing and watching sports and going out for meals ad beers when we have the day off from work. We also brought lager beer, pretzels, hamburgers, hotdogs, sauerkraut, potato salad and good lemonade to this country.

So to the OP, welcome to being German, the largest ethnic group in the US and the ethnic groups that has played huge role in making America a much more enjoyable country than it was when the puritans had their way.
I speak English, don't drink beer, dont eat hotdogs, pretzels, potato salad and lmao @ nasty *** sauerkraut, I don't even eat burgers anymore

The only thing I like are German girls (idc Giselle can speak Portuguese until her mouf dry, she German) and even still Swedish chicks are hotter
Im Jamaican

My uncle just showed me this today

Thats my great granddad. Hes German.

Where my fellow German NTers at?
Lmao, you German??? But never been to Germany, don't know German, and that picture actually looks like he's mixed not even full white

Lmao @ you ninjas tryin so hard to be white, whatever makes you feel good
Why are you African-Americans always so butt hurt when somebody majority black brings up any ancestry other than from Africa?

It is a historical fact that Jamaica (and many other places in the Caribbean and Latin America) have black people that have mixed with both Asian, White and Native groups.

The African-American experience is no where near the only story of black history in the western hemisphere.

Read a textbook.
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Im Jamaican

My uncle just showed me this today

View media item 572210

Thats my great granddad. Hes German.

Where my fellow German NTers at? :nerd:
Lmao, you German??? But never been to Germany, don't know German, and that picture actually looks like he's mixed not even full white

Lmao @ you ninjas tryin so hard to be white, whatever makes you feel good

Why are you African-Americans always so butt hurt when somebody majority black brings up any ancestry other than from Africa?
It is a historical fact that Jamaica (and many other places in the Caribbean and Latin America) have black people that have mixed with both Asian, White and Native groups.
The African-American experience is no where near the only story of the black history in the western hemisphere.
Read a textbook.
I'm Dominican-american, black/latino, and probably know more about the interracial/intercultural mixing that was involved since discovering the new world so save it for some other African American

The problem with these situations is that it's black people's way of lowkey trying to feel better about themselves by trying to cling to some euro influence

Acknowledging your heritage mixture is one thing, homie straight up said "I'm German" lol, and that's what many blacks do
Im Jamaican

My uncle just showed me this today

Thats my great granddad. Hes German.

Where my fellow German NTers at?
Lmao, you German??? But never been to Germany, don't know German, and that picture actually looks like he's mixed not even full white

Lmao @ you ninjas tryin so hard to be white, whatever makes you feel good
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Im Jamaican

My uncle just showed me this today

Thats my great granddad. Hes German.

Where my fellow German NTers at?
Lmao, you German??? But never been to Germany, don't know German, and that picture actually looks like he's mixed not even full white

Lmao @ you ninjas tryin so hard to be white, whatever makes you feel good
Why are you African-Americans always so butt hurt when somebody majority black brings up any ancestry other than from Africa?
It is a historical fact that Jamaica (and many other places in the Caribbean and Latin America) have black people that have mixed with both Asian, White and Native groups.
The African-American experience is no where near the only story of the black history in the western hemisphere.
Read a textbook.
I'm Dominican-american, black/latino, and probably know more about the interracial/intercultural mixing that was involved since discovering the new world so save it for some other African American

The problem with these situations is that it's black people's way of lowkey trying to feel better about themselves by trying to cling to some euro influence

Acknowledging your heritage mixture is one thing, homie straight up said "I'm German" lol, and that's what many blacks do
Why is that wrong to say?

Why shouldn't I be able to say: "I'm black, indian, and amerindian."

I don't think he was saying that now he going to be a citizen of Germany and live a german lifestyle.  I just read it as him acknowledging he has roots there and he is intrigued about it.

On another note, I'm surprised you and Ninjahood haven't minced words over the whole being Black and being Dominican thing.
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